L. K. Chapman, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2006 | University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States |
Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Black StudiesGoogle:
"L. Chapman"Mean distance: 16440.9
Sign in to add mentorJanet Woodruff-Borden | grad student | 2006 | University of Louisville | |
(Anxiety and control in African American families.) |
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Chapman L, Cartwright-Hatton S, Lester KJ. (2023) "I think it is woven through me, and sadly that means it is woven through our family life": the experiences and support needs of mothers with eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders. 11: 147 |
Chapman L, Hutson R, Dunn A, et al. (2022) The impact of treating parental anxiety on children's mental health: An empty systematic review. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 88: 102557 |
Chapman L, Cartwright-Hatton S, Thomson A, et al. (2021) Parental eating disorders: A systematic review of parenting attitudes, behaviours, and parent-child interactions. Clinical Psychology Review. 88: 102031 |
Richards AE, Petrie JM, Chapman LK. (2016) Is Religious Coping a Moderator Of Perceived Control and Panic Symptoms in African American Adults? Journal of Black Psychology. 42: 140-159 |
Williams MT, Chapman LK, Wong J, et al. (2012) The role of ethnic identity in symptoms of anxiety and depression in African Americans. Psychiatry Research. 199: 31-6 |
Chapman LK, Petrie J, Vines L, et al. (2012) The co-occurrence of anxiety disorders in African American parents and their children. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 26: 65-70 |
Chapman LK, Steger MF. (2010) Race and religion: differential prediction of anxiety symptoms by religious coping in African American and European American young adults. Depression and Anxiety. 27: 316-22 |
Chapman LK, Williams SR, Mast BT, et al. (2009) A confirmatory factor analysis of the Beck Anxiety Inventory in African American and European American young adults. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 23: 387-92 |
Chapman LK, Kertz SJ, Woodruff-Borden J. (2009) A structural equation model analysis of perceived control and psychological distress on worry among African American and European American young adults. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 23: 69-76 |
Chapman LK, Woodruff-Borden J. (2009) The impact of family functioning on anxiety symptoms in African American and European American young adults Personality and Individual Differences. 47: 583-589 |