Cluster #10 (Go to map): Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Donald R. Griffin (Info) Harvard Echolocation hanks 2005‑10‑24
Peter R. Marler (Info) UC Davis Audition hayden 2005‑01‑26
Robert Huber (Info) Bowling Green State University Neuroethology Estrada 2006‑10‑24
Konrad Zacharias Lorenz (Info) MPI Seewiesen Ethology hanks 2005‑10‑25
Robert M. Seyfarth (Info) Penn Primatology hayden 2005‑11‑26
Dorothy Cheney (Info) Penn Primatology hayden 2005‑11‑26
Robert A. Hinde (Info) Cambridge Anthropology david 2005‑12‑16
Johan J. Bolhuis (Info) Utrecht birdsong, imprinting, memory, learning bolhuis 2006‑10‑24
John C. Fentress (Info) Dalhousie University Neuroethology hccromwell 2008‑06‑04
Cynthia F. Moss (Info) University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins Auditory system, neuroethology david 2005‑02‑02
Alvin Novick (Info) Yale jm 2012‑08‑24
John E. Nelson (Info) Monash University comparative neuroanatomy, marsupials, bats aniwaniuk 2008‑08‑01
Xinmiao Peng (Info) maunsell 2006‑09‑06
Carolyn Ristau (Info) Barnard College cognitive ethology david 2006‑04‑27
Ashwini A. Tankhiwale (Info) Yale rodent fear conditioning, behavior analysis, medial temporal lobe, single-unit responses in medial temporal lobe, molecular markers of plasticity (ERK, arc) atank84 2008‑08‑25
Del Thiessen (Info) University of Texas Behavioral Endocrinology ulibarri 2008‑10‑16
Ledia F Hernandez (Info) McGovern Instittute for Brain Research, MIT Parkinson's Disease LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Jeffrey R. Baylis (Info) UW Madison animal behavior, evolution emartins 2011‑08‑17
Jill A. Soha (Info) Duke cab 2006‑11‑14
Cheryl F. Harding (Info) Hunter College, CUNY "Songbirds, song learning, catecholamine, neuroendocrinology" vakshat 2007‑04‑04
Douglas A. Nelson (Info) Ohio State Birdsong cab 2006‑11‑14
MarthaLeah Chaiken (Info) Hofstra University avian song learning Chaiken 2008‑06‑25
Peter M. Waser (Info) Purdue Dispersal, Mammalian Social Behavior, Population Ecology BradSwanson 2011‑11‑22
William A. Searcy (Info) University of Miami birdsong pwaser 2014‑09‑12
Thomas T. Struhsaker (Info) Duke primate behavior, conservation pwaser 2014‑08‑28
Chris Evans (Info) Macquarie University jasoha 2014‑09‑15
Christopher W. Clark (Info) Cornell bioacoustics pwaser 2014‑11‑05
Patrick Bateson (Info) Cambridge Ethology wmbrown 2007‑04‑03
Sarah Gouzoules (Info) Emory pwaser 2014‑10‑24
Steve Insley (Info) University of Victoria jasoha 2014‑09‑15
Joe Macedonia (Info) Florida Southern College jasoha 2014‑09‑15
Paul Mundinger (Info) Queens College pwaser 2014‑10‑24
Keith Nelson (Info) UC Berkeley pwaser 2014‑09‑12
Alberto R. Palleroni (Info) Harvard jasoha 2014‑09‑15
Sarah R. Partan (Info) Hampshire College jasoha 2014‑09‑15
Susan S. Peters (Info) Duke Animal communication, birdsong snowicki 2014‑09‑13
Carol Whaling (Info) jasoha 2014‑09‑15
Stephen Zoloth (Info) Northeastern University normanadler 2007‑09‑30
Katya Rubia (Info) King's College Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, developmental cognitive neuroscience, ADHD, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, conduct disorder, child psychiatry, fMRI, MRI Bao 2008‑03‑28
Sunil Dutt Shukla (Info) S.B.P. Government College, Dungarpur 314 001, India, Government Meera Girls' College, Udaipur 313001 Stress pathophysiology, neurobiology shuklasd 2006‑10‑20
Nils-Åke Hillarp (Info) Karolinska broberger 2008‑04‑04
Richard Wrangham (Info) Harvard Anthropology david 2005‑12‑16
Christopher M. Dillingham (Info) Cardiff University Neuroscience Dillinghamcm 2013‑05‑13
Melville Joseph Wohlgemuth (Info) mwohlgem 2005‑11‑02
Robert C Berwick (Info) MIT linguistics bolhuis 2013‑03‑31
