University of Washington, Seattle

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Yoshiko Kojima WaNPRC2021 Jonathan T. Ting (collaborator)
Elliott Taylor Tsuyoshi AbeComputational Neuroscience, Visual System, Reinforcement Learning Physics20152018 Adrienne Fairhall (research assistant), Bingni Wen Brunton (post-doc)
Antony Daniel Abrahamstress, addiction, learning, memory, cognition2014 Charles Chavkin (post-doc)
Thomas W. AbramsSynaptic plasticity John Palka (grad student)
Michelle M. Adams Henk Roelink (grad student)
Lizbeth Adams Robert Steiner (grad student)
David R. Adams1998 Maynard V. Olsen (grad student)
Michael E. AddisClinical Psychology, Gender Studies, Mental Health1995 Neil S. Jacobson (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Addis20032009 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Daniel Afik John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Zsuzsa Agoston
Misol AhnCalcium channels2007 William A. Catterall (grad student)
Michael E. Ailion2000 James H. Thomas (grad student)
Peter Alderksneuroethology, auditory physiology2006 Joseph A. Sisneros (grad student)
Zane N. AldworthNeural Coding20072010 Thomas L. Daniel (post-doc)
Kenneth Ross AlexanderVisual psychophysics, clinical electrophysiology Psychology19681972 Davida Teller (grad student)
Mark Alexander Robert Steiner (grad student)
Maryam AllahyarCognition, Individual Differences2003 Earl B. Hunt (grad student)
Sarah AllredVision19992006 Bharathi Jagadeesh (grad student)
Zachary Alstad Education - Seattle2014 Virginia Berninger (grad student)
Nicole L. Alston-Abel2009 Virginia Berninger (grad student)
Leah E. Altemeier2006 Virginia Berninger (grad student)
Ellsworth C. "Buster" Alvord, Jr.Neuropathology
Teresa K. Aman2013 William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Paul Amieux Stan McKnight (grad student)
Jamie N. AnastasWnt signaling Molecular and Cellular Biology2012 Randall Moon (grad student)
Marjorie E. AndersonNeural control of movement, Basal ganglia
Edmund G. Anderson Donal F. Magee (grad student)
Tatiana M. Anderson2012 Mark A. Masino (research assistant), Jan Marino Ramirez (grad student)
Joseph C AndersonBioengineering, Pulmonary Physiology2001 Albert L. Babb (grad student)
Frederic Angelier John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Stéphane AngersWnt signalling, cell polarity Randall Moon (post-doc)
Justin W. AngleMarketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology Business - Foster School of2012 Mark Forehand (grad student)
Juan M. AngueyraColor vision, retinal circuits, eye development, zebrafish Physiology and Biophysics20082014 Frederick M. Rieke (grad student)
Suzanne M. AppleyardNTS, solitary tract nucleus, vagal afferents, autonomic, obesity, feeding Pharmacology1998 Charles Chavkin (grad student)
Fritzie Arce-McShaneSystems Neuroscience, Electrophysiology, Sensorimotor cortex, Aging
Jesus Argente Robert Steiner (post-doc)
Monica M. Arnoldbehavioral pharmacology, addiction Paul E. M. Phillips (post-doc)
Ari M. Asarch2023 John F. Neumaier (grad student)
Erica S. Ashenbrener
Noah T. Ashley John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Sharon B. AshmanClinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Developmental Psychology2004 Geraldine Dawson (grad student)
Lee B. Astheimer John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Jaime I. AthosMemory, Olfactory System2002 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Brady K. AtwoodCannabinoids20072010 Kenneth P. Mackie (grad student)
David J Audet JrAuditory Localization, Hearing Science, Spatial Hearing Andrew D. Brown (grad student)
Jasmine F AwadVision, American Sign Language Psychology20182024 Ione Fine (grad student)
Elizabeth H. Aylwardneuroimaging, neurodegenerative diseases, neurodevelopmental disorders
Anthony W. Azevedo20162011 Frederick M. Rieke (grad student), John C. Tuthill (post-doc)
Fred Bahls
Jennifer A BaileyAdolescent risk
Wyeth Bairvisual system, computation
Sandra M. BajjaliehSynaptic Transmission, Biochemistry, Lipid signaling
Bruce S. BakerGenetics, Neuroscience1971 Lawrence Sandler (grad student)
Chris L. BakerComputational Cognitive Science Rajesh P. Rao (research assistant)
Leah Bakst20122016 Michael J. Mustari (grad student)
Ravi Balasubramanianrobotics, biomechanics, motor learning Yoky Matsuoka (post-doc)
Tracy Bale19931997 Daniel M. Dorsa (grad student)
Bénédicte Balland Charles Chavkin (grad student)
Scott C. BarabanEpilepsy19941997 Phillip A. Schwartzkroin (post-doc)
Alexander B BardChemistry, materials science, nanoscience, inorganic chemistry, electron microscopy Chemistry2017 Peter J. Pauzauskie (grad student)
Patricia BardinaClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2004 Ana M. Cauce (grad student)
Linda A. Barlowdevelopment, taste, genetics,19841991 James W. Truman (grad student)
Samuel T Barlow Chemistry Bo Zhang (grad student)
Sheena D. Barnes
Steven Andrew BarnesRetina Bertil Hille (post-doc)
Heather Barnett Neurobiology and Behavior2014 William Moody (grad student)
Sabiha K. Barotlearning and motivation2009 Ilene Bernstein (grad student)
Dianne O. Barr-ColeSpecial Education, Reading Education2004 Owen White (grad student)
Peter G. Barr-Gillespiehair cell transduction Joseph A. Beavo (grad student)
Jennifer L. BarredoLearning and memory, hippocampus, cognitive control, prefrontal cortex Sheri Mizumori (research assistant)
Ellen F. Barrett Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
John N. Barrettstress Wayne Crill (grad student)
Andrés BarriaSynaptic physiology2010 Armin H. Seidl (collaborator)
Joseph L. BartoeSignal transduction2001 Neil Nathanson (grad student)
Britahny M BaskinAddiction, behavioral neuroscience, neurotrauma, dysautonomia, motivated behavior Neuroscience2017 Abigail G. Schindler (grad student)
Eric E. Bauer
Sarah H. Baum Milleraudiovisual integration, electrocorticography, fMRI, MEG
Daniel BeachamExcitable cell biology and ion channel structure/function. Technology development Pharmacology20022006 William A. Catterall (grad student)
Kurt G. BeamExcitation-contraction coupling1974 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Jonathan C. Bean Pharmacology20192019 Stan McKnight (post-doc), Erik S. Carlson (collaborator)
Theodore P. BeauchaineClinical Psychology
James C. Beckneurodegenerative disease Mark S. Cooper (grad student)
Kyra J. BeckerStroke
Jack BelgumNeurophysiological Instrumentation1976 Walter L. Makous (grad student)
Mark C. BellinghamSynaptic and respiratory neurobiology19931996 Albert J. Berger (post-doc)
Andrew R Bennetthydrology Civil and Environmental Engineering20162121 Bart Nijssen (grad student)
Devorah A. Bennu2002 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Z Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Noah C. BensonVisual Neuroscience, Data Science
George E. BentleyReproductive endocrinology20012005 John C. Wingfield (post-doc), Eliot A. Brenowitz (post-doc)
Michael S. BeremanMass Spectrometry Genome Sciences20092013 Michael J. MacCoss (post-doc)
Shirly BeresfordNutrition, Behavioral Sciences Psychology
Laurence Berger19661969 Walter L. Makous (grad student)
Albert J. BergerNeurophysiology
David Bergkamp Pharmacology20192024 John F. Neumaier (grad student)
Amy Bernardcortex, in situ hybridization, cell identity, neural development20032005 Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc), Henk Roelink (post-doc)
Virginia Berninger
Ilene Bernsteinlearning and motivation
Michael Bersick Lee Osterhout (grad student)
Philip M. Bestcalcium channels Bertil Hille (research assistant)
Lisa Beutler2011 Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Michael Beyelercomputational neuroscience, neuroengineering, low vision, visual prostheses Psychology eScience Institute Psychology20162019 Ione Fine (post-doc), Ariel Rokem (post-doc), Geoffrey Boynton (post-doc)
Ashwin Bhandiwad2010 Joseph A. Sisneros (grad student)
Kinsey L. BiceCognitive Psychology, Bilingualism, Language Learning, EEG, ERPs, Oscillations Psychology2018 Chantel S. Prat (post-doc)
Travis L. BiecheleWnt signaling2009 Randall Moon (grad student)
Steven M. Biererauditory system, vestibular system, cochlear implants
Gregory A. BigleyManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology
Paola BindaPhysiology of the visual system Geoffrey Boynton (post-doc), Scott O. Murray (post-doc)
Marc D. Binder
Marc D. BinderMotoneurons Physiology & Biophysics Physiology & Biophysics Physiology & Biophysics Physiology & Biophysics Physiology & Biophysics Physiology & Biophysics Physiology & Biophysics20122015 Albert F. Fuchs (collaborator), Albert J. Berger (collaborator), Peter B. Detwiler (collaborator), Ruth Westenbroek (collaborator), William A. Catterall (collaborator), Claudia M Moreno (collaborator), Adrienne Fairhall (collaborator)
Daniel Birman Biological Structure20202024 Nicholas A. Steinmetz (post-doc)
David Bjanes Electrical Engineering20142019 Chet T. Moritz (grad student)
Timothy Blakelyneurosurgery, language Bioengineering2013 Jeff G. Ojemann (grad student)
D C. Blanchard Robert C. Bolles (research scientist)
Adam A. Bleckertvisual system, neural circuits20072014 Rachel Wong (grad student)
Dennis Wayne BlickVisual system19661973 Walter L. Makous (grad student)
Julien A BlochNeural Engineering
Emily J. BlumenthalCognitive development2011 Jessica A. Sommerville (grad student)
Mary BlytheEducational Psychology
Andrew Bockvisual system2011 Jaime Olavarria (grad student)
Faye Boeckman William A. Catterall (grad student)
Warren BoekerManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
P. Dee Boersma John C. Wingfield (collaborator)
Robert C. Bolles
Madelon Y. BollingClinical Psychology2003 Robert Kohlenberg (grad student)
John Bonica
Ronald G. BootheVisual Development1974 Gene P. Sackett (grad student), Davida Teller (grad student)
Donald E. Born
Martha Bosmaion channels Bertil Hille (post-doc), Bruce Tempel (post-doc)
Alexis N. BosselerSpeech, child development2010 Patricia K. Kuhl (grad student)
Timothy Boswell John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Mark E. Boutonconditioning theory Robert C. Bolles (grad student)
David Bowen
Anna Bowen Biological Structure2021 Nicholas A. Steinmetz (post-doc)
Ellen H. Boyd John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Geoffrey BoyntonVisual system
Carla Bradshaw
Heather A. Brauer2010 Paul D. Lampe (grad student)
Robert E. Braun Biochemistry Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
John C. S. Breitner
Tinatin I. Brelidzemolecular mechanisms of ion channel regulation Department of Physiology & Biophysics William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
William J Bremner
Eliot A. Brenowitz John C. Wingfield (collaborator)
