Joey Ka-Yee Essoe, B.A.

Psychology (Behavioural Neuroscience) University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Executive Control, Learning, Memory, Ageing, Lifespan Cognitive Changes
""Joey Ka-Yee Essoe""

Joey, a lover of Irish whiskey, kittens, and Deuteronomy, was born and raised in Hong Kong under English rule. After completing the infamous HKCEE, she moved to San Francisco as she longed to be in a society tolerant of quirky and independent women. She has been interested in science and cognition since childhood, and had never envisioned anything but a life in research and academia. The fact that academia is the natural home for other quirky and independent people was a gratifying surprise.

Joey’s research interest lies (be ready for a very long sentence) in the intricate relationships between cognitive strategy/control, learning, and memory, their neural underpinnings, how they changes across lifespan, and factors that affect them (especially sleep quality). With such board interests, she works ceaselessly to learn to collaborate well, cultivate board interests while maintaining focus and productivity.

Mean distance: 15.21 (cluster 23)


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Linda Juang research assistant 2001-2001 San Francisco State
Mark Warren Geisler research assistant 2001-2010 San Francisco State
Michael T. Rubens research assistant 2010-2011 UCSF
Adam Gazzaley research assistant 2010-2012 UCSF
Joaquin Angeura research assistant 2011-2012 UCSF
Jesse Rissman grad student 2012- UCLA


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Joseph Tran research assistant UCLA
Daniel Lin research assistant 2012- UCLA
Kayla Danese Bowen research assistant 2011-2012 UCSF
Jason Samaha research assistant 2011-2012 UCSF
Camarin Rolle research scientist 2012-2012 UCSF


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Camarin Rolle collaborator 2012- UCSF
Alexali S. Brubaker collaborator 2001-2003 San Francisco State
Amanda Thomas collaborator 2003-2004 San Francisco State
Erin Marie Ramage collaborator 2003-2012 San Francisco State
BETA: Related publications


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Essoe JK, Reggente N, Ohno AA, et al. (2022) Enhancing learning and retention with distinctive virtual reality environments and mental context reinstatement. Npj Science of Learning. 7: 31
Reggente N, Essoe JK, Aghajan ZM, et al. (2018) Enhancing the Ecological Validity of fMRI Memory Research Using Virtual Reality. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12: 408
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