Murat Aytekin (Info) University of Maryland Neuroethology, Echolocation kghose 2006‑03‑09
Michael L. Wilson (Info) UMN primate behavior and ecology, aggression, warfare, chimpanzees, baboons MichaelLWilson 2009‑07‑26
George Webber Barlow (Info) UC Berkeley shimaje 2009‑11‑09
Akshat Vyas (Info) Columbia "Behavioral Neuroscienec, Neuroethology, Songbirds, mate-choice, auditory processing" vakshat 2007‑04‑04
Karlo Hock (Info) Bowling Green State University Neuroethology pq 2015‑11‑26
M. Kent Rylander (Info) Texas Tech Comparative Neuroanatomy Estrada 2008‑06‑16
Eberhard Gwinner (Info) MPI fur Ornithology ashmo501 2014‑05‑23
Jose Obeso (Info) CIMA, Universidad de Navarra, Universidad CEU San Pablo (Spain) Parkinson's Disease LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Jaap Kruijt (Info) RUG animal behavior bolhuis 2013‑03‑31
Clive Wynne (Info) UF Gainesville behavior of animals, including dogs and other canids, behavior analysis, operant conditioning, timing atank84 2008‑08‑25
Raimund Apfelbach (Info) Universität Tübingen tendres 2012‑09‑21
Jan G. Veening (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen larryswanson 2013‑10‑31
Dian Fossey (Info) Gorrillas hayden 2006‑03‑11
Jane Goodall (Info) Jane Goodall Institute Primatology hayden 2006‑03‑11
Vanessa Neß (Info) Ruhr-University Bochum/St. Josefs Hospital Inhibitory Processes vanessas 2010‑11‑22
Nienke J. Terpstra (Info) Leiden birdsong, memory bolhuis 2006‑10‑27
Karen A. Pazol (Info) Penn Primatology pq 2015‑11‑24
Mariya Rakhovskaya (Info) Penn Primatology pq 2015‑11‑24
Tim H. Clutton-Brock (Info) Cambridge Farancia 2013‑01‑05
Gabriel Beckers (Info) Utrecht bolhuis 2014‑07‑10
Carien Mol (Info) Utrecht bolhuis 2014‑07‑10
Sanne Moorman (Info) Utrecht behavioural neuroscience bolhuis 2010‑03‑30
Chen Chiu (Info) University of Maryland Bat echolocation kghose 2006‑03‑10
Michaela Warnecke (Info) Johns Hopkins Biosonar and Systems Neuroscience elabelabohne 2014‑04‑04
Mohit Chadha (Info) University of Maryland Bat echolocation kghose 2007‑12‑15
Benjamin M. Falk (Info) University of Maryland Neuroethology, Echolocation bfalk 2009‑10‑07
Harry Richard Erwin (Info) University of Sunderland Computational neuromodelling of the auditory system herwin 2009‑06‑14
Jaap M. Koolhaas (Info) RUG Behavioral physiology ndask 2011‑06‑01
Silke Kipper (Info) FU Berlin snowicki 2014‑09‑13
Thomas Eisner (Info) Cornell chemical ecology cloudon 2009‑09‑22
Jack A. Ward (Info) Illinois State University mjzoran 2009‑12‑29
Tommy Pattij (Info) VUmc Psychopharmacology, Experimental Psychology MariaD 2015‑04‑05
Renee A. Duckworth (Info) University of Arizona snowicki 2014‑09‑13
Rindy C. Anderson (Info) Florida Atlantic University snowicki 2014‑09‑13
Jeremy D. Hyman (Info) Western Carolina University snowicki 2014‑09‑13
Barbara Ballentine (Info) Western Carolina University snowicki 2014‑09‑13
Martin Beebee (Info) snowicki 2014‑09‑13
Elizabeth P. Derryberry (Info) Tulane snowicki 2014‑09‑13
William Hoese (Info) CSU Fullerton snowicki 2014‑09‑13
Melissa Hughes (Info) College of Charleston snowicki 2014‑09‑14
Robert Lachlan (Info) Queen Mary University of London snowicki 2014‑09‑13
Sheila N. Patek (Info) Duke snowicki 2014‑09‑13
Denise Pope (Info) snowicki 2014‑09‑13
John Rowden (Info) Audubon Society snowicki 2014‑09‑13
Valerie Beth Simon (Info) Duke pq 2015‑08‑11
Tammy Windfelder (Info) Drew University snowicki 2014‑09‑13
Irene Liu (Info) Duke evolutionary biology jacr 2010‑07‑15
Gerald E. Hough (Info) Rowan University Spatial memory, Neuroethology, Evolution of song ghough 2010‑10‑18
Francisco Mora Teruel (Info) Universidad Complutense de Madrid LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Patricia G. Parker (Info) University of Missouri, Saint Louis cab 2006‑11‑14
