Darcy Santor

Psychologie / Psychology University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Clinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology
"Darcy Santor"
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Read K, Fernandez CV, Gao J, et al. (2009) Decision-making by adolescents and parents of children with cancer regarding health research participation. Pediatrics. 124: 959-65
Fernandez CV, Gao J, Strahlendorf C, et al. (2009) Providing research results to participants: attitudes and needs of adolescents and parents of children with cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 27: 878-83
Fernandez CV, Santor D, Weijer C, et al. (2007) The return of research results to participants: Pilot questionnaire of adolescents and parents of children with cancer Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 48: 441-446
Poulin C, Hand D, Boudreau B, et al. (2005) Gender differences in the association between substance use and elevated depressive symptoms in a general adolescent population. Addiction (Abingdon, England). 100: 525-35
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