Harold H. Zakon

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
"Harold Zakon"
Mean distance: 13.38 (cluster 7)


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Gregory F. Lopreato grad student 1993-2000 UT Austin (FlyTree)
William P. Few grad student 2003 UT Austin
Jorg Oestreich grad student 2004 UT Austin
Mingming Wu grad student 2009 UT Austin
Andrew A. George grad student 2003-2009 Washington University
Rebecca D. Tarvin grad student 2011-2017 UT Austin (Evolution Tree)
Kent D. Dunlap post-doc UT Austin
G. Troy Smith post-doc UT Austin
Graciela A. Unguez post-doc
Nikolai C. Dembrow post-doc 2002- UT Austin


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Biswa Sengupta collaborator 2013-2014 Cambridge
BETA: Related publications


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York JM, Borghese CM, George AA, et al. (2023) A potential cost of evolving epibatidine resistance in poison frogs. Bmc Biology. 21: 144
York JM, Borghese CM, George AA, et al. (2023) A potential cost of evolving epibatidine resistance in poison frogs. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Dunlap KD, Koukos HM, Chagnaud BP, et al. (2021) Vocal and Electric Fish: Revisiting a Comparison of Two Teleost Models in the Neuroethology of Social Behavior. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 15: 713105
Brenowitz EA, Ryan MJ, Zakon HH. (2020) Dr. Walter Wilczynski, 1952-2020. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 1-3
Tarvin RD, Santos JC, O'Connell LA, et al. (2019) Convergent Substitutions in a Sodium Channel Suggest Multiple Origins of Toxin Resistance in Poison Frogs. Molecular Biology and Evolution
Swapna I, Ghezzi A, York JM, et al. (2018) Electrostatic Tuning of a Potassium Channel in Electric Fish. Current Biology : Cb
Thompson A, Infield DT, Smith AR, et al. (2018) Rapid evolution of a voltage-gated sodium channel gene in a lineage of electric fish leads to a persistent sodium current. Plos Biology. 16: e2004892
Tarvin RD, Borghese CM, Sachs W, et al. (2017) Interacting amino acid replacements allow poison frogs to evolve epibatidine resistance. Science (New York, N.Y.). 357: 1261-1266
Zakon HH, Li W, Pillai NE, et al. (2017) Voltage-gated sodium channel gene repertoire of lampreys: gene duplications, tissue-specific expression and discovery of a long-lost gene. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 284
Modrell MS, Lyne M, Carr AR, et al. (2017) Insights into electrosensory organ development, physiology and evolutionfrom a lateral line-enriched transcriptome. Elife. 6
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