Sylvia Halkin (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑04
Patricia McConnell (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑04
Susanna A. Waterman (Info) CUNY "Songbirds, song learning, catecholamine, neuroendocrinology" pq 2015‑11‑26
Diane M. Bogdan (Info) Hunter College, CUNY Behavioral Neuroscience, Neuroethology vakshat 2008‑06‑29
James Malcolm (Info) University of Redlands pwaser 2014‑09‑13
Michael Robert Lynch (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Evolution snava 2009‑10‑06
Brendan P. Kelly (Info) University of Alaska Fairbanks marine mammal ecology, behavior, conservation pwaser 2014‑08‑28
Thomas Butynski (Info) King Khalid Wildlife Research Centre (Saudi Arabia) wildlife conservation pwaser 2014‑09‑16
Danielle J. Dodenhoff (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑04
Karen Irene Hallberg (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑04
Hitesh Khanna (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑04
Angelika Poesel (Info) Ohio State bird song, animal communication apoesel 2010‑07‑25
Michael Capp (Info) Carlow University pwaser 2014‑10‑30
Ellen J. Censky (Info) Milwaukee Public Museum pwaser 2014‑10‑30
Adrienne L. Dubois (Info) University of Miami pwaser 2014‑10‑30
Amanda M. Hale (Info) University of Miami birdsong pq 2015‑09‑28
Kristina Hannam (Info) SUNY Geneseo pwaser 2014‑10‑30
L. Scott Johnson (Info) Towson State University pwaser 2014‑10‑30
Frans A. Juola (Info) U.S. Navy pwaser 2014‑10‑30
Gavin M. Leighton (Info) Cornell Sociality, social complexity, vocal complexity, cooperation GMLeighton 2016‑02‑12
Laurel Roberts (Info) University of Pittsburgh pwaser 2014‑10‑30
Sarah M. Stai (Info) University of Miami birdsong pq 2015‑09‑28
Karen Bayly (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03
Andrea Griffin (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03
Richard Peters (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03
K-Lynn Smith (Info) Macquarie University pwaser 2014‑11‑03
Daniel Van Dyk (Info) anthonyvd 2015‑03‑30
David Wilson (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03
Kevin Woo (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03
Cleber Alho (Info) Universidade de Brasília biodiversity conservation pwaser 2014‑09‑17
Peter C. Frederick (Info) UF Gainesville biodiversity conservation pwaser 2014‑09‑17
Douglas Richards (Info) acoustics pwaser 2014‑09‑17
Donna Schroeder (Info) College of St. Scholastica pwaser 2014‑09‑17
Barbara Simpson (Info) North Carolina State College pwaser 2014‑09‑17
John L. Bower (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑06
Bernard J. Brennan (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑06
Danielle Cholewiak (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑06
Renata S. Sousa-Lima (Info) Cornell, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) pwaser 2014‑11‑06
Mya E. Thompson (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑06
Leendert de Ruiter (Info) RUG Physiology jandh 2013‑10‑23
Joseph A. Sergeant (Info) VU Amsterdam Child Neuropsychology krubia 2008‑08‑22
Paul A. Bartell (Info) Penn State ashmo501 2010‑10‑17
Brian Hare (Info) Duke biological anthropology, comparative psychology maf21 2007‑04‑26
Eric Taylor (Info) King's College Child psychiatry, Child neuropsychiatry krubia 2008‑08‑22
Teresa Russell (Info) King's College Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, developmental cognitive neuroscience, ADHD, child psychiatry krubia 2008‑08‑22
Anna Smith (Info) King's College Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, developmental cognitive neuroscience, ADHD, child psychiatry krubia 2008‑08‑22
Paramala Santosh (Info) UCL Psychiatry, Neuropsychiatry, Pharmacology krubia 2008‑08‑22