Creagh W. Breuner John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Helen Brew Bruce Tempel (research scientist)
Heather R. Brignull20072015 David W. Raible (post-doc)
Braden A. W. Brinkmanneural coding, neural computation, sensory coding, population dynamics, collective activity, pattern formation20132018 Eric Shea-Brown (post-doc), Frederick M. Rieke (post-doc)
Susan E. Brockerhoffretina
Matt Brodsky5-HT6 receptors, cilia2011 John F. Neumaier (grad student)
Allison D. Brooks2002 Virginia Berninger (grad student)
Michelle D. BrotBehavioral neuroscience19971998 Stephen C. Woods (research scientist)
Heather L. Brown2007 James W. Truman (grad student)
Andrew D. BrownBinaural Psychophysics Speech and Hearing Sciences20082012 G Christopher Stecker (grad student)
Michael R. BruchasNeuropeptides, Monoamines, GPCRs, Behavior, Addiction, Depression, Anxiety Charles Chavkin (post-doc)
Bingni Wen Brunton Thomas L. Daniel (post-doc)
Astra S. BryantThermosensation, Parasitic Nematodes, Strongyoides
Anatoly BuchinComputational Biology, Neuroscience, Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimeri's disease
Linda B. BuckOlfaction19671969 Walter L. Makous (research assistant), Ursula Storb (research assistant)
Steven L. BuckVisual perception19761979 Walter L. Makous (post-doc)
Paul S. BuckmasterEpilepsy Phillip A. Schwartzkroin (grad student)
Erine H. Budi2011 David Parichy (grad student)
Elizabeth BuffaloMemory
James B. Bulliscellular neurophysiology Nicholas P. Poolos (grad student)
Lauren Marie BurgenoDopamine, Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry Pharmacology Pharmacology Pharmacology Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20102017 Paul E. M. Phillips (grad student), Charles Chavkin (collaborator), Larry Zweifel (collaborator), Antony Daniel Abraham (collaborator), Ryan D. Farero (collaborator)
R. Michael Burger Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Karen BurnerClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2012 Geraldine Dawson (grad student)
D. Shallin S. Busch20002006 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Brittany N. BushnellVisual system, V4, Development20232011 Anitha Pasupathy (research assistant), Michele A. Basso (research scientist)
Ivana L BussiChronobiology Biology Horacio O. de la Iglesia (post-doc)
Luke K. Butler Biology19982005 Sievert A. Rohwer (grad student)
William A. Buttemer John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Susan Chang ButterfieldVision and Infant Vision19942000 David Henry Peterzell (research assistant), Davida Teller (research assistant), David Henry Peterzell (research assistant)
Elena Buzunov2011 Farrel R. Robinson (grad student)
Sarah E. CabbageImmunology, Pathology2006 Joan M. Goverman (grad student)
Jon Cafaroretina; systems neuroscience20062011 Vikas Bhandawat (post-doc), Frederick M. Rieke (grad student)
Michael D. Cahalanion channels in lymphocytes1974 Bertil Hille (grad student)
Beibei CaiNeuronal Apoptosis and stem cell biology2008 Zhengui Xia (grad student)
Shaun D. CainNeuroethology, magnetoreception, Tritonia research
Nicholas Caincomputational neuroscience Applied Mathematics2012 Eric Shea-Brown (grad student)
LuLu Callies Molecular and Cellular Biology2021 Timothy J. Cherry (grad student)
William H. Calvin1966 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Nathan D. CampWnt signaling Pharmacology2012 Randall Moon (grad student)
Antonio Canedo LamasSensorimotor systems, Neural circuitry19821984 Arnold L. Towe (post-doc)
Hung CaoElectrophysiology, Neural Probes, Cardiovascular Engineering, Neurotransmitter Sensing
Melissa L. CarasAuditory system Neurobiology and Behavior20072013 Edwin W. Rubel (grad student), Eliot A. Brenowitz (grad student)
Gina C. CardilloSpeech, child development2010 Patricia K. Kuhl (grad student)
Amy L. Carlileopioids, addiction2009 J. Robert Waaland (grad student)
Steven S. Carlson
Anne E. CarlsonIon channels, Eag channels20062006 Bertil Hille (grad student), William N. Zagotta (post-doc), Donner F. Babcock (grad student)
Emerson M. Carmona Physiology and Biophysics Physiology and Biophysics2023 Sharona E. Gordon (post-doc), William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Matthew E. Carterfeeding, optogenetics Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
John H. Cassedayauditory system
Peter Casseday
Anthony Scott Castanza Pathology20092012 Matt Kaeberlein (research assistant)
William A. CatterallCalcium channels
Ana M. CauceClinical Psychology
W Michael Caudle Jing Zhang (post-doc)
Robert M. Caudlepain, NMDA receptors, opioids19881991 Charles Chavkin (post-doc)
Peter R. Cavanaghlocomotion, biomechanics
Ana M. CavceClinical Psychology, GLBT Studies
Jeremy P. CelverOpioid receptors, potassium channels2002 Charles Chavkin (grad student)
Waldo Cerpa Andrés Barria (post-doc)
Thierry Chaminadeneuroscience, social ognition Center for Mind Brain and Learning20022003 Andrew N. Meltzoff (research assistant)
Eve Privman ChampalouxDopamine, Electrochemistry, Reward, Otolaryngology20202021 Paul E. M. Phillips (post-doc)
Chien-Sheng R. ChanManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2010 Warren Boeker (grad student)
Sherwin S. ChanRadiology
Catherine Chang20162018 Sarah L. Keller (research assistant)
Kelly H. Chang Psychology Psychology Psychology20232022 Geoffrey Boynton (grad student), Ione Fine (grad student), Ariel Rokem (post-doc)
Susan Chang ButterfieldInfant Vision
Edwin R. ChapmanMembrane fusion, exocytosis, clostridial neurotoxins19871992 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Ronald ChaseSnail brains, snail sex, psychiatry19701971 A. O. Dennis Willows (post-doc)
P. Bryant ChaseMuscle physiology and biophysics; cell & molecular biomechanics of cardiac and skeletal muscle; bionanotechnology Physiology and Biophysics19882001 Albert M. Gordon (collaborator)
Erick James ChastainDopamine/Decision-making, Neural Coding, Reduction Theory2007 Rajesh P. Rao (grad student)
Mark R. ChavezScience Administration - eating disorders, exp ther, research training19891994 Stephen C. Woods (grad student)
Charles ChavkinOpioid receptors, potassium channels1982 Avram Goldstein (grad student)
Christine S. CheahCalcium channels Pharmacology2012 William A. Catterall (grad student)
Xiaoyu Chenmodeling biological processes at the molecular level2011 William Stafford Noble (grad student)
Janice ChenMemory, Perception20022005 Geoffrey R. Loftus (research assistant)
Daofen Chen19871993 Eberhard E. Fetz (grad student)
Liangyi Chenquantitative imaging of insulin secretion20012004 Bertil Hille (post-doc)
Ching-Kang J. Chenphotoreceptor, G proteins, retina, visual system James Bryant Hurley (grad student)
Chih-chen Chen2006 Albert Folch (grad student)
Qiang ChenRetina physiology Physiology and Biophysics2019 Frederick M. Rieke (post-doc)
Dickson T Chen
Belle M. Chenault2004 Virginia Berninger (grad student)
Paul D. Cheney19741976 Eberhard E. Fetz (post-doc)
Jonathan Chengmicrofluidics, next-generation sequencing, surface chemistry Bioengineering Biochemistry20152018 Albert Folch (grad student), Liangcai Gu (research scientist)
Alan G. Cheng Otolaryngology Edwin W. Rubel (grad student)
Keith C. ChengNeuroscience Biology1992 Lawrence A. Loeb (post-doc)
Andrei O. Chertov2011 James Bryant Hurley (grad student)
Clement Cheung Robert Steiner (grad student)
Sarina H. Chienvision, development2003 Davida Teller (grad student)
Renée S Chmelar2004 Neil Nathanson (grad student)
Jia Jie Choong Biological Structure Sam A. Golden (grad student)
Robert K. Choy2000 James H. Thomas (grad student)
Shu-Hui ChuangNav1.1, Dravet syndrome, febrile seizures, cannabidiol, clonazepam Pharmacology20192020 William A. Catterall (post-doc)
Eric H. ChudlerPain, Somatosensory, Basal Ganglia, Cerebral Cortex Dan Kenshalo (post-doc)
Anne K. ChurchlandDecision Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Patrick J. Cimino2009 Thomas J. Montine (grad student)
William R. Clark1968 William J. Rutter (grad student)
Jeremy J, Clark20072006 Paul E. M. Phillips (post-doc), Ilene Bernstein (grad student)
Emily Wilkins ClarkTaste aversion, spatial learning20082008 Ilene Bernstein (grad student), Sheri Mizumori (post-doc)
Michael S. Clarkserotonin, transgenics19982005 John F. Neumaier (post-doc)
Jeffery A. Clark2006 P. Dee Boersma (grad student)
Aaron D. Clark2010 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Ann C. ClementsMusic Education, Secondary Education2002 Steven M. Demorest (grad student)
Donald K Clifton Robert Steiner (post-doc)
James A. CoanEmotion, social interaction, prefrontal cortex Psychology19911995 John M. Gottman (research assistant)
Stephanie A. Cochran
Sarah Cochran
Rebecca A. CodeNeuroanatomy Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Kevin R. Coffey Psychiatry2016 John F. Neumaier (post-doc)
Allison B. CoffinSensory Neuroscience20072011 David W. Raible (post-doc)
Truman E. CogginsSpeech Pathology, Developmental Psychology
Rachel E. Cohen Eliot A. Brenowitz (post-doc)
Toby Brian Cole2000 Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Nicholas B. Coley20062011 David W. Raible (grad student)
Kathryn P. Connaghanspeech phsyiology, speech production, speech development19992004 Christopher A. Moore (grad student)
Mark ConnorTrigeminal sensory neurons, opioid receptors, ion channels, cannabinoids19881992 Charles Chavkin (grad student)
William H. ConradWnt signaling Pharmacology2012 Randall Moon (grad student)
Travis J. CookNeurodegeneration Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences2014 Jing Zhang (grad student)
Mark S. Cooper19831985 Raymond Keller (grad student)
Kimberly L. Cooper2005 Cecilia B. Moens (grad student)
Cynthia Cooper20032008 David W. Raible (post-doc), Paul D. Lampe (grad student)
Timothy C. Copesensorimotor integration, spinal cord Biology19801982 Marc D. Binder (post-doc)
Lindsay L. CorneliusEducational Psychology Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Sociology of Education2008 Leslie R. Herrenkohl (grad student)
Marissa CoronaClinical Psychology Psychology2014 Ana M. Cauce (grad student)
Lucio G. CostaToxicology, Neuroscience Biology
Amy Costanza-SmithSpeech Pathology2004 Truman E. Coggins (grad student)
Alexander J. Coverdill20022008 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Ellen Covey John H. Casseday (collaborator)
Karina S. Cramerdevelopment and plasticity of neural circuitry Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Kimberley Beth Craven2006 William N. Zagotta (grad student)
Wayne Crill19591960 John Walter Woodbury (grad student), William J. Spain (collaborator)
Jessica M. CronceClinical Psychology
Joanna D. Crookcerebellum, vision
Sheila E. Crowell20022009 Theodore P. Beauchaine (grad student)
Laura Crowell
Ivan CruzLaterl line regeneration.
