Walter Kohn
Affiliations: | 1950-1960 | Physics | Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, PA, United States |
1960-1979 | Physics | University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA | |
1979-1991 | Physics | University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States |
Theoretical chemistryWebsite:
"Walter Kohn"Bio:
(1923 - 2016)
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1998 was divided equally between Walter Kohn "for his development of the density-functional theory" and John A. Pople "for his development of computational methods in quantum chemistry".
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Mean distance: 10.24 | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree
Sign in to add mentorJulian Schwinger | grad student | 1948 | Harvard | |
(Collisions of Light Nuclei) |
Sign in to add traineeMichael E. Flatte | grad student | UC Santa Barbara | |
Vinay Ambegaokar | grad student | 1960 | Carnegie Institute of Technology |
Chanchal Kumar Majumdar | grad student | 1965 | UCSD |
William H. Butler | grad student | 1965-1969 | UC Santa Barbara |
Joseph A. Rudnick | grad student | 1970 | UCSD |
Kieron J. Burke | grad student | 1989 | UC Santa Barbara (Chemistry Tree) |
Michael R. Geller | grad student | 1994 | UC Santa Barbara |
N. David Mermin | post-doc | 1963-1964 | UCSD |
Lu Jeu Sham | post-doc | 1963-1965 | UCSD |
Thomas Maurice Rice | post-doc | 1964-1966 | UCSD |
David Sherrington | post-doc | 1967-1969 | UCSD |
Jens H. Jensen | post-doc | 1987-1989 | UC Santa Barbara |
Eberhard KU Gross | post-doc | 1984-1990 | UC Santa Barbara |
Dennis P. Clougherty | post-doc | 1989-1992 | UC Santa Barbara |
Alex Kamenev | post-doc | 1996-1999 | UC Santa Barbara |
You can help our author matching system! If you notice any publications incorrectly attributed to this author, please sign in and mark matches as correct or incorrect. |
Kohn W, Sherrill CD. (2014) Editorial: Reflections on fifty years of density functional theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 140: 18A201 |
Hone DW, Ketzmerick R, Kohn W. (2009) Statistical mechanics of Floquet systems: the pervasive problem of near degeneracies. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 79: 051129 |
Prodan E, Kohn W. (2005) Nearsightedness of electronic matter. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102: 11635-8 |
Kohn W, Savin A, Ullrich CA. (2005) Hohenberg-Kohn theory including spin magnetism and magnetic fields International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 101: 20-21 |
Arrow KJ, Axelrod J, Benacerraf B, et al. (2001) Nobel laureates' letter to President Bush. The Washington Post. A02 |
Ullrich CA, Kohn W. (2001) Kohn-Sham theory for ground-state ensembles. Physical Review Letters. 87: 093001 |
Kamenev A, Kohn W. (2001) Landauer conductance without two chemical potentials Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 63: 1553041-15530411 |
Mattsson AE, Kohn W. (2001) An energy functional for surfaces Journal of Chemical Physics. 115: 3441-3443 |
Fertig HA, Kohn W. (2000) Symmetry of the atomic electron density in Hartree, Hartree-Fock, and density-functional theories Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 62: 052511-052511 |
Kohn W. (1999) Nobel lecture: Electronic structure of matter - Wave functions and density functional Reviews of Modern Physics. 71: 1253-1266 |