Sabine Raphael, Ph.D.

Visual Perception MPI for Neurological Research, Cologne, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 
"Sabine Raphael"
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Raphael S, MacLeod DI. (2015) Mesopic luminance assessed with minimally distinct border perception. Journal of Vision. 15: 12
Raphael S, Morgan MJ. (2015) The computation of relative numerosity, size and density. Vision Research
Morgan MJ, Raphael S, Tibber MS, et al. (2014) A texture-processing model of the 'visual sense of number'. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 281
Raphael S, Dillenburger B, Morgan M. (2013) Computation of relative numerosity of circular dot textures. Journal of Vision. 13: 17
Dillenburger B, Raphael S, Morgan M. (2013) Saccadic adaptation is not done by halves F1000research. 4
Morgan M, Dillenburger B, Raphael S, et al. (2012) Observers can voluntarily shift their psychometric functions without losing sensitivity. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 74: 185-93
Raphael S, MacLeod DI. (2011) Mesopic luminance assessed with minimum motion photometry. Journal of Vision. 11
Raphael S, Dillenburger B, Morgan M. (2011) Numerosity Estimation Is Not Derived Only from Density and Size Judgments Journal of Vision. 11: 59-59
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