Ivan CruzDevelopment, Neural crest, Neuromast20082015 David W. Raible (grad student)
Eiron R. CudabackCannabinoid signaling and neuroinflammation2009 Nephi Stella (grad student)
Kelly J. CudeNeuronal Apoptosis and stem cell biology2004 Zhengui Xia (grad student)
Joe CulottiGenetics, Neuroscience Biology1969 Leland H. Hartwell (grad student)
Paige E. CundiffNeuronal Apoptosis and stem cell biology2008 Zhengui Xia (grad student)
Matthew J. CunninghamNeuroendocrinology, Reproductive physiology, Regulation of neuropeptide gene expression2003 Robert Steiner (grad student)
Corbin A. CunninghamVision, Cognition, Attention20082010 Steven L. Buck (research assistant)
Christine A. Curcioaging and age-related macular degeneration1990 Anita E. Hendrickson (research scientist)
Kevin P. CurranDevelopment, Neural crest, Pigment20052010 Bruce R. Conklin (research assistant), David W. Raible (grad student)
Kenneth L. Custer20012006 Sandra M. Bajjalieh (grad student)
Raimondo D'AmbrosioComputer Science, Neurobiology Biology
Leonard A. D'Amico2001 Mark S. Cooper (grad student)
Florence D. D'OraziDevelopment, Retina, Visual system20102016 Rachel Wong (grad student)
Dennis M. Daceyretina Biological Structure20181988 Deepayan Kar (collaborator), Robert Rodieck (post-doc)
Gucan Daiion channel biophysics Physiology and Biophysics Physiology and Biophysics Bertil Hille (post-doc), William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Yue Dai
Tanya L. DaigleCannabinoid receptor trafficking20022007 Kenneth P. Mackie (grad student)
Philip S. DaleDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Chris J. DallmannNeuroscience, Motor Control, Proprioception, Drosophila Physiology and Biophysics2018 John C. Tuthill (post-doc)
Carolyn T. DangManagement Business Administration, Organizational Business - Foster School of2014 Gregory A. Bigley (grad student)
Chung DangNeuroscience, Immunology, Virology, Gene Therapy, Neurodegeneration, Neuroinflammation, Science of Cooking Pathobiology / Immunology20102015 Keith Jerome (grad student)
Thomas L. Daniel
Elyse Dankoskiserotonin2014 Charles Chavkin (post-doc)
Martin DarvasDopamine, Learning, Memory2008 Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
Christopher M. Davenport20022007 Dennis M. Dacey (grad student), Peter B. Detwiler (grad student)
Candice L. Davidoff20092015 Jay Neitz (grad student)
Holly G. DaviesGenetics, Cell Biology2000 Robert E. Braun (grad student)
Samantha N. Davisvestibular system Biological Structure20182020 David W. Raible (research assistant)
Jason E. DavisEcophysiology, neuroendocrinology20052008 John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Geraldine DawsonClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Smita DeBiorobotics2008 Blake Hannaford (grad student)
Jose Juan de Sharona E. Gordon (post-doc)
Abhishek DeVisual Neuroscience
Lizbeth de la CruzElectrophysiology, GPCR, ion channels, phospholipids PBio PBio20172020 Bertil Hille (post-doc), Oscar Vivas (post-doc)
Horacio O. de la IglesiaNeurobiology, behavior, cell and molecular biology Biology Eric L Bittman (grad student)
Victor de Lafuenteperception, decision making20072010 Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Lylah Deady Physiology and Biophysics John C. Tuthill (post-doc)
Paul G. DeCaenCalcium channels2010 William A. Catterall (grad student)
Luca Della Santina Biological Structure20102014 Rachel Wong (post-doc)
Steven M. DemorestMusic Education, Music, Cognitive Psychology
Peter B. Detwiler
Joyoti Dey Molecular and Cellular Biology2012 James M. Olson (grad student)
Benjamin J. Diamentmodeling biological processes at the molecular level2011 William Stafford Noble (grad student)
Charles William Dickeycortical development, sensorimotor integration, sleep, memory consolidation, microelectrode recordings Biology20122014 William Moody (research assistant)
Michael H. Dickinsonneurobiology, biomechanics
Alexandre Dieudonné2008 Thomas L. Daniel (grad student)
Sureyya Dikmenneuropsychology, traumatic brain injury (TBI) Ralph M. Reitan (collaborator)
Vincent Dionneolfaction Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Clarissa A. Dirks2001 A. Dusty Miller (grad student)
Derek P. DiRoccoMemory, Olfactory System2009 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Jochen DitterichDecision & reward Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Alaeddine DjillaniCalcium Channels, Neuroscience, Electrophysiology Pharmacology20182019 William A. Catterall (post-doc)
Thuy A. Doanretina20042007 Frederick M. Rieke (grad student)
Melanie M. Domenech RodriguezClinical/Counseling Psychology Psychology Ana M. Cauce (grad student)
Richard Dorsky19961999 David W. Raible (post-doc), Randall Moon (post-doc)
Robert J. Douglas Karl H. Pribram (post-doc), Robert L. Isaacson (grad student)
Janice L. DriverMarital Stability, Relationships2006 John M. Gottman (grad student)
Sergei V. DrovetskiiOrnithology2001 Sievert A. Rohwer (grad student)
Ian D. DrygNeuroengineering, Implantable Electrodes, Reactive Tissue Response Bioengineering Bioengineering20152019 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student), William Shain (grad student), James D. Bryers (grad student)
Jiafei DuanComputer Vision, Embodied AI, Robotics CSE2022 Ranjay Krishna (grad student)
Brian J. DudgeonAdult and Continuing Education, Special Education2000 Owen White (grad student)
Brett D. DufourFragile X, Autism, FXTAS, Human Neuropathology, Therapeutics Psychiatry20182018 John F. Neumaier (post-doc)
Joseph Duman Bertil Hille (post-doc)
Heather M. Dungan LemkoNeuroendocrinology, Reproductive physiology, Regulation of neuropeptide gene expression2008 Robert Steiner (grad student)
Kent D. Dunlap John C. Wingfield (grad student)
John Timothy DunloskyCognitive Psychology1993 Thomas O. Nelson (grad student)
Felice A. Dunn20082007 Rachel Wong (post-doc), Frederick M. Rieke (grad student)
Marc J. DupuisNeurogenetics Information School2014 Barbara Taylor (grad student)
Stephen M. EackerProtein Synthesis, Neurological Disease, Neural Circuits20032006 Robert E. Braun (grad student)
Tanya L. Eadie
Ryan W. Eatonmotor neurophysiology2005 Eberhard E. Fetz (grad student)
Aileen M. Echiverri-CohenGeneral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2012 Lori A. Zoellner (grad student)
Hiroko Eda-Fujiwarabirdsong, memory, learning John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Arthur M. EdelmanProtein Kinases Edwin G. Krebs (post-doc)
Daniel Edelstein
Ann E. Edwards2004 P. Dee Boersma (grad student)
Ainaz Eftekhar CSE2022 Ranjay Krishna (grad student)
Erika D. Eggersvisual neurophysiology19972003 Albert J. Berger (grad student)
Jonathan M. EhrichStress, addiction, dopamine, kappa opioid receptors2008 Charles Chavkin (grad student)
Yasmine El-ShamaylehVision20142014 Anitha Pasupathy (post-doc), Gregory D. Horwitz (post-doc)
Hagit Eldar-Finkelman19931998 Edwin G. Krebs (post-doc)
Lauren M. ElderClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2011 Geraldine Dawson (grad student)
Kiara Eldred Biochemistry20082012 Richard DeForest Palmiter (research assistant)
Ahmed EltokhiNeuropsychiatric disorders
Ryan O. Emerson2011 James H. Thomas (grad student)
Helen Emery
Christopher J. EndresPharmacology2008 Jashvant D. Unadkat (grad student)
Miro EnevComputational Neuroscience, Motor Control
Christopher M. EnglundCortex development, neurogenesis2003 Robert F. Hevner (grad student)
Charles J. EpsteinMedical Genetics Arno G. Motulsky (post-doc)
Deniz ErezyilmazBehavior, Evolution, Physiology2004 James W. Truman (grad student)
Zachary Raymond ErnstVisual System Psychology20072012 Geoffrey Boynton (grad student), Jonathan Demb (research scientist), Scott O. Murray (grad student)
Oxana Eschenko"Neurobiology Learning and Memory", "Neuromodulation"20012003 Sheri Mizumori (post-doc)
Daniel Eskenazi5-HT6 receptors, habit, striatum20072011 John F. Neumaier (grad student)
Annette M. EstesClinical Psychology, Special Education
James L. Eubanks2000 William Moody (grad student)
Myron K. Evanssynaptogenesis Pediatrics20202021 Mark E. Hatley (post-doc)
Craig Evinger Albert F. Fuchs (grad student)
Jonathan P. Fadok2010 Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Adrienne Fairhall Frederick M. Rieke (collaborator)
Michael G. Famularestochastic modeling, adaptation, Physics20072012 Adrienne Fairhall (grad student)
Ryan D. Farero Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20162021 Paul E. M. Phillips (grad student)
Donald S. Farnerendocrinology
Michael A. Farries Adrienne Fairhall (post-doc)
Lila Faulhaber Juliane Gust (research assistant)
Paul A. Faurebioacoustics, auditory system, echolocation, hearing, sensory physiology Ellen Covey (post-doc)
Elaine M. FaustmanToxicology, Public Health, Neuroscience Biology
Meara H. FawSpeech Communication Communication2014 Malcolm R. Parks (grad student)
Lei Feng2009 Cecilia B. Moens (grad student)
Susan M. FergusonAddiction, reward20062011 John F. Neumaier (post-doc)
Manuel Ferreira
Daniel P. FerrisNeural Control and Biomechanics of Human Locomotion20002001 Blake Hannaford (post-doc)
Christopher R. Fetschvision, perceptual decision making, multisensory integration20102017 Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Eberhard E. FetzMotor system20042009 Roger Buchanan (grad student)
Alexandra P. FewCalcium channels2008 William A. Catterall (grad student)
Frederick Fiedler
Greg D. Field2004 Frederick M. Rieke (grad student)
Dianne FiglewiczThe modulation and regulation of CNS function by metabolic hormones (insulin, leptin) and metabolic status.
Xavier A. Figueroa-MasotNeuronal Apoptosis and stem cell biology2003 Zhengui Xia (grad student)
Christopher E. FilardiOrnithology2003 Sievert A. Rohwer (grad student)
Melissa B. FilkowskiHigher Education, Administration Education, Clinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2008 Maresi Nerad (grad student)
Ione Finevisual system Geoffrey Boynton (collaborator)
Alan Finlaysonclinical neuropsycholog Ralph M. Reitan (post-doc)
Patricia Finn Robert Steiner (post-doc)
Douglas A. FittsPhysiological Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Didier Flamentmotor control Eberhard E. Fetz (post-doc)
Brandon E. FlemingManagement Business Administration, Accounting Business Administration Business - Foster School of2012 Warren Boeker (grad student)
Jérome Fleuriet2012 Michael J. Mustari (post-doc)
Kevin C. Flick2005 Thomas L. Daniel (grad student)
Emma M. FloresHigher Education2011 Maresi Nerad (grad student)
Albert Folch
William C. FolletteClinical Psychology, Mental Health Neil S. Jacobson (grad student)
Mark ForehandMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology
Jerald R. ForsterEducational Psychology Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Clinical Psychology
Thomas J. Foutz
Gene S. Fowler John C. Wingfield (collaborator), P. Dee Boersma (grad student)
Garth A. Fowleroculomotor system19962001 Helen Sherk (grad student)
Jessica L. FoxSensory Neuroethology20112014 Mark A. Frye (post-doc), Thomas L. Daniel (grad student)
Edward G. Freedman19971999 Albert F. Fuchs (post-doc)
Nathan G. FreierInformation Science, Developmental Psychology2007 Batya Friedman (grad student)
Thane Fremouw Ellen Covey (post-doc)
Batya FriedmanInformation Science, Developmental Psychology
Diana C. FriedmanBiorobotics2011 Blake Hannaford (grad student)
Lendra M. FriesenCochlear Implants, Auditory evoked potentials, Speech Perception2007 Kelly Tremblay (grad student)
Courtney E. FroehligAutism
Stanley C. Froehnersynapse formation, neuromuscular synapse
Kim FrommeAddictions Psychology19821988 G Alan Marlatt (grad student)
Alan E. FruzzettiClinical Psychology Psychology Psychology Marsha M. Linehan (grad student), Neil S. Jacobson (grad student)
Mark A. Fryeneurobiology, behavior, neurogenetics, drosophila, vision, olfaction, flight19952000 James W. Truman (grad student), Thomas L. Daniel (grad student)
Albert F. FuchsOculomotor system
Clara A. Fuchsmanneuroethology
Amy Furayserotonin, stress, alcohol20072011 John F. Neumaier (post-doc)
Stephanie A. FurrerNeuroscience Biology Neurobiology and Behavior2012 Gwenn A. Garden (grad student)
Megumi Fuse James W. Truman (post-doc)
Karen Galeneuropharmacology, epilepsy Robert J. Douglas (grad student)
Samuel D. Gale2009 David Perkel (grad student)
Abigail Gambrill Physiology & Biophysics2011 Andrés Barria (grad student)
Clare Gamlin Biological Structure2013 Rachel Wong (grad student)
Stephen C. GammieBehavioral Neuroendocrinology, Maternal Aggression Zoology James W. Truman (grad student)
Jerylin O. Gan2011 Virginia M. Pickel (post-doc), Paul E. M. Phillips (grad student)
Barry GanetzkyDrosophila Genetics and Neurobiology Lawrence Sandler (grad student)
Rick Garber
Maria G. Garcia2001 Merrill Hille (grad student)
David E. GarciaIon channel regulation in sympathetic neurons Bertil Hille (post-doc)
Gwenn A. GardenNeuroscience Biology
Esther P. GardnerNeurophysiology19711873 Albert F. Fuchs (post-doc)
Michael G. GarelickMemory, Olfactory System2009 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Andrew Gartland2010 Peter B. Detwiler (grad student)
Marianna Gasperi
Jennifer M. Gee John C. Wingfield (research assistant)
Phillip GeissbühlerBrain Physics Physics2000 Larry B. Sorensen (grad student)
Russell V. GelderNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Nicole T. George Biology2012 Thomas L. Daniel (grad student)
Sean A. Georgidevelopmental neurobiology2011 Thomas A. Reh (grad student)
Jennifer A. GerdtsClinical Psychology Psychology2012 Wendy Stone (grad student)
William J. GiardinoNeuroscience, Sleep & Wake, Addiction, Stress, Neuroanatomy, Neuropeptides, Behavior, Genetics, Pharmacology20072008 Charles Chavkin (research assistant)
Alec W. Gibson Psychiatry2013 John F. Neumaier (grad student)
Dominic James GibsonCognitive Development Psychology Kristina Olson (post-doc)
Terri L. GilbertGene Expression, Digital Atlasing20022004 Charles Chavkin (post-doc)
Merle Leroy Gilbertgenetics Pharmacology2013 Stan McKnight (grad student)
Katy M. Gill Sheri Mizumori (grad student)
Suzanne Giordano19901992 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Flaviano GiorginiGenetics2002 Robert E. Braun (grad student)
Jeffrey M. GirardPsychology, Affective Computing, Personality, Psychopathology, Emotion
David Henry GireOlfactory system, Neurophysiology, Behavioral Neuroscience
Joshua X. GittelmanGenetics of disease2005 Bruce Tempel (grad student)
John Glomset
Joshua Gold Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Sam A. GoldenNeuroscience, Reward and Motivation
Erica B. Goldman2002 Thomas L. Daniel (grad student)
Joseph L. GoldsteinGenetics Arno G. Motulsky (post-doc)
Joshua H. Goldwyncomputational neuroscience2011 Eric Shea-Brown (grad student)
Jacqueline GollanClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology Neil S. Jacobson (grad student)
Matthew D. GolubMachine learning for neuroscience; motor control, learning, decision making, brain-machine interfaces.