Nicole Schmitz (Info) Amsterdam Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, developmental cognitive neuroscience, ADHD, child psychiatry krubia 2008‑08‑22
Bertil Hamberger (Info) Karolinska boger 2008‑11‑07
Gosta Jonsson (Info) Karolinska boger 2008‑11‑07
Annica Dahlstrom (Info) Karolinska boger 2008‑11‑07
Torbjorn Malmfors (Info) Karolinska boger 2008‑11‑07
Karl-Axel Norberg (Info) Karolinska boger 2008‑11‑07
Christer Owman (Info) david 2008‑11‑20
Charlotte Sachs (Info) boger 2008‑11‑14
Rachel N. Carmody (Info) Harvard Anthropology pq 2015‑11‑25
Leah J. Domb (Info) Harvard Anthropology pq 2015‑11‑25
Sonya M. Kahlenberg (Info) Harvard Anthropology pq 2015‑11‑25
Joseph A. Marcus (Info) Harvard Anthropology pq 2015‑11‑25
Melissa E. Thompson (Info) Harvard Anthropology pq 2015‑11‑25
Victoria E. Wobber (Info) Harvard Anthropology pq 2015‑11‑25
Anne E. Pusey (Info) UMN MichaelLWilson 2009‑07‑26
Pieter Reinier Wiepkema (Info) RUG Behaviour jandh 2013‑10‑23
Anna Michelle Lawing (Info) Texas A & M Vertebrate evolution, herpetology, climate change biology pdpolly 2010‑11‑23
Kristin N. Crouse (Info) UMN Biological Anthropology kncrouse 2014‑09‑09
Laura Eileen Hauff (Info) UMN Aggression, communication david 2015‑10‑11
Claire Kirchhoff (Info) University of North Texas Health Science Center MichaelWilson 2015‑03‑30
Carrie M. Miller (Info) UMN Biological Anthropology cmmill07 2015‑10‑11
Erin C. Kelso (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Evolution, animal behavior pq 2015‑10‑19
Cuauhcihuatl Vital (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Evolution, animal behavior pq 2015‑10‑19
J. Christian Gillin (Info) UCSD oscardr 2010‑01‑05
Michael E. Pfrender (Info) Utah State University Evolution leigh 2009‑06‑25
Barbara Helm (Info) ashmo501 2014‑05‑23
Ignacio Obeso (Info) Fundacion de Investigacion Hospitales Madrid cognitive control, decision-making, impulsivity, automatism, TMS, fMRI ignacioobeso83 2012‑09‑30
Rebeca Adanez (Info) CIMA, Universidad de Navarra LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Javier Blesa (Info) CIMA, Universidad de Navarra LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Berend Olivier (Info) Utrecht psychopharmacology sarnyai 2010‑03‑02
Ralf Gold (Info) St. Josefs Hopital vanessas 2010‑11‑22
Robert L. Trivers (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick, Harvard, UC Santa Cruz Evolutionary Biology wmbrown 2007‑04‑03
John Williamson (Info) Davidson College Dietrich 2008‑04‑17
José Marcos Ortega (Info) hospital general de mexico Neurolinguistics anuche 2009‑07‑04
Alberto del Arco (Info) Universidad Complutense de Madrid LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Marta de Blas (Info) Universidad Complutense de Madrid LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Pedro Garrido (Info) Universidad Complutense de Madrid LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Blanca Marquez de Prado (Info) Universidad Complutense de Madrid LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Gregorio Segovia (Info) Universidad Complutense de Madrid LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Tamara R. Castañeda (Info) Universidad Complutense de Madrid LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Arantxa Galindo (Info) Universidad Complutense de Madrid LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Andrew P. Ho (Info) Takeda Alzheimer's, Sleep, Pain, Schizophrenia, Addiction aho 2012‑02‑17
Bradley D. Worden (Info) Ohio State pq 2015‑11‑26
Desiree E. Allen (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Evolution pq 2015‑10‑19
Vaishali Katju (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Evolution pq 2015‑10‑19
Wenli Li (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Evolution pq 2015‑10‑19
