Deborah E. Rupp, Ph.D.

2002 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 
Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology
"Deborah Rupp"
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Russell Cropanzano grad student 2002 Colorado State
 (Factors impacting resource allocation decisions: The interaction of cognitive load and value preferences with knowledge of distributive injustice.)
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Santuzzi AM, Keating RT, Martinez JJ, et al. (2019) Identity Management Strategies for Workers with Concealable Disabilities: Antecedents and Consequences Journal of Social Issues. 75: 847-880
Thornton GC, Rupp DE, Gibbons AM, et al. (2019) Same‐gender and same‐race bias in assessment center ratings: A rating error approach to understanding subgroup differences International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 27: 54-71
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Banks GC, Field JG, Oswald FL, et al. (2018) Answers to 18 Questions About Open Science Practices Journal of Business and Psychology. 34: 257-270
Rupp DE, Shao R, Skarlicki DP, et al. (2018) Corporate social responsibility and employee engagement: The moderating role of CSR‐specific relative autonomy and individualism Journal of Organizational Behavior. 39: 559-579
Opoku‐Dakwa A, Chen CC, Rupp DE. (2018) CSR initiative characteristics and employee engagement: An impact‐based perspective Journal of Organizational Behavior. 39: 580-593
Rupp DE, Shapiro DL, Folger R, et al. (2017) A Critical Analysis of the Conceptualization and Measurement of Organizational Justice: Is It Time for Reassessment? The Academy of Management Annals. 11: 919-959
Farooq O, Rupp DE, Farooq M. (2017) The Multiple Pathways through which Internal and External Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Organizational Identification and Multifoci Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Cultural and Social Orientations Academy of Management Journal. 60: 954-985
Banks GC, Rogelberg SG, Woznyj HM, et al. (2016) Editorial: Evidence on Questionable Research Practices: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Journal of Business and Psychology. 31: 323-338
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