Ivan Fernando Gonzalez Sharona E. Gordon (post-doc)
Luis Gonzalez Cuyar20092012 Thomas J. Montine (grad student)
Paulina L. Gonzalez-Gomez John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Apollo Good
Chris Goode19951999 Albert F. Fuchs (grad student)
Nastacia Goodwin Biological Structure2019 Sam A. Golden (grad student)
Aubrey Gorbman
Sharona E. GordonTRP channels William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Albert M. Gordonmuscle contraction
Lydia Gordon-Fennell2021 Paul E. M. Phillips (grad student)
Adam Girard Gordon-FennellCircuits, Motivated behavior. SUD, Consumption Anesthesiology2020 Garret D. Stuber (post-doc)
Ariela Gordon-ShaagMyopia; Keratoconus; Pediatric Vision Screening Sharona E. Gordon (post-doc)
Sidney M. Gospechild neurology, neurotoxicology, neurogenetics
John M. GottmanMarital Stability, Relationships
Michelle L Gottsch Robert Steiner (post-doc)
Joan M. GovermanImmunology, Neuroscience Biology
Wolfgang Goymannbehavioral endocrinology, environmental endocrinology, behavioral ecology John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Thomas J. GrabowskiCognitive neuroscience, language, imaging
Edith A. GrafCognition, Individual Differences2000 Earl B. Hunt (grad student)
Lauren K. Graham Psychology2012 Jeansok J. Kim (grad student)
Kelly Grant20002005 David W. Raible (grad student)
Paul K. GrantDevelopment, Zebrafish, hindbrain2009 Cecilia B. Moens (grad student)
Katherine Graubard
William O. GrayBone conduction, Binaural hearing Speech and Hearing Sciences Andrew D. Brown (grad student)
Sofia L. Gray Psychology2022 Joseph A. Sisneros (grad student)
Stephen G. Green Psychology Frederick Fiedler (research assistant), Terence R. Mitchell (research assistant), Claude Steele (grad student)
Jordan R. GreenSpeech Production, Brain Imaging, Electromyography, Chewing, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Motor Development19952001 Christopher A. Moore (grad student)
Scott H. GreenwaldRetina Neurobiology and Behavior2013 Jay Neitz (grad student), Maureen Neitz (grad student)
Anthony Greenwald
Joel S. F. GreenwoodNeurotechnology19982001 Phillip A. Schwartzkroin (research assistant)
Elizabeth J. GribbleToxicology, Cell Biology2005 Elaine M. Faustman (grad student)
Kyle L. GriffithNeurophysiological Bases of Speech Production2008 Anne Smith (grad student)
David B. GrimesComputation & theory2007 Rajesh P. Rao (grad student)
Mark T. GroudineCancer
Wesley GrueberAxon Pathfinding and Synaptogenesis, Synapses and Circuits, Neural Degeneration and Repair, Cell specification and Differentiation2000 James W. Truman (grad student)
Michael GrybkoElectrophysiology, Calcium Imaging2015 David Henry Gire (research scientist)
Zachariah N. GuerretteToxicology, Environmental Health Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences2012 Elaine M. Faustman (grad student)
Ali Deniz GulerTRPVs, hypothalamic control
Laura X. Guo Speech and Hearing Sciences Amy Pace (grad student)
Saumya Gupta Biology20162021 Mark A. Bee (grad student)
Michael J. GuralnickChildhood developmental disabilities
Nil Z Gurelneuromodulation, neurocardiology, biomedical monitoring, stress, PTSD, bio-inspired sensing,
Harsha Gurnanicerebellum, motor control, population dynamics Bingni Wen Brunton (post-doc)
Juliane Gustdevelopmental neurobiology2010 Thomas A. Reh (grad student)
Edwin Ray GuthriePsychology Department of Psychology Stevenson Smith (collaborator)
Gabrielle J. Gutierrezcomputational neuroscience Applied Mathematics Physiology and Biophysics2016 Eric Shea-Brown (post-doc), Frederick M. Rieke (post-doc)
Stephan J. GuyenetNeuroscience Biology2009 Al La Spada (grad student)
Eberhard Gwinner Donald S. Farner (post-doc)
Catherine E. HaganSerotonergic system, Brain innate immunity20102010 Thomas J. Montine (post-doc), John F. Neumaier (grad student)
Thomas P. Hahn John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Theodros M HaileLearning, vision Psychology2018 Chantel S. Prat (grad student)
Dale Hailey2008 David W. Raible (post-doc)
Parthiv HaldipurDevelopmental Neuroscience
Jeffrey C. Hall19671971 Lawrence Sandler (grad student)
Mark W. Hamblinserotonin receptors, stress, addiction
Russell D. HamerVisual system, psychohysics, photoreceptors, phototransduction, visual development19781982 Davida Teller (post-doc)
Eric W. HamiltonDevelopment and Cognition, Motivation
Margaret A. Hamnerastrocytes, glial cells, oligodendrocytes, optic nerve, white matter, ischemia2011 Bruce R. Ransom (grad student)
May Htwe HanNeurology, Neuroimmunology, Multiple sclerosis, Phospholipases, Phospholipid Biochemistry19962001 John Glomset (post-doc)
Sung HanNeural circuit based understandings of brain disorders20132016 Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc), William A. Catterall (grad student), Horacio O. de la Iglesia (grad student)
Aneeka Mikael Hancock20082010 Jing Zhang (research scientist)
Timothy D. Hanks2009 Michael N. Shadlen (grad student)
Blake HannafordBiorobotics
Sue HannafordNeuroscience John Palka (grad student)
Erin M. HarleyVisual memory2003 Geoffrey R. Loftus (grad student)
Morton G. HarmatzPersonality Psychology1963 Irwin Sarason (grad student)
Kameron Decker Harriscomputational neuroscience and applied mathematics Applied mathematics Applied mathematics Biology Computer Science & Engineering20182020 Eric Shea-Brown (grad student), Ioana Dumitriu (grad student), Bingni Wen Brunton (post-doc), Rajesh P. Rao (post-doc)
Robin Harris Neurobiology and Behavior2012 James W. Truman (grad student)
Julie A. Harriscell death, neuro protection20002006 Edwin W. Rubel (grad student)
Andrew S. Hartdopamine, decision making Neurobiology and Behavior20062012 Paul E. M. Phillips (grad student)
Byron H. Hartmandevelopmental neurobiology2009 Thomas A. Reh (grad student)
Daniel T HassMetabolism, Retina, Photoreceptors
Charles A. HassVision Neurobiology and Behavior20062013 Gregory D. Horwitz (grad student)
Beryl A. Hatton2008 James M. Olson (grad student)
Michaela Hau19951998 John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Lisa S. Hayward2004 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Heidi L. HeardBorderline Personality Disorder2000 Marsha M. Linehan (grad student)
Charles J. HeckmanCell Imaging & Electrophysiology, Motor Control, Movement & Rehabilitation, Systems Neuroscience
Carol D. HegstromNeurobiology, Zoology19901996 James W. Truman (grad student)
Garrett Hellenthal2006 Matthew Stephens (grad student)
Anita E. Hendricksonnormal adult anatomy and the developmental anatomy of human and monkey retina
Rebecca C. HendricksonOlfaction, Pattern recognition19992001 Michael N. Shadlen (research assistant)
Matthew Henley Education2013 Virginia Berninger (grad student)
Clarissa A. Henry2000 Mark S. Cooper (grad student), Merrill Hille (grad student)
Teague R. Henry Psychology20092012 Kevin M King (research assistant)
Robert Hermosillo
Rafael Epitacio Hernandez2006 Cecilia B. Moens (grad student)
Leslie R. HerrenkohlTechnology of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education
James Herrington Bertil Hille (post-doc)
Christopher M. Hess2005 Sievert A. Rohwer (grad student)
Carrie L. Heusner2005 Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Robert F. HevnerNeurogenesis, Cortex development, Disorders
Randall S. HewesNeuroendocrine plasticity, neuropeptidergic control of behavior, neuronal remodeling19881993 James W. Truman (grad student)
Sara M. Hiebert John C. Wingfield (collaborator), George J. Kenagy (grad student)
Matthew H. Higgsvisual neurophysiology William J. Spain (research scientist)
Bertil HilleIon channels Donner F. Babcock (collaborator)
Merrill Hille
Nigella Hillgarth John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Armin J. Hinterwirth20052010 Harald Tichy (grad student), Thomas L. Daniel (grad student)
Ryoko HIroiestrogen and serotonin20042008 John F. Neumaier (grad student)
Thomas S. Hnaskoneurotransmitters, dopamine, glutamate, vesicular transporters, synaptic physiology, addiction20012006 Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Clyde W. HodgeBehavioral neuroscience, alcohol, glutamate, protein kinases19901991 Hank Samson (post-doc)
Jake G. HoekstraNeurodegeneration Pathology2013 Jing Zhang (grad student)
John G. HohmannNeuroendocrinology, Reproductive physiology, Regulation of neuropeptide gene expression2001 Robert Steiner (grad student)
Robert W. HoldcraftGenetics2003 Robert E. Braun (grad student)
Nick Garber HollonAffective neuroscience, reward & decision making2009 Paul E. M. Phillips (grad student)
Gareth HolmanClinical Psychology2011 Robert Kohlenberg (grad student)
Philip HomerNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, Aging
Lori E. HomerManagement Business Administration, Women's Studies2004 Vandra L. Huber (grad student)
Victoria Ivanova HonesBehavioral Neuroscience Psychology2020 Sheri Mizumori (grad student)
Pulmu Kylanpaa Honey John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Arthur Hong Physiology and biophysics Frederick M. Rieke (grad student)
Hui Hong20142019 Jason Tait Sanchez (grad student)
Sungho HongNeural coding, Adaptation, Cerebellum, Circadian rhythm20042007 Adrienne Fairhall (post-doc)
Lauren Hood
Mrinalini Hoon2010 Rachel Wong (post-doc)
Carole L. Hooven2002 Virginia Berninger (grad student)
Blair Hoplightalcohol, stress, behavior20022005 John F. Neumaier (post-doc)
J. J. HoppOculomotor system2004 Albert F. Fuchs (grad student)
Akira Horita James M. Dille (grad student)
Philip John Hornerregeneration,glia,myelin
Phillip J. HornerNeuroscience Biology
Gregory D. HorwitzVisual Cortex Physiology and Biophysics2017 Jonathan T. Ting (collaborator)
M. Christina HovePosttraumatic Stress Disorder, Substance Use Disorders Center for the Study Of Health20052008 Mary E. Larimer (post-doc)
MacKenzie A. HowardNeurophysiology, Epilepsy, Neurodevelopmental Disorders20032008 Edwin W. Rubel (grad student)
Matthew Howard
Jonathon HowardMotor Proteins, Cytoskeleton
Peng HsiaoPharmacy, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2011 Jashvant D. Unadkat (grad student)
Chia-Hsien Hsu2006 Albert Folch (grad student)
Yun-Wei A. HsuCircadian rhythm, crustacean, cell/molecular biology, habenula20032008 Horacio O. de la Iglesia (grad student)
Shu-Ching Hu
Li HuaTRP channels2007 Sharona E. Gordon (grad student)
An Hua
Yanping HuangReinforcement Learning Rajesh P. Rao (grad student), Adrienne Fairhall (grad student)
Vandra L. HuberManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Christopher G. Hubert Molecular and Cellular Biology2012 James M. Olson (grad student)
Bjorn Hubert-Wallandervisual attention, perceptual learning, plasticity2010 Geoffrey Boynton (grad student)
Ainul HudaDrosophila melanogaster, fruit fly, thermoreceptor Biology Biology20112014 Michael H. Dickinson (research assistant), Marie P. Suver (collaborator)
Caitlin M. Hudacdevelopmental cognitive neuroscience, autism, infancy20142019 Raphael Bernier (post-doc), Sara Jane Webb (post-doc), Raphael Bernier (post-doc), Sara Jane Webb (post-doc)
David HuhPsychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2012 Jane M. Simoni (grad student)
Alex C. Hukvisual motion perception, perceptual decision making20012004 Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Cliff HumeAuditory system
Donald R. Humphreybehavioral neurophysiology19621966 Orville A. Smith (grad student)
Kathleen E. Hunt John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Earl B. HuntCognition, Individual Differences
George L. Hunt, Jr. John C. Wingfield (collaborator)
Laura M. Hurley Katherine Graubard (grad student)
James Bryant HurleyStructural membrane biology
Eric S. HusebyImmunology2000 Joan M. Goverman (grad student)
Richard L. HysonDevelopment, auditory system, birdsong Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Matthew G. IadanzacryoEM of membrane proteins Biochemistry2014 Tamir Gonen (grad student)
Toshiaki Imada
Yoshikazu ImanishiVision Research, GPCR, membrane protein transport, membrane morphogenesis
Soren Impey Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
John Incardona Henk Roelink (post-doc)
Norianne Theresa IngramVisual System, Retinal Physiology2020 Frederick M. Rieke (post-doc)
Denise M. Inman20022011 Philip John Horner (grad student)
Danielle L. IppolitoOpioid receptors, potassium channels2005 Charles Chavkin (grad student)
Jeffry S. Isaacsonneural circuits, olfactory system Bertil Hille (post-doc)
