Benjamin J. Harrison

University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, Biddeford, ME, United States 
 2008-2015 Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology; KY Spinal Cord Injury Research Center University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States 
"Benjamin Harrison"
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Ted Hupp grad student Edinburgh
Eric C. Rouchka post-doc (Computational Biology Tree)
Jeffrey C. Petruska post-doc 2008-2015 University of Louisville
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Grlickova-Duzevik E, Reimonn TM, Michael M, et al. (2023) Members of the CUGBP Elav-like family of RNA-binding proteins are expressed in distinct populations of primary sensory neurons. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 531: 1425-1442
Harrison BJ, Park JW, Gomes C, et al. (2019) Detection of Differentially Expressed Cleavage Site Intervals Within 3' Untranslated Regions Using CSI-UTR Reveals Regulated Interaction Motifs. Frontiers in Genetics. 10: 182
Saka E, Harrison BJ, West K, et al. (2017) Framework for reanalysis of publicly available Affymetrix® GeneChip® data sets based on functional regions of interest. Bmc Genomics. 18: 875
Rouchka EC, Chariker JH, Harrison BJ, et al. (2016) Proceedings of the 15th Annual UT-KBRIN Bioinformatics Summit 2016 Bmc Bioinformatics. 17: 297
Rau KK, Hill CE, Harrison BJ, et al. (2016) Cutaneous tissue damage induces long-lasting nociceptive sensitization and regulation of cellular stress- and nerve injury-associated genes in sensory neurons. Experimental Neurology
Harrison BJ, Venkat G, Lamb JL, et al. (2016) The Adaptor Protein CD2AP Is a Coordinator of Neurotrophin Signaling-Mediated Axon Arbor Plasticity. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 4259-75
Harrison BJ, Venkat G, Hutson T, et al. (2015) Transcriptional changes in sensory ganglia associated with primary afferent axon collateral sprouting in spared dermatome model. Genomics Data. 6: 249-52
Rouchka EC, Chariker JH, Harrison BJ. (2015) Proceedings of the 14th Annual UT-KBRIN Bioinformatics Summit 2015. Bmc Bioinformatics. I1-P21
Rouchka EC, Chariker JH, Harrison BJ. (2015) Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual UT- KBRIN Bioinformatics Summit 2015 Bmc Bioinformatics. 16
Flight RM, Harrison BJ, Mohammad F, et al. (2014) categoryCompare, an analytical tool based on feature annotations. Frontiers in Genetics. 5: 98
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