Arnold L. Towe

University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
"Arnold Towe"
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Gahery Y, Towe AL. (1993) Effect of optic nerve stimulation on neurons in pericruciate cortex of cats. Experimental Brain Research. 94: 273-8
Slimp JC, Towe AL. (1990) Spatial distribution of modalities and receptive fields in sensorimotor cortex of awake cats. Experimental Neurology. 107: 78-96
Surmeier DJ, Towe AL. (1987) Intrinsic features contributing to spike train patterning in proprioceptive cuneate neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 57: 962-76
Surmeier DJ, Towe AL. (1987) Properties of proprioceptive neurons in the cuneate nucleus of the cat. Journal of Neurophysiology. 57: 938-61
Canedo A, Towe AL. (1986) Pattern of pyramidal tract collateralization to medial thalamus, lateral hypothalamus and red nucleus in the cat. Experimental Brain Research. 61: 585-96
Canedo A, Towe AL. (1985) Superposition of antidromic responses in pyramidal tract cell clusters. Experimental Neurology. 89: 645-58
Chen ZQ, Towe AL. (1985) Influence of molecular layer on pyramidal tract neurons. Experimental Neurology. 88: 215-28
Chen Z, Towe AL. (1984) Cerebral response to medullary pyramid stimulation in the rabbit. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 25: 175-86
Chen Z, Harding GW, Towe AL. (1983) Effect of strychnine on the cutaneous responsiveness of wide-field cerebral neurons after depression by pentobarbital. Experimental Neurology. 81: 770-5
Bromberg MB, Burnham JA, Towe AL. (1981) Doubly projecting neurons of the dorsal column nuclei. Neuroscience Letters. 25: 215-20
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