Arielle IsakharovGenetics, Microglia, Visual System, Development Biochemistry20142018 Michael E. Ailion (research assistant)
Derek Isetti Tanya L. Eadie (grad student)
Leon D. IslasIon channels, biophysics, William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Lori IsomSodium Channels19881993 William A. Catterall (post-doc)
Kristen N. JaaxBiorobotics2001 Blake Hannaford (grad student)
Douglass L. Jacksonpain, analgesia, anesthesia
Brian Jackson Psychology David Henry Gire (grad student)
Andrew JacksonMotor system20012006 Eberhard E. Fetz (post-doc)
Philip L. JacksonEmpathy, Pain observation, NeuroImaging, Motor imagery20032004 Jean Decety (post-doc)
Jerry D. Jacobs John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Berit E. JacobsonNeuroscience Biology2011 Philip John Horner (grad student)
Jeffrey A. JaegerGeneral Psychology2010 Lori A. Zoellner (grad student)
Bharathi Jagadeesh
Kelly N JahnAuditory Neuroscience, Auditory Prostheses, Hyperacusis Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences20162019 Julie Arenberg Bierer (grad student)
Rishabh JainComputational Neuroscience, Biomedical Informatics
Piotr Jankowski Geography1989 Timothy L. Nyerges (grad student)
Peter Janssen Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Daniel JaroszChemical & Systems Biology Operations Biochemistry19992001 Rachel E. Klevit (research assistant)
Brooke Jarvie Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Suman Jayadev
Mehrdad Jazayeriperception, decision making20072013 Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Mark Even JensenGeneral psychology
Jill Bodily Jensen2008 Bertil Hille (grad student)
Keith Jerome
Linxing Preston JiangTheory & Computation
Daohua Jiangvoltage-gated ion channels Pharmacology2020 William A. Catterall (post-doc)
Nan Jiang Department of Biology20112017 Jay Parrish (grad student)
Fang JiangFace perception, Cortical reorganization, Auditory motion, fMRI20112014 G Christopher Stecker (post-doc), Ione Fine (post-doc)
Yong Sang Jo Psychology2014 Sheri Mizumori (grad student)
Lise A. JohnsonBrain-Computer Interface, ECoG Jeff G. Ojemann (post-doc)
JP Johnson, Jr. William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Sung Jun JooVisual perception, Attention Psychology Psychology20082012 Geoffrey Boynton (grad student), Scott O. Murray (grad student)
Erik JorgensenNeurotransmission Genetics1989 Rick Garber (grad student)
Sangwook JungCellular neurophysiology, Epilepsy2005 Nicholas P. Poolos (post-doc)
Karl Kaiyala20012002 John F. Neumaier (post-doc)
Marci Kalif physics Larry B. Sorensen (grad student)
Peter W. KalivasDrug addiction1980 Akira Horita (grad student)
Sabrina B. KamranLigand Directed Signaling
Laura Kanjo Neurobiology & Biophysics20222025 Marc D. Binder (research assistant)
Mara Kapsner-Smith Tanya L. Eadie (grad student)
Daniel Kashima Armin H. Seidl (grad student)
Daniel T. Kashima Armin H. Seidl (research scientist)
Lorna S. KategayaWnt signaling2007 Randall Moon (grad student)
Alexander (Sasha) KauffmanNeuroendocrinology, Reproductive Neuroscience, Biological Rhythms Robert Steiner (post-doc)
Ban KePharmacy Pharmaceutics2013 Jashvant D. Unadkat (grad student)
Christopher D. Keene
Michael Kelley
John P. KellyVisual system19941997 Davida Teller (post-doc)
Gregory Mitchel KellyDevelopmental Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics Randall Moon (post-doc)
Hans Kelstrupdevelopment, entomology Biology20062012 Lynn M. Riddiford (grad student)
Matthew J. KennedyNeuronal trafficking2003 James Bryant Hurley (grad student)
Daniel Kerschensteiner Rachel Wong (post-doc)
Roozbeh KianiNeural mechanisms of decision making2009 Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc), Michael N. Shadlen (grad student)
Seong-Gi Kim19891991 Brian R. Reid (post-doc)
Min Jung J. KimReward system, limbic, in vivo multitetrode recording 20042010 Sheri Mizumori (grad student), Ilene Bernstein (grad student)
Eun Joo Kimstress, single unit recording, fear conditioning2008 Jeansok J. Kim (post-doc)
Douglas S. KimNeuroscience19962002 Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Jeansok J. KimLearning, Memory, Stress, Emotion
Kwang Seob Kim
Jihyun (Jiji) KimVisual perception, afterimages, retinal processing, computational neuroscience Ophthalmology20192020 Ramkumar Sabesan (post-doc)
Hugo Jae Mun KimNeuroscience, Single cell sequencing, Spinal cord injury
Taekjun Kim
Tae-Young (Patrick) Kim Psychology David Henry Gire (grad student)
Kerry J. KimRetina2002 Frederick M. Rieke (grad student)
Earnest KimCompulsive drug seeking, amygdala Psychology2014 Jeansok J. Kim (grad student)
Yong Tae Kim Bioengineering2017 Albert Folch (post-doc)
Yeon Jin KimVision Biological Structure2018 Dennis M. Dacey (post-doc)
Ken-ichi KimuraDrosophila, physiology/behavior, developmental biology 19871989 James W. Truman (post-doc)
William Michael Kingvestibular system,eye movements Albert F. Fuchs (grad student)
H. H. KingBiorobotics Electrical Engineering2014 Blake Hannaford (grad student)
W. Dean KinzleyJapanese history, transportation history1984 Kenneth B. Pyle (grad student)
Lynne Kiorpesvision, development Davida Teller (grad student)
Shinichiro Kira Neurobiology and Behavior20082014 Michael N. Shadlen (grad student)
John B. Kirkpatrickneuroethology
Alexander S. Kitaysky John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Aaron A. Klammermodeling biological processes at the molecular level Genome Sciences20042008 William Stafford Noble (grad student), Michael J. MacCoss (grad student)
Rebecca M. KleinTRP channels, pain2005 Sharona E. Gordon (post-doc)
Natalia M. Kleinhansautism, fmri, development20052007 Elizabeth H. Aylward (post-doc)
Mark R. KlingerClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology1991 Anthony Greenwald (grad student)
Heather M. KlintworthNeuronal Apoptosis and stem cell biology2010 Zhengui Xia (grad student)
Alan J. KlockarsEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education1967 Allen L. Edwards (grad student)
Heather Patterson Knappvisual system, language
Thomas A. Knight2005 Albert F. Fuchs (grad student)
Roger Knightcolor vision, psychophysics19841992 Steven L. Buck (grad student)
Leena S. Knight (Patel)Epilepsy, Electrophysiology, Neuroplasticity19982005 Phillip A. Schwartzkroin (grad student)
Paul S. KnoepflerNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, Human Development Robert N. Eisenman (post-doc)
Emily C. Knouf Molecular and Cellular Biology2012 James M. Olson (grad student)
Ming Teng T. KohLearning and Memory, Neurobiology of Aging19992004 Ilene Bernstein (grad student)
Duk-Su Koh Bertil Hille (research scientist)
Robert KohlenbergClinical Psychology
Bethany Kondiles20132019 Philip John Horner (grad student), Steve Perlmutter (grad student)
Seth D. KönigVisual Hippocampus Elizabeth Buffalo (grad student), Clare A. Gollnick (research assistant)
Mark Konodi Physiology & Biophysics19902000 Marc D. Binder (grad student)
Ja Wook KooMolecular basis of emotional behavior20022003 Jeansok J. Kim (grad student)
Conny Kopp-ScheinpflugAuditory Neuroscience Bruce Tempel (post-doc)
Roman Kosoy20012007 Patrick Concannon (grad student)
Abraham KovoorOpiods
Rebecca L. KowSignal transduction Pharmacology2014 Neil Nathanson (grad student)
Timothy M. KowalewskiBiorobotics Electrical Engineering2012 Blake Hannaford (grad student)
Stephanie M. KrasnowNeuroendocrinology, Reproductive physiology, Regulation of neuropeptide gene expression2004 Robert Steiner (grad student)
Edwin G. KrebsProtein Phosphorylation
Faith R. Kreitzer GPCR pharmacology, directed cell migration20042009 Nephi Stella (grad student)
Ranjay Krishna
Ashley Angell Krull Robert Steiner (grad student)
Lauren Kruse Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Jeremy J, Clark (grad student)
Dmitri M. Krylov2001 James Bryant Hurley (grad student)
James A. KuchenbeckerColor Vision2009 Jay Neitz (post-doc)
Patricia K. KuhlSpeech, child development
Paul Joseph Kulkoskyingestive behaviors, neuropeptides, neurofeedback19721975 Stephen C. Woods (grad student)
Janice Kuo Psychology2007 Marsha M. Linehan (grad student)
Aditya KusupatiComputer Science, Machine Learning, Computer Vision
Andrew Kutscher2007 Ellen Covey (grad student)
Marina S. Kuznetsova2010 William J. Spain (grad student)
Young Kwon
Horacio d. la IglesiaNeuroscience Biology
Al La SpadaPolyglutamine disease mechanisms
Susan E. LabyakSleep, Chronobiology
Jean-Claude Lacaille Philip A. Schwartzkroin (grad student)
Ed Lachica Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Henry LaiBiophysics, biological effects of electromagnetism1977 Walter L. Makous (grad student)
Robyn Laingvisual system Psychology2014 Jaime Olavarria (grad student)
Guillaume Lajoiecomputational neuroscience Applied Mathematics2013 Eric Shea-Brown (grad student)
Bojan LalovicPharmacy, Pharmacology2003 Danny D. Shen (grad student)
Ming Hung Lam
Talley J. Lambert2010 Jane M. Sullivan (grad student), Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Yu-ling LanEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology2005 Donald T. Mizokawa (grad student)
Benjamin B. Landopioids, addiction2009 Charles Chavkin (grad student)
Meta M. Landys2003 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Nancy E Langstonenvironmental history Zoology19871994 Sievert A. Rohwer (grad student)
Benjamin James Lansdell
Timothy M. Lantinvoltage-gated ion channels, brain-computer interface, neural engineering Pharmacology20172021 William A. Catterall (research assistant)
Michelle M. LaRocqueBehavioral Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education, Special Education2001 Owen White (grad student)
Eric B. Larson
Eric LarsonAuditory Neuroscience, BCI2011 Adrian KC Lee (post-doc)
Tracy A. LarsonNeurogenesis, Sex Steroids, Songbirds Eliot A. Brenowitz (grad student), Horacio O. de la Iglesia (research assistant)
Jurate Lasiene20042009 Philip John Horner (grad student)
Kenneth W. LatimerComputational Neuroscience, Statistical Modeling20152018 Adrienne Fairhall (post-doc)
Dianne Lattemann
Jane LaucknerNeurodegeneration20012007 Kenneth P. Mackie (grad student), Bertil Hille (grad student)
Karina LealCalcium channels Neurobiology and Behavior2012 William A. Catterall (grad student)
Pamela L. Leavitt
Keith LeavittManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology2009 Gregory A. Bigley (grad student)
Arthur Leblois David Hansel (grad student), David Perkel (post-doc)
Renee C. LeBoeufNeuroscience Biology, Nutrition, Pathology
Elise LeBovidge Speech and Hearing Sciences2018 Ludo Max (grad student)
Gerick M LeeVisual development Physiology and Biophysics20102011 Eberhard E. Fetz (research assistant)
Michelle Jeung-Eun Lee Neurobiology and Behavior2013 James M. Olson (grad student)
Jiae LeeSensory neuron development Bioligy20102016 Jay Parrish (grad student)
Yoonsun LeeEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education2004 Alan J. Klockars (grad student)
Adrian KC Leepsychoacoustics, neuroimaging, neuroengineering20032007 Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham (grad student)
Amy Leecalcium channels, ribbon synapses19982002 William A. Catterall (post-doc)
Michael L. Lee2011 Horacio O. de la Iglesia (grad student)
Gregory S. LeeRobotics19992004 Blake Hannaford (grad student)
Kimberly A. Lee2003 James Bryant Hurley (grad student)
Keren LehavotClinical Psychology, GLBT Studies, Women's Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Mental Health2011 Jane M. Simoni (grad student)
Julia C. Lemos Neurobiology and Behavior20062012 Paul E. M. Phillips (grad student), Charles Chavkin (grad student)
Michael LenaeusMolecular Biology Pharmacology William A. Catterall (research scientist)
Matthew Leon19962001 Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Kam Leonauditory physiology
Atom J. LesiakNeuronal Morphology, RNAseq, RiboTag, Stress Depression2013 John F. Neumaier (post-doc)
Benjamin Hong Leung2003 James Priess (grad student)
Audie LeventhalVisual system Robert Rodieck (post-doc)
Rachel N. Levin John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Zach Levin
Richard B. Levine James W. Truman (post-doc)
Marjorie R. LevinsteinAddiction, behavioral neuroscience, stress, decision making Pharmocology20162020 John F. Neumaier (grad student)
Eric LevyMarketing Business Administration2011 Mark Forehand (grad student)
Thomas A. LewandowskiToxicology, Animal Physiology Biology2000 Elaine M. Faustman (grad student)
Suzanne Lewis Psychology David Henry Gire (grad student)
