David C. Gadsby

Rockefeller University, New York, NY, United States 
General Biophysics, Biochemistry, Neuroscience Biology
"David Gadsby"
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Csanády L, Vergani P, Gadsby DC. (2019) STRUCTURE, GATING, AND REGULATION OF THE CFTR ANION CHANNEL. Physiological Reviews. 99: 707-738
Isaksen TJ, Kros L, Vedovato N, et al. (2017) Hypothermia-induced dystonia and abnormal cerebellar activity in a mouse model with a single disease-mutation in the sodium pump. Plos Genetics. 13: e1006763
Liu F, Zhang Z, Csanády L, et al. (2017) Molecular Structure of the Human CFTR Ion Channel. Cell. 169: 85-95.e8
Gadsby D, Vedovato N. (2016) Hybrid Function of the Na/K-ATPase: Proton Import Accompanying Na/K Exchange Biophysical Journal. 110: 365a
Chaves LA, Gadsby DC. (2015) Cysteine accessibility probes timing and extent of NBD separation along the dimer interface in gating CFTR channels. The Journal of General Physiology. 145: 261-83
Vedovato N, Gadsby DC. (2014) Route, mechanism, and implications of proton import during Na+/K+ exchange by native Na+/K+-ATPase pumps. The Journal of General Physiology. 143: 449-64
Ram RR, Antolin A, Vedovato N, et al. (2013) β-Exodomain Role in Na/K-ATPase α-β Subunit Interactions Biophysical Journal. 104: 110a
Vedovato N, Gadsby DC. (2013) Proton Current through Stalled Na/K-ATPase Pumps: Three Residues Point to a Possible Route and Mechanism Biophysical Journal. 104: 22a
Gadsby DC, Bezanilla F, Rakowski RF, et al. (2012) The dynamic relationships between the three events that release individual Na⁺ ions from the Na⁺/K⁺-ATPase. Nature Communications. 3: 669
Castillo JP, De Giorgis D, Basilio D, et al. (2012) Energetics of the Reactions Controlling the Deeply Occluded State of the Na+/K+ Pump Biophysical Journal. 102: 708a
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