Laura Schweitzer
Affiliations: | University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States |
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Heck WL, Basaraba AM, Slusarczyk A, et al. (2003) Early GABA(A) receptor clustering during the development of the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract. Journal of Anatomy. 202: 387-96 |
Fitzakerley JL, Schweitzer L. (2003) Morphology of neurons cultured from subdivisions of the mouse cochlear nucleus. Cell and Tissue Research. 311: 145-58 |
Heck WL, Slusarczyk A, Basaraba AM, et al. (2002) Subcellular localization of GABA receptors in the central nervous system using post-embedding immunohistochemistry. Brain Research. Brain Research Protocols. 9: 173-80 |
Heck WL, Renehan WE, Schweitzer L. (2001) Redistribution and increased specificity of GABA(B) receptors during development of the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the International Society For Developmental Neuroscience. 19: 503-15 |
Brown M, Renehan WE, Schweitzer L. (2000) Changes in GABA-immunoreactivity during development of the rostral subdivision of the nucleus of the solitary tract Neuroscience. 100: 849-859 |
Liu YS, Schweitzer L, Renehan WE. (2000) Development of salt-responsive neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract Journal of Comparative Neurology. 425: 219-232 |
Leonard NL, Renehan WE, Schweitzer L. (1999) Structure and function of gustatory neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract. IV. The morphology and synaptology of GABA-immunoreactive terminals Neuroscience. 92: 151-162 |
Wetherton BM, Leonard NL, Renehan WE, et al. (1998) Structure and function of gustatory neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract. III. Classification of terminals using cluster analysis Biotechnic and Histochemistry. 73: 164-173 |
Schweitzer L, Renehan WE. (1997) The use of cluster analysis for cell typing Brain Research Protocols. 1: 100-108 |
Renehan WE, Massey J, Jin Z, et al. (1997) Developmental changes in the dendritic architecture of salt-sensitive neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract Developmental Brain Research. 102: 231-246 |