Jessica Lewis20012005 David W. Raible (grad student)
Li LiAnesthesiology, Brain physiology, Arousal circuitry, Synaptic homeostasis Michael R. Bruchas (research scientist)
Anna J Lisystems neuro Biological Structure2021 Nicholas A. Steinmetz (grad student)
Joanne Jingwen Lispeech production; speech motor control; adaptation; sensorimotor learning
Si Jia Librain machine interfaces Bioengineering2018 Amy L. Orsborn (grad student)
Xinyue Ariel Li
Bowen LiDrug Delivery
Nianzhen LiNeuroscience, Neuron-Glial Interactions, Astrocyte, Sleep, Epilepsy Bioengineering Albert Folch (post-doc)
Yu-I LiNutrition, Molecular Biology, Genetics2005 Renee C. LeBoeuf (grad student)
Barry Lia19941998 Davida Teller (grad student)
Robert C. LidenManagement Business Administration, Organizational Terence R. Mitchell (post-doc)
Travis R. LilleyCircadian Rhythms, Neuroendocrinology
Rebecca LimVestibular, Auditory, Electrophysiology, Biophysics
Jeffrey Y. LinVisual system, visual attention Psychology20082012 Geoffrey Boynton (grad student), Scott O. Murray (grad student)
Baihan LinReinforcement learning, Natural language processing, Human-computer interaction, Computational neuroscience, Bioinformatics20152017 David Baker (research assistant)
Jo-Fu L. LinSpeech, child development2009 Patricia K. Kuhl (grad student)
Tor LinboDevelopment, Neural crest, Dorsal root ganglia, pigment, hair cells19931995 David W. Raible (research scientist), Michael H. Gelb (research assistant)
Noam LindenboimBorderline Personality Disorder2009 Marsha M. Linehan (grad student)
Kristen Lindgren Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Clayton Neighbors (post-doc)
Ken J. Lindsay Biochemistry2014 James Bryant Hurley (grad student)
Amy Lindsay Physiology & Biophysics19831986 Marc D. Binder (grad student)
Delwin T. LindseyVisual perception, cognition19861992 Davida Teller (research scientist)
Marsha M. LinehanBorderline Personality Disorder James E. Johnson (grad student)
Nancy J. Linfordestrogen neuroprotection2001 Daniel M. Dorsa (grad student)
Shannon M. Linton2000 Wayne Crill (grad student)
Stephen G. LisbergerOculomotor System Albert F. Fuchs (grad student)
James A. Lister19972004 David W. Raible (post-doc)
Yan Liu Bharathi Jagadeesh (post-doc)
Yusha Liuserotonin autoreceptors, serotonin transporter Neurobiology and Behavior20102014 John F. Neumaier (grad student)
Huei-Mei LiuSpeech, child development2002 Patricia K. Kuhl (grad student)
Shan-Lu Liu2003 A. Dusty Miller (grad student)
Braden T. LobingierNeuronal membrane traffic Biochemistry2013 Alexey J. Merz (grad student)
Geoffrey R. LoftusVisual memory Richard C. Atkinson (grad student)
Roger Brown Loucksphysiology of learning
Sarah LouieWnt signaling2004 Randall Moon (grad student)
Ivar Lovaas19591961 Sidney Bijou (post-doc), Donald Baer (post-doc)
Tom Love
Hailing LuToxicology2001 Lucio G. Costa (grad student)
Timothy H. LucasMotor systems, BCI20042009 Eberhard E. Fetz (grad student), George A. Ojemann (grad student)
Sylvia M. Lucas Physiology &Biophysics19781982 Marc D. Binder (grad student)
Charles LuetjeReceptor function, olfactory system19821987 Neil Nathanson (grad student)
Mitchell J. LumBiorobotics2008 Blake Hannaford (grad student)
Ellen A. LumpkinSensory Physiology, Biophysics/ion Channels, Synapses and Circuits, Cell Specification and Differentiation, Mechanosensory Transduction in Mammalian Touch Receptors Jonathon Howard (post-doc)
Brian Nils Lundstrom20082009 Adrienne Fairhall (grad student), Sungho Hong (collaborator), Michael G. Famulare (collaborator)
Brian Lundstrom
SiWei LuoOlfaction, learning and memory, neurophysiology 20072009 Min Jung J. Kim (research assistant), Ilene Bernstein (research assistant)
Sharon E. Lynn John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Johnathan G. LyonCancer, Neuroengineering Computer Science20092010 Rajesh P. Rao (grad student)
Alan Yahanda, M.D19931995 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Fumio Yamaguchi, M.D.19921994 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Susumu Nagasaka, M.D.19921993 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Saadi Ghatan, M.D.19951999 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Charlie Kuntz, M.D.19971998 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Kathleen Tozer, M.D.20022004 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Jim Schuster, M.D.,19982000 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Eva Y. Ma20042009 David W. Raible (grad student)
Jeff J. MacInnesMemory, Motivation, Emotions, fMRI, real-time fMRI Psychology20172018 Andrea Stocco (post-doc)
Scott M. Mackenzie Neurobiology and Behavior2012 David W. Raible (grad student)
Michael C. Mackey1968 John Walter Woodbury (grad student)
Kenneth P. MackieCannabinoid receptors and signaling Bertil Hille (post-doc)
Colin M. MacLeodattention, learning, and memory19751978 Thomas O. Nelson (grad student), Earl B. Hunt (post-doc)
Ross K. MaddoxAuditory neuroscience, auditory brainstem responses, selective attention, EEG20112016 Adrian KC Lee (post-doc)
Christine Madori Physiology & Biophysics19972000 Marc D. Binder (grad student)
Rodolfo Madrid Sharona E. Gordon (post-doc)
Izumi Maezawa2005 Thomas J. Montine (grad student)
Karl L. Magleby Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Kristin L. MahanMemory, Olfactory System2008 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Patricia A. MalainEducational Psychology Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Clinical Psychology2001 Jerald R. Forster (grad student)
Michele J. MalarneyTechnology of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education2000 Leslie R. Herrenkohl (grad student)
Tiffany B. Malek2008 Catherine Peichel (grad student)
Sarah J. MalmquistDevelopment, Neural crest, Dorsal root ganglia Molecular and Cellular Biology20072013 Jeff Simon (grad student), David W. Raible (grad student)
Thavida ManeewarnBiorobotics2000 Blake Hannaford (grad student)
Donna L. Maneybehavioral neuroendocrinology19931998 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Charles G. Manningeyewitness memory2000 Elizabeth F. Loftus (grad student)
Maya Asako MarderNeuroscience, Anxiety Carla Bradshaw (grad student)
David J. Margolisneural circuits20012007 Peter B. Detwiler (grad student)
Elizabeth C. Marindevelopmental neurobiology of Drosophila20042008 James W. Truman (post-doc)
Daniel L. Marks Robert Steiner (grad student)
William R. MarrsCannabinoid signaling and neuroinflammation2011 Nephi Stella (grad student)
Misty MarshallCalcium channels2007 William A. Catterall (grad student)
Sandra T. MartellEducational Psychology Education, Art Education, Sciences Education, Museology2005 Leslie R. Herrenkohl (grad student)
Adria Martig2010 Sheri Mizumori (grad student)
Vicente MartinezSchizophrenia, acetylcholine2008 Paul E. M. Phillips (post-doc)
Gilbert MartinezMolecular & Cellular Physiology Sharona E. Gordon (post-doc)
Anita A. MathiasPharmacy, Obstetrics and Gynecology2004 Jashvant D. Unadkat (grad student)
Jonathan I. MatsuiVisual system, auditory system, zebrafish Edwin W. Rubel (research assistant)
Yoky MatsuokaNeurobotics
Kathleen S. Matt1982 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Hayley Mattison Andrés Barria (post-doc)
Kimberly Irene Matulef2002 William N. Zagotta (grad student)
Ludo Maxmotor control, speech motor control, sensorimotor processing, behavioral neuroscience, neuroimaging, stuttering, fluency disorders, motor learning, sensorimotor adaptation, auditory feedback
Kelly Edward MayoMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology1982 Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Mark Mazurek2004 Michael N. Shadlen (grad student)
Joshua K. McBee2004 Krzysztof Palczewski (grad student)
Kathryn L. McCabedevelopmental neurobiology2000 Thomas A. Reh (grad student)
Kate McClannahanPerceptual Learning, electrophysiology, language and cochlear implants2006 Kelly Tremblay (grad student)
William Owen McClurebiological and chemical aspects of mental illness1964 Hans Neurath (grad student)
Eedann D McCordion channels Pharmacology Physiology and Biophysics Physiology and Biophysics20192019 William A. Catterall (grad student), Sharona E. Gordon (post-doc), William N. Zagotta (collaborator)
Allyson V. McCormick2007 James H. Thomas (grad student)
Brendan J. McCulloughGenetics of disease2005 Bruce Tempel (grad student)
Ross A. McDevittBehavioral neuroscience, serotonin20102011 John F. Neumaier (grad student), Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
Joshua J. McElwee Genome Sciences20062007 James H. Thomas (grad student), Michael J. MacCoss (post-doc)
David A. McFarlaneGuidance and Counseling Education2004 Jerald R. Forster (grad student)
Hillary F. McGrawDevelopment, Neural crest, Dorsal root ganglia20032009 David W. Raible (grad student)
Laura B. McIntireSynaptic Transmission, Biochemistry, Lipid signaling2006 Sandra M. Bajjalieh (grad student)
Stan McKnightgenetics, PKA Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
G. Stanley McKnightprotein kinase A, signal transduction
Katie A. McLaughlin
Jay P. McLaughlinExperimental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology Pharmacology and Physiology19992004 Charles Chavkin (post-doc)
Susan A. McLaughlinAudition / Speech, fMRI Speech and Hearing Sciences20132013 Adrian KC Lee (research scientist), G Christopher Stecker (grad student)
Matt J. McMahonvision Dennis M. Dacey (post-doc)
Pamela McMillanestrogen19941998 Daniel M. Dorsa (post-doc)
Timothy S. McMillenNutrition, Molecular Biology2003 Renee C. LeBoeuf (grad student)
Carrie McMullinPsychology Christopher L. Cunningham (research assistant)
James C. McPartlandClinical Psychology2005 Geraldine Dawson (grad student)
Andrea McQuate Physiology & Biophysics Andrés Barria (grad student)
Brendan McShane Molecular and Cellular Biology2021 Timothy J. Cherry (grad student)
Anne McTiernanNutrition, Behavioral Sciences Psychology
Andrew C. McUsicdevelopmental neurobiology2011 Thomas A. Reh (grad student)
Hilary Mead2010 Theodore P. Beauchaine (grad student)
Rebecca A. Mease2010 Adrienne Fairhall (grad student)
Simone L. Meddle John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Alison S. Mehravari Lee Osterhout (grad student)
Kimberly Meier
Peter B. MeilstrupVisual system, motion perception Neurobiology and Behavior20062014 Michael N. Shadlen (grad student)
John Meitzen2008 Eliot A. Brenowitz (grad student), David Perkel (grad student)
Susan Melhorn Randall R. Sakai (grad student)
Erica J. MeliefOpioid receptors, potassium channels2011 Charles Chavkin (grad student)
Deborah S. Mellott2003 Anthony Greenwald (grad student)
Andrew N. MeltzoffChild development
Jose MercadoIon-Channels Sharona E. Gordon (post-doc)
Kathryn R. MercurioMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology2011 Mark Forehand (grad student)
Michael J. Metzger2010 A. Dusty Miller (grad student)
Neva P. Meyer2005 Henk Roelink (grad student)
Andrew J. Mhyre19992005 Daniel M. Dorsa (grad student)
Xu MiaoComputation & theory2011 Rajesh P. Rao (grad student)
Katherine Morgan Mickey2000 James Priess (grad student)
John Mignone
Kathleen Millendevelopmental neurogenetics
Kai J. MillerComputation & theory Neurobiology and Behavior2014 Rajesh P. Rao (grad student)
Kimberly E. MillerAuditory System Ellen Covey (research scientist), John H. Casseday (research scientist)
A. Dusty MillerVirology, Gene Therapy, Cell Biology
Dana L. Miller
Margaret Miller Robert Steiner (grad student)
Margaret G. Mills Molecular and Cellular Biology2013 Catherine Peichel (grad student)
Beatrice Milnes Molecular and Cellular Biology Program2022 Andrea E. Wills (grad student)
Satoshi Minoshima
Saghar Mirbagheri Biological structure Computer science20202020 Nicholas A. Steinmetz (grad student), Rajesh P. Rao (research scientist)
Majid MirbagheriSpeech and Audio Signal Processing, Neural Engineering
Justin Mirus Molecular and Cellular Biology2013 Paul D. Lampe (grad student)
Terence R. Mitchell Frederick Fiedler (grad student)
Ellen Siobhan Mitchell5-HT6 receptors, neuropharmacology, aging20032007 John F. Neumaier (post-doc)
Takashi Mitsuya Speech and Hearing Sciences20162018 Ludo Max (post-doc)
Kristen L. Mittelsteadt
David Mittmann Ellen Covey (post-doc), Peter Casseday (post-doc)
Donald T. MizokawaEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology
Sheri MizumoriSpatial Navigation, Behavioral Neuroscience Mark Rosenzweig (grad student)
