Megan E. Jablonski, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2013 | University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States |
Clinical Psychology, Mental Health, Cognitive PsychologyGoogle:
"Megan Jablonski"Mean distance: 30533.1
Sign in to add mentorPaul G. Salmon | grad student | 2013 | University of Louisville | |
(The relationship between dispositional mindfulness and eating: An analysis of self-reported and in vivo eating behaviors in undergraduate females.) |
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Phillips KM, Siwik C, Rodgers A, et al. (2021) Association of Stress-Health Factors among Parkinson's Disease Patient/Caregiving-Partner Dyads. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists |
Hicks A, Phillips K, Siwik C, et al. (2019) The role of dispositional mindfulness in a stress-health pathway among Parkinson's disease patients and caregiving partners. Quality of Life Research : An International Journal of Quality of Life Aspects of Treatment, Care and Rehabilitation |
Zimmaro LA, Salmon P, Naidu H, et al. (2016) Association of Dispositional Mindfulness with Stress, Cortisol, and Well-Being Among University Undergraduate Students Mindfulness. 7: 874-885 |
Salmon P, Lush E, Jablonski M, et al. (2009) Yoga and Mindfulness: Clinical Aspects of an Ancient Mind/Body Practice Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 16: 59-72 |