Heather R. Pierce, Ph.D.

2001 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 
Industrial Psychology
"Heather Pierce"
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Todd J. Maurer grad student 2001 Georgia Tech
 (Employee development as an exchange process: Perceived organizational support, leader -member exchange and perception of benefit.)
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Pierce HR, Maurer TJ. (2009) Linking employee development activity, social exchange and organizational citizenship behavior International Journal of Training and Development. 13: 139-147
Maurer TJ, Wrenn KA, Pierce HR, et al. (2003) Beliefs about 'Improvability' of career-relevant skills: Relevance to job/task analysis, competency modelling, and learning orientation Journal of Organizational Behavior. 24: 107-131
Maurer TJ, Pierce HR, Shore LM. (2002) Perceived beneficiary of employee development activity: A three-dimensional social exchange model Academy of Management Review. 27: 432-444
Maurer TJ, Pierce HR. (1998) A comparison of likert scale and traditional measures of self-efficacy Journal of Applied Psychology. 83: 324-329
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