Lorna M. Doucet, Ph.D.

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Management Business Administration
"Lorna Doucet"
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Karen "Etty" A. Jehn grad student 2000 Penn
 (Responsiveness: Emotion and information dynamics in dyadic service interactions.)


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Danielle L. Cooper grad student 2007 UIUC
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Zhu G, Doucet L, Jehn K. (2012) Intra-and inter-cultural conflicts in China: An exploratory study Frontiers of Business Research in China. 6: 475-495
Doucet L, Jehn KA, Weldon E, et al. (2009) Cross-cultural differences in conflict management: An inductive study of Chinese and American managers International Journal of Conflict Management. 20: 355-376
Jehn KA, Doucet L. (1997) Developing categories for interview data: Consequences of different coding and analysis strategies in understanding text: Part 2 Field Methods. 9: 1-7
Doucet L, Jehn KA. (1997) Analyzing harsh words in a sensitive setting: American expatriates in communist China Journal of Organizational Behavior. 18: 559-582
Jehn KA, Doucet L. (1996) Developing categories from interview data: Text analysis and multidimensional scaling. part 1 Field Methods. 8: 15-16
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