Brian MogenSpinal Cord Stimulation, Neurosurgery, Plasticity Physiology and Biophysics Physiology and Biophysics20112016 Eberhard E. Fetz (grad student), Steve Perlmutter (grad student)
Robert Mohr2011 Joseph A. Sisneros (grad student)
David MoleaAuditory system2002 Edwin W. Rubel (grad student)
Jenna A. Monroy Ellen Covey (post-doc)
Pablo MonsivaisAuditory system2001 Edwin W. Rubel (grad student)
Thomas J. Montine
William Moody Donald Kennedy (grad student)
Randall MoonWnt signaling Zoology Merrill Hille (grad student)
Ignacio T. Moore John C. Wingfield (post-doc), Eliot A. Brenowitz (post-doc)
Michael C. MooreBehavioral Neuroendocrinology and Field Endocrinology1982 Donald S. Farner (grad student), John C. Wingfield (collaborator), John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Nadia A. MooreToxicology, Neuroscience Biology2008 Lucio G. Costa (grad student)
James Christopher Moreland
Joshua L. Morgan20022009 Rachel Wong (grad student)
Daniel MorganCannabinoid Tolerance Stan McKnight (post-doc)
Takuma MorimotoColour Vision Department of Psychology20132014 Steven L. Buck (grad student)
Chet T. Moritz Eberhard E. Fetz (post-doc)
Anna M. Moritz Physiology & Biophysics20042006 Marc D. Binder (post-doc)
Lee G. MorrisCPGs, invertebrates, muscles20002000 Katherine Graubard (post-doc)
Richard S. Morrison
David B. MortonDrosophila neurobiology, cGMP signaling, ALS19831990 James W. Truman (post-doc)
Ala Moshiridevelopmental neurobiology2004 Thomas A. Reh (grad student)
Aaron M. MossPharmacy2011 Jashvant D. Unadkat (grad student)
Malayka MottarellaCognitive Neuroscience Psychology2019 Chantel S. Prat (grad student)
Arno G. Motulskypharmacogenetics
Andrew M. Mountcastle2010 Thomas L. Daniel (grad student)
Ana Mrejerudopamine, nicotine, neurodegeneration, calcium, NMDA receptors, reward learning2009 Jan Marino Ramirez (grad student)
Adrienne Mueller Neurobiology and Behavior2013 Farrel R. Robinson (grad student)
Ana MunkNeurophysiological Bases of Speech Production2003 Anne Smith (grad student)
Michael A. Murias
Heather Elise Murphy20052007 Marsha M. Linehan (grad student)
Gabe J. Murphy Frederick M. Rieke (post-doc)
James Alan Murrayneuroethology19891994 A. O. Dennis Willows (grad student)
Scott O. MurrayVisual cortex
Venkatesh N. Murthyinformation processing by neural circuits Eberhard E. Fetz (grad student)
James R. MusickNeurophysiology19931999 Marc D. Binder (grad student)
Michael J. Mustari Raymond D. Lund (grad student)
Karen L. MyhrRetinal Ganglion Cells Rachel Wong (grad student)
Jihwan MyungSuprachiasmatic nucleus, Circadian rhythm20062008 Frederick M. Rieke (grad student)
Jessica J. NadlerGenetics2001 Robert E. Braun (grad student)
Kathleen F. Nagleauditory-perceptual rating scales Speech and Hearing Sciences Tanya L. Eadie (grad student)
Eun Y. NahmMarital Stability, Relationships2006 John M. Gottman (grad student)
Srinidhi Elizabeth NaiduVision Physiology and Biophysics Frederick M. Rieke (research scientist)
Sunila G. NairNeuropharmacology20092012 John F. Neumaier (post-doc)
Tomoyuki NamimaVisual system20152022 Anitha Pasupathy (post-doc)
Evanthia Nanou2009 William A. Catterall (post-doc)
Nicholas Nasrallah2010 Neil E. Rowland (research assistant), Ilene Bernstein (grad student)
Lisa P. NathanInformation Science, Information Technology, Sustainability2009 Batya Friedman (grad student)
Neil NathansonSignal transduction
Victor M Navarro Robert Steiner (post-doc)
Alipi V. Naydenovendocannabinoids, huntington's disease, striatal signaling Neurology2010 Nephi Stella (grad student), Suman Jayadev (post-doc)
Andrada D. NeacsiuBorderline Personality Disorder Psychology2012 Marsha M. Linehan (grad student)
Genevieve Neal-Perry
Alex NechiporukDevelopment, Lateral line20032008 David W. Raible (post-doc)
Richard S. NeelEducational Psychology Education
Clayton Neighbors Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20002002 Mary E. Larimer (post-doc)
Jay NeitzColor Vision
Maureen NeitzMolecular Genetics and Color Vision
Thomas O. Nelson
Travis Nelson
Joseph P. NemargutRetina, Glaucoma20102012 Russell Van Gelder (post-doc)
Maresi NeradHigher Education, Administration Education, Clinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education
Emily NeuhausClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2012 Wendy Stone (grad student)
John F. NeumaierSerotonin receptors, stress, addiction19911994 Charles Chavkin (grad student), Mark W. Hamblin (grad student)
Kathryn Jean Newhall2005 Stan McKnight (grad student)
Gregory S. Newkirk Neurobiology and Behavior Physiology & Biophysics20032013 Peter B. Detwiler (grad student), Marc D. Binder (grad student)
Shawn D. Newlands19971998 Albert F. Fuchs (post-doc)
John C. NewmanGeroscience, aging, geriatrics, delirium, frailty, ketone bodies Biochemistry20022006 Alan M. Weiner (grad student)
Scott B. Ng-EvansElectronics and Materials Engineering
Amy M. NiPerception Gregory D. Horwitz (post-doc)
C. Blake Nichols2010 Stan McKnight (grad student)
Teresa NicolsonAuditory, Zebrafish Daniel R. Storm (research assistant)
Marcel d. NijsMedical Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology
Simon Nilsson Biological Structure20192021 Sam A. Golden (post-doc)
Anzela Niraulaneuroscience, blood-brain barrier, innate immunity
Mary P. Nivison Pathology2014 Philip John Horner (grad student)
William Stafford Noblemodeling biological processes at the molecular level
Richard H. NoblesClinical Psychology, GLBT Studies2010 Ana M. Cavce (grad student)
Michael Alexander Nolan2004 Stan McKnight (grad student)
Michael Arthur NolanElectrical Engineering, Computational Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Motor Control Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering2019 Amy L. Orsborn (grad student), Eli Shlizerman (grad student)
David O. Norris Zoology1966 Aubrey Gorbman (grad student)
Aaron S. NudelmanMemory, Olfactory System2008 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Samuel E. NuttNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology Neurobiology and Behavior2012 Philip John Horner (grad student)
Sara O'BrienNeuroscience, Physiological Ecology, GnIH, Kisspeptin, HPG axis, Food Cues2009 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Brendan J. O'Brienvisual system, retina, ganglion cells, voltage gated sodium channels19921997 Jaime Olavarria (grad student)
Thomas O'ConnorAuditory system
Kathleen M. O'Reilly John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Brian J. O'Roakhuman genetics, autism20092013 Evan Eichler (post-doc), Jay Shendure (post-doc)
Amy E. Oakleyreproductive endocrinology Robert Steiner (grad student)
Jennifer A. OBrienNeurophysiology2000 Albert J. Berger (grad student)
Karl Obrietan Daniel R. Storm (post-doc)
Elizabeth C. Oesterleauditory system Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Sujean Oh Psychology David Henry Gire (research scientist)
Jeff G. Ojemannneurosurgery, language
George A. OjemannNeurosurgery, Language, Memory, Brain mapping
Haruhisa OkawaRetina2009 Rachel Wong (post-doc)
Jaime Olavarriavisual system
Robert Olberg Zoology John Palka (grad student)
Timothy D. OleskiwShape perception, V4, Neurodynamics Anitha Pasupathy (grad student), Wyeth Bair (grad student)
Shawn R. OlsenVisual system, Cortical circuits
Berit R. OlsenDevelopmental Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Psychology2012 Betty M. Repacholi (grad student)
Maynard V. Olsen
James M. Olson
Kristina J. Olson-Pupek (Spray)behavioral neuroscience; learning and motivation; taste2002 Ilene Bernstein (grad student)
Lesley B. OlswangSpeech Pathology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Experimental Psychology, Gerontology
Bradley B. Olwin Stephen D. Hauschka (post-doc), Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Mitchell H. Omar
Mark R. Oppsleep, immunology, neuroimmunology
Amy L. OrsbornMotor Control, Brain-Machine Interfaces
Connie Osborn
Lee OsterhoutNeurolinguistics, language processing
David J Ottenheimer Biological Structure20202023 Nicholas A. Steinmetz (post-doc)
Kelly N. Owenshearing and genetics20032013 Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc), David W. Raible (post-doc)
Donald H. OwingsAnimal Behavior, Psychology1972 Robert Bruce Lockard (grad student)
Stephanie L. PadillaCellular/Molecular/Developmental Neuroscience, Cell Specification and Differentiation, Maternal Programming of Metabolic Disease, Models of Psychiatric Disorders (Anorexia), Circuits Regulating Food Intake and Body Weight Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
Krzysztof Palczewski
Leo Pallanck
John Palmer Alex C. Huk (collaborator)
Theo D. PalmerNeural Stem Cells19851992 A. Dusty Miller (grad student)
Richard DeForest Palmiterneuropeptide signaling, receptor biology
Yung-Wei PanNeuronal Apoptosis and stem cell biology Molecular and Cellular Biology2012 Zhengui Xia (grad student)
David W. PantaloneClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2007 Jane M. Simoni (grad student)
Matthew J. ParadiseClinical Psychology, Social Work2001 Ana M. Cauce (grad student)
David Parichy
Woon Ju ParkVisual System
Frederick D. Park2004 James Priess (grad student)
Chauncey R. ParkerClinical Psychology2006 Robert Kohlenberg (grad student)
Jones G. ParkerDopamine, Striatum, Neuropharmacology, Calcium imaging, Brain Disease20062011 Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Malcolm R. ParksSpeech Communication, GLBT Studies, Gender Studies, Physiological Psychology
Jay Parrish
L Donald Partridgesynaptic plasticity19691973 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Anitha PasupathyVisual system
Leena S. PatelAuditory system2005 Edwin W. Rubel (grad student)
Chay PatersonMathematical oncology20172019 Ivana Bozic (post-doc)
Larissa B. Patterson Biology2014 David Parichy (grad student)
Michael A PattersonSynaptic Plasticity, Receptor Trafficking, olfaction Biochemistry20142016 Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
Sara S Pattersonretina, color vision20152020 Jay Neitz (grad student)
Braulio Peguerogenetics of auditory system Neurobiology and Behavior20072014 Bruce Tempel (grad student)
Catherine Peichel
Blake A. Pellman Jeansok J. Kim (grad student)
Cherie R. Percaccio2007 Patricia K. Kuhl (post-doc)
Antoine L. PerchelletImmunology2004 Joan M. Goverman (grad student)
Maria Pereverzevavision, development2006 Davida Teller (grad student)
Nicole Perfito John C. Wingfield (grad student)
David PerkelSynaptic Physiology, Vocal learning, Songbird Eliot A. Brenowitz (collaborator)
Steve Perlmutter1995 Eberhard E. Fetz (collaborator), Eberhard E. Fetz (post-doc)
Michael J. Persenaire
Abigail L. Personneurophysiology, cerebellum, motor control David Perkel (grad student)
Steven Peterson Department of Biology Computer Science & Engineering2018 Bingni Wen Brunton (post-doc), Rajesh P. Rao (post-doc)
David Henry PeterzellVision Science, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical/Social Science19941997 Davida Teller (post-doc)
Paul PfaffingerPotassium Channels Bertil Hille (grad student)
Yoshito Kinoshito, Ph.D.1995 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Camelia Danilov, Ph.D.20082011 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Takuma Uo, Ph.D.20022013 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Joshua McBee, Ph.D.20042006 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Lidong Liu, Ph.D.20082009 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Trongha X. PhanAlzheimer's20042010 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Paul E. M. PhillipsDopamine2004 Scott B. Ng-Evans (collaborator)
James O. Phillipsvestibular neurophysiology, oculomotor neurophysiology19851993 Albert F. Fuchs (grad student)
Marilyn Piccirillo Katherine T. Foster (post-doc)
Heidi L. Picken-Bahrey2003 William Moody (grad student)
Sarah B. Pickett David W. Raible (grad student)
Michael S. PierceCondensed Matter Physics2006 Larry B. Sorensen (grad student)
Alex PietNetwork Dynamics, Working Memory, Decision Making20102012 David Perkel (research assistant)
Catherine M. PihokerPediatric neuroendocrinology
Victor V. PinedaMemory, Olfactory System2003 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Ilona PitkanenNeurolinguistics, language processing2010 Lee Osterhout (grad student)
Kayla M PittsNeuropsychopharmacology, Addiction, Reward and Motivation Biological Structure20192022 Sam A. Golden (research assistant)
