Jasmin D. Llamas, Ph.D.

2014 Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Theory and Methods
"Jasmin Llamas"
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Melissa L. Morgan-Consoli grad student Santa Clara University
Melissa M. Consoli grad student 2014 UC Santa Barbara
 (Resilience in the Aftermath of a Technological Disaster: A Community-Based Mixed Methods Research Study.)
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Llamas JD, Nguyen K, Tran AGTT. (2019) The case for greater faculty diversity: examining the educational impacts of student-faculty racial/ethnic match Race Ethnicity and Education. 1-17
Tran AGTT, Mintert JS, Llamas JD, et al. (2018) At what costs? Student loan debt, debt stress, and racially/ethnically diverse college students' perceived health. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
Piña-Watson B, Martinez AJ, Cruz LN, et al. (2018) Ethnic identity affirmation as a strength for Mexican descent academic outcomes: Psychological functioning and academic attitudes as mediators Psychology in the Schools. 55: 1155-1170
Morgan Consoli ML, Unzueta EG, Delucio K, et al. (2018) What Shade of Spirituality? Exploring Spirituality, Religiosity, Meaning Making, and Thriving Among Latina/o Undergraduates Counseling and Values. 63: 232-253
Turner EA, Llamas JD. (2017) The role of therapy fears, ethnic identity, and spirituality on access to mental health treatment among Latino college students. Psychological Services. 14: 524-530
Llamas J, Holmes LM, Lisha NE, et al. (2017) Psychometric evaluation of an abbreviated version of the intragroup marginalization inventory. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. 1-20
Turner EA, Cheng HL, Llamas JD, et al. (2016) Factors impacting the current trends in the use of outpatient psychiatric treatment among diverse ethnic groups Current Psychiatry Reviews. 12: 199-220
Morgan Consoli ML, Llamas J, Consoli AJ. (2016) What's Values Got to Do With It? Thriving Among Mexican/Mexican American College Students Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. 44: 49-64
Piña-Watson B, Llamas JD, Stevens AK. (2015) Attempting to successfully straddle the cultural divide: Hopelessness model of bicultural stress, mental health, and caregiver connection for Mexican descent adolescents. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 62: 670-81
Morgan Consoli ML, Delucio K, Noriega E, et al. (2015) Predictors of Resilience and Thriving Among Latina/o Undergraduate Students Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 37: 304-318
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