Jianguang Ni

2021- Institutes of Brain Science Fudan university, Shanghai, Shanghai Shi, China 
learning & memory; neuronal synchronization; temporal dynamics
"Jianguang Ni"
Mean distance: 13.89 (cluster 29)
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Lewis CM, Ni J, Wunderle T, et al. (2021) Cortical gamma-band resonance preferentially transmits coherent input. Cell Reports. 35: 109083
Ozawa M, Davis P, Ni J, et al. (2020) Experience-dependent resonance in amygdalo-cortical circuits supports fear memory retrieval following extinction. Nature Communications. 11: 4358
Condylis C, Lowet E, Ni J, et al. (2020) Context-Dependent Sensory Processing across Primary and Secondary Somatosensory Cortex. Neuron
Ni J, Chen JL. (2017) Long-Range Cortical Dynamics: A Perspective from the Mouse Sensorimotor Whisker System. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Caruso L, Wunderle T, Lewis CM, et al. (2017) In Vivo Magnetic Recording of Neuronal Activity. Neuron
Ni J, Wunderle T, Lewis CM, et al. (2016) Gamma-Rhythmic Gain Modulation. Neuron
Ni J, Tatalovic M, Straumann D, et al. (2013) Gaze direction affects linear self-motion heading discrimination in humans. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 38: 3248-60
Ni J, Jiang H, Jin Y, et al. (2011) Dissociable modulation of overt visual attention in valence and arousal revealed by topology of scan path. Plos One. 6: e18262
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