Casey L. McGrath (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Evolution pq 2015‑10‑19
Angela R. Omilian (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Evolution pq 2015‑10‑19
Coenraad M. Ballintijn (Info) RUG Neurophysiology jandh 2015‑01‑30
Alexandra Rosati (Info) University of Michigan biological anthropology, comparative psychology, decision-making pq 2015‑10‑08
Lianne J. Woodward (Info) University of Canterbury, New Zealand Neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants born very preterm, Neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants exposed to methadone during pregnancy, Parenting and family functioning, Teenage pregnancy and parenthood samudragupta12 2010‑03‑16
Lars-Ove Farnebo (Info) Karolinska transmitter release, PTH secretion larsfa 2008‑12‑06
Håkan E. Hallman (Info) Karolinska Neurochemistry hhallman 2008‑12‑06
Lars Norlen (Info) Karolinska boger 2008‑11‑07
Chris Moore (Info) Dalhousie University Development wmbrown 2007‑04‑03
Julie L. Constable (Info) UMN pq 2015‑10‑18
Elizabeth V. Lonsdorf (Info) UMN pq 2015‑10‑18
Deus C. Mjungu (Info) UMN pq 2015‑10‑18
Carson M. Murray (Info) UMN pq 2015‑10‑18
Lilian Pintea (Info) UMN pq 2015‑10‑18
Emily E. Wroblewski (Info) UMN pq 2015‑10‑18
William M. Brown (Info) University of East London evolution of cooperation, genomic imprinting, sexual selection wmbrown 2007‑04‑03
Megan K. Kanaga (Info) Utah State University Evolution pq 2015‑10‑17
Alison G. Scoville (Info) Utah State University Evolution pq 2015‑10‑17
Cory A. Vorel (Info) Utah State University Evolution pq 2015‑10‑17
Verena E. Pritchard (Info) University of Canterbury, New Zealand Neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants born very preterm, Neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants exposed to methadone during pregnancy, Visual selective attention and inhibitory processes in memory retrieval samudragupta12 2010‑03‑16
Nancy M. Garon (Info) Dalhousie University Development pq 2015‑10‑08
Karen M. Lemmon (Info) Dalhousie University Development pq 2015‑10‑08
Robert James King (Info) Birkbeck College Evolutionary Psychology Rob 2009‑05‑27
Laura C. Rusch (Info) UW-Milwaukee Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑04‑05
Tina M. Woods (Info) University of Alaska Anchorage General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Native American Studies pq 2016‑04‑05
Tricia Ann Thornton-Wells (Info) Vanderbilt Neuroimaging Genetics thorntta 2009‑11‑09
Shirley L. Buchanan (Info) WJB Dorn VA Med Center Classical Conditioning jchurchwell 2009‑04‑03
Michele Celentano (Info) Sapienza University of Rome, Apple Inc. Neurobiology of drug addiction alducci 2010‑03‑17
Elena Iglesias (Info) CIMA, Universidad de Navarra LediaFHernandez 2010‑08‑10
Amy Jo Marcano-Reik (Info) Case Western Medical School Interdisciplinary Studies in Neural Systems and Development amarcano 2008‑01‑15
Ewan Craig McNay (Info) Yale glucose, insulin, diabetes, Alzheimer's, hippocampus, memory, metabolism ewanm 2007‑12‑02
Bruce Schatz (Info) UIUC Science information systems david 2016‑04‑07
Nathan Schroeder (Info) UIUC Behavioral and developmental adaptations to stress in nematodes david 2016‑04‑07
Anthony Van Dyk (Info) Retired parenthood and genetic affiliations anthonyvd 2015‑03‑30
Deborah Yurgelun-Todd (Info) Harvard Neuroimaging, Neuropsych, Mood, Psychopathology, Addiciton, Anterior Cingulate jchurchwell 2009‑04‑03
Erica S. Ashenbrener (Info) University of Washington pemp 2006‑04‑06
Sheena D. Barnes (Info) University of Washington pemp 2006‑04‑06
Stephanie A. Cochran (Info) University of Washington pemp 2006‑04‑06
Donald H. Perkel (Info) Neural coding hanks 2005‑11‑04
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