Oriel FeldmanHall

Psychology Brown University, Providence, RI 
 MRC CBU University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
Cognitive Neuroscience, Social, Moral Decision-Making
"Oriel FeldmanHall"
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Haoxue Fan research assistant
Deng Pan research assistant 2020-2021 Brown
Joseph Heffner grad student Brown
Amrita Lamba grad student Brown
Jae-Young Son grad student Brown
Alice Xia grad student 2021- Brown
Yi-Fei Hu grad student 2022- Brown
Marc Lluís Vives post-doc 2019- Brown
BETA: Related publications


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Son JY, Vives ML, Bhandari A, et al. (2024) Replay shapes abstract cognitive maps for efficient social navigation. Nature Human Behaviour
Lamba A, Frank MJ, FeldmanHall O. (2024) Keeping an eye out for change: Anxiety disrupts adaptive resolution of policy uncertainty. Biological Psychiatry. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging
Son JY, Bhandari A, FeldmanHall O. (2023) Abstract cognitive maps of social network structure aid adaptive inference. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2310801120
Lamba A, Nassar MR, FeldmanHall O. (2023) Prefrontal cortex state representations shape human credit assignment. Elife. 12
Vives ML, Heffner J, FeldmanHall O. (2023) Conceptual representations of uncertainty predict risky decision-making. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience
FeldmanHall O, Heffner J. (2023) A generalizable framework for assessing the role of emotion during choice. The American Psychologist. 77: 1017-1029
Heffner J, FeldmanHall O. (2022) A probabilistic map of emotional experiences during competitive social interactions. Nature Communications. 13: 1718
van Baar JM, Nassar MR, Deng W, et al. (2021) Latent motives guide structure learning during adaptive social choice. Nature Human Behaviour
Heffner J, Son JY, FeldmanHall O. (2021) Emotion prediction errors guide socially adaptive behaviour. Nature Human Behaviour. 5: 1391-1401
FeldmanHall O, Nassar MR. (2021) The computational challenge of social learning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 25: 1045-1057
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