David A. Charak, Ph.D.

2000 University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States 
Personality Psychology, Reading Education, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
"David Charak"
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Martha Carr grad student 2000 University of Georgia
 (Temperamental task persistence in the metacognitive -motivational model: Effects on fifth-graders' reading comprehension.)
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Burnette CP, Mundy PC, Meyer JA, et al. (2005) Weak central coherence and its relations to theory of mind and anxiety in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 35: 63-73
Pellegrini AD, Galda L, Flor D, et al. (1997) Close relationships, individual differences, and early literacy learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 67: 409-22
Pellegrini AD, Galda L, Charak D. (1997) Bridges between home and school literacy: Social bases for early school literacy Early Child Development and Care. 127: 99-109
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