Hillary Devlin, Ph.D.

2011-2017 Psychology Yale University, New Haven, CT 
"Hillary Devlin"
Mean distance: 17.85 (cluster 15)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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June Gruber grad student 2011- Yale
Margaret S. Clark grad student 2017 Yale
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Devlin HC, Zaki J, Ong DC, et al. (2015) Tracking the Emotional Highs but Missing the Lows: Hypomania Risk is Associated With Positively Biased Empathic Inference Cognitive Therapy and Research
Devlin HC, Johnson SL, Gruber J. (2015) Feeling Good and Taking a Chance? Associations of Hypomania Risk with Cognitive and Behavioral Risk Taking Cognitive Therapy and Research
Devlin HC, Zaki J, Ong DC, et al. (2014) Not as good as you think? Trait positive emotion is associated with increased self-reported empathy but decreased empathic performance. Plos One. 9: e110470
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