Kyle W. Harvison, Ph.D.

2006 University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Kyle Harvison"
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Janet Woodruff-Borden grad student 2006 University of Louisville
 (Using auditory evoked brain responses to detect anxious vulnerabilities in neonates.)
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Harvison KW, Molfese DL, Woodruff-Borden J, et al. (2009) Neonatal auditory evoked responses are related to perinatal maternal anxiety. Brain and Cognition. 71: 369-74
Harvison KW, Woodruff-Borden J, Jeffery SE. (2004) Mismanagement of panic disorder in emergency departments: Contributors, costs, and implications for integrated models of care Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 11: 217-232
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