Nienke J. Terpstra
Affiliations: | Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands |
birdsong, memoryGoogle:
"Nienke Terpstra"Mean distance: 15.26 (cluster 10) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorJohan J. Bolhuis | grad student | 2000-2005 | Helmholtz Institute (Utrecht University - NL) |
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Bolhuis JJ, Gobes SM, Terpstra NJ, et al. (2012) Learning-related neuronal activation in the zebra finch song system nucleus HVC in response to the bird's own song. Plos One. 7: e41556 |
Terpstra NJ, Bolhuis JJ, Riebel K, et al. (2006) Localized brain activation specific to auditory memory in a female songbird. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 494: 784-91 |
Terpstra NJ, Bolhuis JJ, Den Boer-Visser AM, et al. (2005) Neuronal activation related to auditory perception in the brain of a non-songbird, the ring dove. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 488: 342-51 |
Terpstra NJ, Bolhuis JJ, den Boer-Visser AM. (2004) An analysis of the neural representation of birdsong memory. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 24: 4971-7 |
Riebel K, Smallegange IM, Terpstra NJ, et al. (2002) Sexual equality in zebra finch song preference: evidence for a dissociation between song recognition and production learning. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 269: 729-33 |