Jeffrey L. Noebels
Affiliations: | Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX |
Neurogenetics, Basic Mechanisms of EpilepsyGoogle:
"Jeffrey Noebels"Mean distance: 13.38 (cluster 11)
Sign in to add traineeJong Yoo | research assistant | 2004-2009 | Baylor College of Medicine |
Santosh Helekar | grad student | Cornell | |
Mayra Mori | grad student | Baylor College of Medicine | |
Walter Nahm | grad student | UCSD | |
XiaoXi Qiao | grad student | University of Indiana | |
Samantha J Thompson | grad student | 2018- | Baylor College of Medicine |
Daniel L. Burgess | post-doc | Baylor College of Medicine | |
Jing Qian | post-doc | Baylor College of Medicine | |
Margaret L. Sutherland | post-doc | George Washington | |
Qing-long Miao | post-doc | 2015- | Department of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine |
Nicolas Josset | post-doc | 2018- | Baylor College of Medicine |
Atul Maheshwari | post-doc | 2010-2011 | Baylor College of Medicine |
Edward Glasscock | post-doc | 2005-2012 | Baylor College of Medicine |
Jochen F. Meyer | research scientist | 2015- | Baylor College of Medicine |
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Aiba I, Ning Y, Noebels JL. (2024) Persistent Na current couples spreading depolarization to seizures in gain of function mice. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology |
Meyer J, Yu K, Luna-Figueroa E, et al. (2024) Glioblastoma disrupts cortical network activity at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Nature Communications. 15: 4503 |
Fox PM, Malepati S, Manaster L, et al. (2024) Developing a pathway to clinical trials for -related epilepsies: A patient organization perspective. Therapeutic Advances in Rare Disease. 5: 26330040241245725 |
Abreo TJ, Thompson EC, Madabushi A, et al. (2024) Plural molecular and cellular mechanisms of pore domain encephalopathy. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology |
Okoh J, Mays J, Bacq A, et al. (2023) Targeted suppression of mTORC2 reduces seizures across models of epilepsy. Nature Communications. 14: 7364 |
Aiba I, Ning Y, Noebels JL. (2023) A hyperthermic seizure unleashes a surge of spreading depolarizations in Scn1a-deficient mice. Jci Insight. 8 |
Hussain T, Sanchez K, Crayton J, et al. (2023) WWOX P47T partial loss-of-function mutation induces epilepsy, progressive neuroinflammation, and cerebellar degeneration in mice phenocopying human SCAR12. Progress in Neurobiology. 223: 102425 |
Curry RN, Aiba I, Meyer J, et al. (2023) Glioma epileptiform activity and progression are driven by IGSF3-mediated potassium dysregulation. Neuron |
Aloi MS, Thompson SJ, Quartapella N, et al. (2022) Loss of functional System x-c uncouples aberrant postnatal neurogenesis from epileptogenesis in the hippocampus of Kcna1-KO mice. Cell Reports. 41: 111696 |
Liang JH, Alevy J, Akhanov V, et al. (2022) Kctd7 deficiency induces myoclonic seizures associated with Purkinje cell death and microvascular defects. Disease Models & Mechanisms |