Susan P. LeDoux

University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, United States 
Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
"Susan LeDoux"
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Yuzefovych LV, LeDoux SP, Wilson GL, et al. (2013) Mitochondrial DNA damage via augmented oxidative stress regulates endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagy: Crosstalk, links and signaling Plos One. 8
Yuzefovych LV, Schuler AM, Chen J, et al. (2013) Alteration of mitochondrial function and insulin sensitivity in primary mouse skeletal muscle cells isolated from transgenic and knockout mice: Role of OGG1 Endocrinology. 154: 2640-2649
Alexeyev M, Shokolenko I, Wilson G, et al. (2013) The maintenance of mitochondrial DNA integrity--critical analysis and update. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. 5: a012641
Yuzefovych LV, LeDoux SP, Wilson GL, et al. (2013) A schematic model of the proposed links between palmitate-induced mtDNA damage, mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS production, ER stress, autophagy and IR in L6 myotubes. Plos One
Ding Y, Liu Z, Desai S, et al. (2012) Receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB2 translocates into mitochondria and regulates cellular metabolism Nature Communications. 3
Lozano J, Muñoz P, Nore BF, et al. (2010) Stable expression of short interfering RNA for DT-diaphorase induces neurotoxicity. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 23: 1492-6
Shokolenko IN, Alexeyev MF, Ledoux SP, et al. (2010) The approaches for manipulating mitochondrial proteome Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. 51: 451-461
Koczor CA, Shokolenko IN, Boyd AK, et al. (2009) Mitochondrial DNA damage initiates a cell cycle arrest by a Chk2-associated mechanism in mammalian cells Journal of Biological Chemistry. 284: 36191-36201
Rachek LI, Yuzefovych LV, LeDoux SP, et al. (2009) Troglitazone, but not rosiglitazone, damages mitochondrial DNA and induces mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death in human hepatocytes Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 240: 348-354
Koczor CA, Snyder JW, Shokolenko IN, et al. (2009) Targeting repair proteins to the mitochondria of mammalian cells through stable transfection, transient transfection, viral transduction, and TAT-mediated protein transduction. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 554: 233-249
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