Parminder Parmar, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2000 | University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States |
Early Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral PsychologyGoogle:
"Parminder Parmar"Mean distance: 30533.1
Sign in to add mentorSara Harkness | grad student | 2000 | University of Connecticut | |
(American and Asian parents' ethnotheories of play and learning: Effects on home routines and children's behavior in school.) |
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Parmar P, Rohner RP. (2010) Perceived teacher and parental acceptance and behavioral control, school conduct, and psychological adjustment among school-going adolescents in India Cross-Cultural Research. 44: 253-268 |
Rohner RP, Parmar P, Ibrahim M. (2010) Perceived teachers' acceptance, parental acceptance, behavioral control, school conduct, and psychological adjustment among school-age children in Kuwait Cross-Cultural Research. 44: 269-282 |
Super CM, Axia G, Harkness S, et al. (2008) Culture, Temperament, and the “Difficult Child”: A Study in Seven Western Cultures International Journal of Developmental Science. 2: 136-157 |
Parmar P, Harkness S, Super CM. (2008) Teacher or PlaymaTe? asian immigranT and euro-american ParenTs' ParTiciPaTion in Their young children's daily acTiviTies Social Behavior and Personality. 36: 163-176 |
Parmar P, Ibrahim M, Rohner RP. (2008) Relations Among Perceived Spouse Acceptance, Remembered Parental Acceptance in Childhood, and Psychological Adjustment Among Married Adults in Kuwait: Cross-Cultural Research. 42: 67-76 |
Parmar P, Rohner RP. (2008) Relations Among Spouse Acceptance, Remembered Parental Acceptance in Childhood, and Psychological Adjustment Among Married Adults in India Cross-Cultural Research. 42: 57-66 |
Harkness S, Moscardino U, Bermúdez MR, et al. (2006) Mixed Methods in International Collaborative Research: The Experiences of the International Study of Parents, Children, and Schools Cross-Cultural Research. 40: 65-82 |
Parmar P, Rohner RP. (2005) Relations among Perceived Intimate Partner Acceptance, Remembered Parental Acceptance, and Psychological Adjustment among Young Adults in India Ethos. 33: 402-413 |
Parmar P, Harkness S, Super CM. (2004) Asian and Euro-American parents’ ethnotheories of play and learning: Effects on preschool children’s home routines and school behaviour International Journal of Behavioral Development. 28: 97-104 |