Kinnari Atit

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
Cognitive Science
"Kinnari Atit"
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John Philbeck research assistant George Washington University
Thomas F. Shipley grad student 2014 Temple University
 (Pattern identification or 3D visualization? How best to learn topographic map comprehension.)
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Rocha K, Lussier CM, Atit K. (2022) What makes online teaching spatial? Examining the connections between K-12 teachers' spatial skills, affect, and their use of spatial pedagogy during remote instruction. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 7: 25
Atit K, Power JR, Pigott T, et al. (2021) Examining the relations between spatial skills and mathematical performance: A meta-analysis. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Atit K, Uttal DH, Stieff M. (2020) Situating space: using a discipline-focused lens to examine spatial thinking skills. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 5: 19
Atit K, Power JR, Veurink N, et al. (2020) Examining the role of spatial skills and mathematics motivation on middle school mathematics achievement International Journal of Stem Education. 7
Casselman MD, Atit K, Henbest G, et al. (2019) Dissecting the Flipped Classroom: Using a Randomized Controlled Trial Experiment to Determine When Student Learning Occurs Journal of Chemical Education. 97: 27-35
Atit K, Miller DI, Newcombe NS, et al. (2018) Teachers’ spatial skills across disciplines and education levels: Exploring nationally representative data. Archives of Scientific Psychology. 6: 130-137
Ormand CJ, Shipley TF, Tikoff B, et al. (2017) The Spatial Thinking Workbook: A Research-Validated Spatial Skills Curriculum for Geology Majors Journal of Geoscience Education. 65: 423-434
Atit K, Weisberg SM, Newcombe NS, et al. (2016) Learning to interpret topographic maps: Understanding layered spatial information. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 1: 2
Gagnier KM, Atit K, Ormand CJ, et al. (2016) Comprehending 3D Diagrams: Sketching to Support Spatial Reasoning. Topics in Cognitive Science
Atit K, Gagnier K, Shipley TF. (2015) Student gestures aid penetrative thinking Journal of Geoscience Education. 63: 66-72
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