Leonard Bickman
Affiliations: | Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN |
Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family StudiesGoogle:
"Leonard Bickman"Parents
Sign in to add mentorHarold Proshansky | grad student | 1965-1969 | CUNY |
Stanley Milgram | grad student | 1967-1969 | CUNY (PsychTree) |
Sign in to add traineesusan douglas | grad student | Vanderbilt | |
Marc S. Karver | grad student | 2000 | Vanderbilt (Neurotree) |
Lawrence J. Schut | grad student | 2000 | Vanderbilt |
Carol T. Nixon | grad student | 2006 | Vanderbilt |
Stephanie M. Reich | grad student | 2006 | Vanderbilt |
Manuel Riemer | grad student | 2006 | Vanderbilt |
Jeffrey J. Sapyta | grad student | 2006 | Vanderbilt |
Sarah E. Dew-Reeves | grad student | 2008 | Vanderbilt |
Mary M. Athay Tomlinson | grad student | 2013 | Vanderbilt |
BETA: Related publications
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Bickman L. (2020) Improving Mental Health Services: A 50-Year Journey from Randomized Experiments to Artificial Intelligence and Precision Mental Health. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 47: 795-843 |
Bickman L, Lyon AR, Wolpert M. (2016) Achieving Precision Mental Health through Effective Assessment, Monitoring, and Feedback Processes : Introduction to the Special Issue. Administration and Policy in Mental Health |
Douglas SR, Vides de Andrade AR, Boyd S, et al. (2016) Communication training improves patient-centered provider behavior and screening for soldiers' mental health concerns. Patient Education and Counseling |
Douglas SR, Jonghyuk B, de Andrade AR, et al. (2015) Feedback mechanisms of change: How problem alerts reported by youth clients and their caregivers impact clinician-reported session content. Psychotherapy Research : Journal of the Society For Psychotherapy Research. 25: 678-93 |
Bickman L, Douglas SR, De Andrade AR, et al. (2015) Implementing a Measurement Feedback System: A Tale of Two Sites. Administration and Policy in Mental Health |
Gleacher AA, Olin SS, Nadeem E, et al. (2015) Implementing a Measurement Feedback System in Community Mental Health Clinics: A Case Study of Multilevel Barriers and Facilitators. Administration and Policy in Mental Health |
Goff P, Edward Guthrie J, Goldring E, et al. (2014) Changing principals’ leadership through feedback and coaching Journal of Educational Administration. 52: 682-704 |
Shekelle PG, Pronovost PJ, Wachter RM, et al. (2013) The top patient safety strategies that can be encouraged for adoption now. Annals of Internal Medicine. 158: 365-8 |
Bickman L. (2013) Facing reality and jumping the chasm. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 40: 1-5 |
Bickman L, Kelley SD, Athay M. (2012) The Technology of Measurement Feedback Systems. Couple & Family Psychology. 1: 274-284 |