Steven D. Hollon

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
"Steven Hollon"
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Deisenhofer AK, Barkham M, Beierl ET, et al. (2023) Implementing precision methods in personalizing psychological therapies: Barriers and possible ways forward. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 172: 104443
Bosmans JE, Bruijniks SJE, El Alili M, et al. (2023) Cost-effectiveness of twice-weekly versus once-weekly sessions of cognitive-behavioural therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy for depression at 12 months after start of treatment: randomised controlled trial. Bjpsych Open. 9: e186
Bruijniks SJE, Hollon SD, Lemmens LHJM, et al. (2023) Long-term outcomes of once weekly twice weekly sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy for depression. Psychological Medicine. 1-10
Ezawa ID, Hollon SD, Robinson N. (2023) Examining Predictors of Depression and Anxiety Symptom Change in Cognitive Behavioral Immersion: Observational Study. Jmir Mental Health. 10: e42377
Dong L, Zieve G, Gumport NB, et al. (2022) Can integrating the Memory Support Intervention into cognitive therapy improve depression outcome? A randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 157: 104167
Driessen E, Cohen ZD, Lorenzo-Luaces L, et al. (2022) Efficacy and moderators of cognitive therapy versus behavioural activation for adults with depression: study protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data. Bjpsych Open. 8: e154
Sakata M, Toyomoto R, Yoshida K, et al. (2022) Components of smartphone cognitive-behavioural therapy for subthreshold depression among 1093 university students: a factorial trial. Evidence-Based Mental Health
Hawley LL, Rappaport LM, Padesky CA, et al. (2022) Self-critical perfectionism, dependency and entropy during cognitive behavioural therapy for depression. The British Journal of Clinical Psychology
Buckman JEJ, Saunders R, Stott J, et al. (2022) Socioeconomic Indicators of Treatment Prognosis for Adults With Depression: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis. Jama Psychiatry
Rush AJ, Sackeim HA, Conway CR, et al. (2022) Clinical research challenges posed by difficult-to-treat depression. Psychological Medicine. 1-14
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