Lara K. Ault, Ph.D.

2002 University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States 
Social Psychology
"Lara Ault"
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Stanley A. Murrell grad student 2002 University of Louisville
 (Affective and interpersonal mechanisms of relationship satisfaction.)
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Yoder MS, Ault LK, Mathews MA. (2016) Knowing your face: A componential analysis of self-perceived facial attractiveness. The Journal of Social Psychology. 1-16
Schmitt DP, Alcalay L, Allik J, et al. (2004) Patterns and universals of mate poaching across 53 nations: the effects of sex, culture, and personality on romantically attracting another person's partner. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 86: 560-84
Schmitt DP, Alcalay L, Allensworth M, et al. (2004) Patterns and universals of adult romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions: Are models of self and of other pancultural constructs? Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 35: 367-402
Schmitt DP, Alcalay L, Allik J, et al. (2003) Universal sex differences in the desire for sexual variety: tests from 52 nations, 6 continents, and 13 islands. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 85: 85-104
Schmitt DP, Alcalay L, Allensworth M, et al. (2003) Are men universally more dismissing than women? Gender differences in romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions Personal Relationships. 10: 307-331
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