Anil Arya

Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
Accounting Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
"Anil Arya"
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Arya A, Mittendorf B, Yoon D. (2020) The Impact of Uniform Pricing Regulations on Incentives to Generate and Disclose Accounting Information Management Science
Arya A, Mittendorf B, Ramanan RNV. (2019) Beyond Profits: The Rise of Dual-Purpose Organizations and its Consequences for Disclosure The Accounting Review. 94: 25-43
Arya A, Mittendorf B, Yoon D. (2019) Public Disclosures in the Presence of Suppliers and Competitors Contemporary Accounting Research. 36: 758-772
Arya A, Mittendorf B. (2018) Bricks-and-Mortar Entry by Online Retailers in the Presence of Consumer Sales Taxes Management Science. 64: 5220-5233
Arya A, Mittendorf B. (2018) Endogenous timing when a vertically integrated producer supplies a rival Journal of Regulatory Economics. 54: 105-123
Arya A, Glover JC, Mittendorf B. (2017) The Effects of Joint Cost Allocation on Intra-Firm Trade: A Comparison of Insulating and Non-Insulating Approaches Journal of Management Accounting Research. 29: 1-10
Arya A, Mittendorf B, Ramanan RNV. (2017) Synergy between Accounting Disclosures and Forward-Looking Information in Stock Prices The Accounting Review. 92: 1-17
Arya A, Mittendorf B. (2016) Donor Reliance on Accounting and its Consequences for the Charitable Distribution Channel Production and Operations Management. 25: 1319-1331
Arya A, Mittendorf B. (2016) On the synergy between disclosure and investment beauty contests Journal of Accounting and Economics. 61: 255-273
Arya A, Frimor H, Mittendorf B. (2015) Decentralized Procurement in Light of Strategic Inventories Management Science. 61: 578-585
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