Howard M. Sandler
Affiliations: | Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN |
Clinical Psychology, Psychometrics PsychologyGoogle:
"Howard Sandler"Mean distance: 35622
Sign in to add traineePamela E. Davis-Kean | grad student | 1987-1996 | Vanderbilt (EduTree) |
Thomas W. Doub | grad student | 2001 | Vanderbilt |
Joan M. Walker | grad student | 2003 | Vanderbilt |
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Walker JMT, Ice CL, Hoover-Dempsey KV, et al. (2011) Latino parents' motivations for involvement in their children's schoolin: An exploratory study Elementary School Journal. 111: 409-429 |
Green CL, Walker JMT, Hoover-Dempsey KV, et al. (2007) Parents' Motivations for Involvement in Children's Education: An Empirical Test of a Theoretical Model of Parental Involvement Journal of Educational Psychology. 99: 532-544 |
Hoover-Dempsey KV, Walker JMT, Sandler HM, et al. (2005) Why do parents become involved? Research findings and implications Elementary School Journal. 106: 105-130 |
Walker JMT, Wilkins AS, Dallaire JR, et al. (2005) Parental involvement: Model revision through scale development Elementary School Journal. 106: 85-104 |
Davis-Kean PE, Sandler HM. (2001) A meta-analysis of measures of self-esteem for young children: A framework for future measures Child Development. 72: 887-906 |
Hoover-Dempsey KV, Sandler HM. (1997) Why do parents become involved in their children's education? Review of Educational Research. 67: 3-42 |
Glascoe FP, Sandler H. (1995) Value of parents' estimates of children's developmental ages☆☆☆★★★ The Journal of Pediatrics. 127: 831-835 |
Altemeier WA, O'Connor S, Vietze P, et al. (1984) Prediction of child abuse: a prospective study of feasibility Child Abuse & Neglect. 8: 393-400 |
Olmsted RW, Altemeier WA, O'Connor S, et al. (1982) Antecedents of child abuse The Journal of Pediatrics. 100: 823-829 |
Vietze P, Falsey S, Sandler H, et al. (1980) Transactional approach to prediction of child maltreatment Tradition. 1: 248-261 |