Daniella M. PizzurroToxicology, Environmental Health, Neuroscience Biology Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences2013 Lucio G. Costa (grad student)
Ned J. Place2000 George J. Kenagy (grad student)
Mary D. PlummerSocial Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2007 Jane M. Simoni (grad student)
Andrew V. Poliakov Physiology & Biophysics19941996 Marc D. Binder (post-doc)
Andrew Poliokov
Julia Pollakdevelopmental neurobiology Neurobiology and Behavior2013 Thomas A. Reh (grad student)
Nicholas P. Pooloscellular neurophysiology, epilepsy
Simina M. PopaNeuroendocrinology, Reproductive physiology, Regulation of neuropeptide gene expression Molecular and Cellular Biology2013 Robert Steiner (grad student)
Dina V. Popovkinavisual system, object recognition, computational models20182017 Anitha Pasupathy (grad student), Geoffrey Boynton (post-doc), John Palmer (post-doc)
Martha D. PortSignal transduction2008 Neil Nathanson (grad student)
Jesse A. PortEnvironmental Health, Bioinformatics Biology, Environmental Sciences Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences2012 Elaine M. Faustman (grad student)
Alexandra (Sasha) A Portnovaupper-extremity, hand, prosthetics, orthotics, dimensionality reduction Mechanical Engineering20162022 Katherine M. Steele (research assistant), Eric Rombokas (grad student)
Steven W. PoserMemory, Olfactory System2001 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Jerome Posner19611963 Edwin G. Krebs (post-doc)
Dean Abraham PospisilVisual system Biological Structure2015 Wyeth Bair (grad student)
Nadiya O. PostupnaNeural control of movement, Basal ganglia2008 Marjorie E. Anderson (grad student)
Randall K. Powers Physiology & Biophysics19781982 Marc D. Binder (grad student)
Maureen Powersgrowth and development of visual systems and brain plasticity19771979 Walter L. Makous (post-doc)
Sujata D. PradhanParkinson's disease, Fine motor control, Robotics
Chantel S. Prat
Kara G. Pratt Jane M. Sullivan (post-doc)
Andrew E. PrendergastDevelopment, Neuroscience Neurobiology and Behavior20072013 Judith M. Thorn (research assistant), Sean J. Morrison (research assistant), David W. Raible (grad student)
Gretchen Harms Pritchard Christopher Hunter (grad student)
David A. ProberGenetic and Neural Circuits that Regulate Sleep2002 Bruce A Edgar (grad student)
Roman Prokopenko20072008 Ludo Max (post-doc)
Daniel PromislowDrosophila, Evolution, Senescence, Networks, Life history strategies, sexual selection
Yifat PrutMotor system; Spinal cord2000 Eberhard E. Fetz (post-doc)
Christian PullerRetina, Visual System20112014 Dennis M. Dacey (post-doc), Jay Neitz (post-doc)
Elizabeth Pulos1981 Walter L. Makous (grad student)
Corey B. PuryearNeurobiology of Learning and Memory2008 Sheri Mizumori (grad student)
John A. Pylescognitive neuroscience/functional imaging20012003 Earl B. Hunt (research assistant)
Albert QuintanaNeuroscience; Mitochondrial Neuropathology, Basal ganglia signaling20082013 Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
Jared W. Ragland19992004 David W. Raible (grad student)
David W. RaibleDevelopment, Neural crest, Lateral Line, Zebrafish2001 Edwin W. Rubel (collaborator)
Rajeev D. RaizadafMRI, pattern-based analysis, structure of neural representations2003 Patricia K. Kuhl (post-doc)
Srinivasa N. Raja Anesthesiology John Bonica (post-doc)
Pavithra RajeswaranBrain Machine Interface, Memory consolidation and Learning Bioengineering2019 Amy L. Orsborn (grad student)
Rey R. RamirezMagnetoencephalography, Electroencephalography, Neuroelectromagnetic Source Imaging, Brain Dynamics, Cortical Stimulation, Deep Brain Stimulation, Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders, Developmental, Cognitive, and Social Neuroscience
Arturo B. Ramirez2010 Paul D. Lampe (grad student)
Jan Marino Ramirezrespiration
Douglas Stuart Ramsayregulatory behavior, behavioral pharmacology, behavioral neuroscience, psychology, orthodontics19831988 Stephen C. Woods (grad student)
Mark Rand
Bruce R. Ransomastrocytes, glial cells, oligodendrocytes, optic nerve, white matter, ischemia Sidney Goldring (grad student)
Rajesh P. RaoComputation & theory
Samrrah A. Raouf John C. Wingfield (post-doc), Charles R. Brown (post-doc)
Tuwani A. RasenganeInfant vision, optometry19961998 Davida Teller (post-doc)
Wendy Raskind
Ali C. Ravanpay2007 James M. Olson (grad student)
Jane E. Raymondvisual perception, consumer psychology1977 Walter L. Makous (grad student)
Jonathan Realmutoneuro mechanics, sensorimotor augmentation, wearable robotics Mechanical Engineering20112017 Santosh Devasia (grad student)
Susan Reed
Tom A. Reh
Thomas A. Rehdevelopmental neurobiology
Kevin ReillyMovement science/Neurophysiology of Speech19982004 Christopher A. Moore (grad student)
Melissa Reilly Jeansok J. Kim (grad student), Adrienne J. Betz (research assistant)
Cindy L Reiner2006 Neil Nathanson (grad student)
Stephen Reinertson
Christine Remmers William A. Catterall (post-doc)
Betty M. RepacholiDevelopmental Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Jesse M. Resnick Jay Rubinstein (grad student)
Alex D. Reyes Eberhard E. Fetz (grad student), William J. Spain (post-doc), Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Andrew Garmory RichardsonMotor system20082012 Eberhard E. Fetz (post-doc)
Frank Richardson
Matthew I. Richardson2003 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Lynn M. Riddiforddevelopment, entomology
Christine A. Riedy
Frederick M. RiekeRetina
Jeff Riffell
Anthony L. RileyBehavioral Pharmacology Robert C. Bolles (grad student)
Julie A. RinaldiClinical Psychology, Adult and Continuing Education, Individual and Family Studies2001 Geraldine Dawson (grad student)
Raul Riquelme Andrés Barria (post-doc)
Zeena M G Rivera Pharmacology Psychology20182020 Charles Chavkin (research assistant), Sheri Mizumori (research assistant)
Shireen L. RizviBorderline Personality Disorder2004 Marsha M. Linehan (grad student)
Philip R. RoanBiorobotics2011 Blake Hannaford (grad student)
Christie P. Robertson19962002 Henk Roelink (grad student)
Nicholas C. RobinWnt signaling Pharmacology2014 Randall Moon (grad student)
Farrel R. Robinson Physiology & Biophysics19951998 Marc D. Binder (post-doc)
Robert RodieckVisual system and the retina
Henk RoelinkInduction in vertebrate development and ES cell differentiation
Sherri L. RogalskiOpioid receptors, potassium channels2000 Charles Chavkin (grad student)
Loranzie S Rogers2019 Joseph A. Sisneros (grad student)
Jamie Roitman2002 Michael N. Shadlen (grad student)
Mitch F. Roitman2001 Ilene Bernstein (grad student)
Ariel RokemMRI, Vision, Data Science
L. Michael RomeroBehavioral endocrinology John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Mario G. RosascoIon channels, voltage-sensitive phosphatases, biophysics, computational biology Pharmacology Physiology and Biophysics20152014 Sandra M. Bajjalieh (grad student), Sharona E. Gordon (grad student)
Tamara RosenbaumBiophysics, TRP channel, Structure-function Sharona E. Gordon (post-doc)
Noam Roth Biological Structure2020 Nicholas A. Steinmetz (post-doc)
Miranda RothHCN channels Nicholas P. Poolos (grad student)
Elaine K. Round2004 James H. Thomas (grad student)
Ashley L. Rubadevelopmental psychology, emotion Psychology20142019 Betty M. Repacholi (grad student)
Edwin W. RubelAuditory system Andrés Barria (collaborator)
Jay Rubinstein
Jon W. RueckemannMemory
Robert L. Ruff
Mark RuffoNeural control of movement, Basal ganglia2007 Marjorie E. Anderson (grad student)
Erik P. RunesonVisual Attention Psychology20072013 Geoffrey Boynton (grad student), Scott O. Murray (grad student)
Hannele Ruohola-Bakerreproduction
Gary Russo19931996 Eberhard E. Fetz (post-doc)
Eric Ruthruff Geoffrey R. Loftus (research assistant)
Lester T. Rutledgecortex Arnold L. Towe (grad student)
Kimberly D. Ryan2001 John M. Gottman (grad student)
Julian K. Saint ClairMarketing Business Administration Business2013 Mark Forehand (grad student)
Hitomi Sakano2008 Linda B. Buck (grad student)
Alapakkam P. Sampathretina Frederick M. Rieke (post-doc)
Jorge SanchezElectrophysiology in Ionic Channels Bertil Hille (post-doc)
Jason Tait SanchezCell Imaging & Electrophysiology, Hearing Sciences Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc), Andrés Barria (post-doc)
Stefan G. Sandberg Paul E. M. Phillips (post-doc)
Russell Kevin Sanders1980 Walter L. Makous (grad student)
Lawrence SandlerDrosophila genetics, chromosome mechanics
Sanjay SaneNeuroethology, Biomechanics Thomas L. Daniel (post-doc)
Dan H. Sanesdevelopment and plasticity of the auditory system Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Ganesh SankaranarayananBiorobotics2007 Blake Hannaford (grad student)
Felipe Santosotolaryngology2003 Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Elisenda SanzNeuroscience Pharmacology20082013 Stan McKnight (post-doc)
Devapratim SarmaSomatosensory Integration, Motor Control, Sensory Cognition and Processing, Brain Machine Interfaces, Brain Computer Interfaces, Neuroprosthetics Bioengineering, Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering Neurological Surgery20122017 Rajesh P. Rao (grad student), Jeff G. Ojemann (grad student)
William A. SatherVoltage-gated Ca2+ channels1988 Peter B. Detwiler (grad student)
Cara Sauder Tanya L. Eadie (grad student)
Andrea Sawczuk
Ravi K. SawhneyCell Biology, General Biophysics, Animal Physiology Biology2001 Jonathon Howard (grad student)
Glenn E. SchafeMemory, Emotion, Plasticity19921997 Robert C. Bolles (grad student), Ilene Bernstein (grad student), Joseph E. LeDoux (grad student)
K. Warner Schaie Charles R. Strother (research scientist)
Michael-Paul SchallmoVision, fMRI, schizophrenia, autism20152017 Scott O. Murray (post-doc)
Alec ScharffVisual attention and object perception20062011 John Palmer (grad student)
Alexander C. Scharff2011 John Palmer (grad student)
Selena S. SchattauerOpioid receptors, potassium channels Pharmacology2012 Charles Chavkin (grad student)
Leslayann C Schectersonneurotrophin receptors, auditory brainstem Physiology and Biophysics20012014 Mark A. Bothwell (research scientist)
Paul A. Scheet2006 Matthew Stephens (grad student)
Abigail G. Schindler Pharmacology20122012 Jeremy J, Clark (post-doc), Yvon Delville (research assistant), Charles Chavkin (grad student)
Amanda E. SchivellSynaptic Transmission, Biochemistry, Lipid signaling2000 Sandra M. Bajjalieh (grad student)
Michael L. SchladorSignal transduction2000 Neil Nathanson (grad student)
Henry SchmidtBorderline Personality Disorder2001 Marsha M. Linehan (grad student)
Brian P. SchmidtVisual perception Ophthalmology20112015 Jay Neitz (grad student)
Julie L. Schnapf19731978 Walter L. Makous (grad student)
Sean Schneider Genome Sciences2014 James H. Thomas (grad student)
Stephan J. SchoechBehavioral endocrinology19901995 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Leo R. Scholl Amy L. Orsborn (post-doc)
Jonathan Wolf Schoolermemory, problem solving, creativity, the relationship between language and thought.1987 Elizabeth F. Loftus (grad student)
Charlotte Maria Schubert2000 James Priess (grad student)
Sonya Marie Schuh2007 Bertil Hille (grad student)
Michael D. SchwartzCircadian rhythms2007 Horacio O. de la Iglesia (post-doc)
Greg Schwartzretina2009 Frederick M. Rieke (grad student), Michael J. Berry (grad student), Michael Jacob Kahana (research assistant)
Matthew L. Schwartzmembrane fusion, synaptic vesicle biogenesis2010 Alexey J. Merz (grad student)
Philip A. Schwartzkroin
Peter C. Schwindt1972 William H. Calvin (grad student), Wayne Crill (collaborator), William J. Spain (collaborator)
Debra A. Schwinnmolecular pharmacology, alpha 1 adrenergic receptors
Diane ScovilleGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology2002 Jerald R. Forster (grad student)
Audrey SeamonsImmunology2004 Joan M. Goverman (grad student)
Joy Sebeinhibition, interneurons, epilepsy2006 Albert J. Berger (grad student), David W. Raible (post-doc)
Cory D. SecristBorderline Personality Disorder Psychology2014 Marsha M. Linehan (grad student)
Stephanie C. Seemanmotor control2010 Steve Perlmutter (grad student)
Julie Anne SeguinTime Perception, Emotion2008 Geoffrey R. Loftus (research scientist)
Michael J. Seibertsynaptic transmission; neurosecretion Anesthesiology2024 Michael R. Bruchas (post-doc)
Armin H. SeidlNeuroscience Andrés Barria (post-doc)
Kazuhiko Sekineurophysiology19982003 Eberhard E. Fetz (post-doc)
Tomoki SekiguchiManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2003 Vandra L. Huber (grad student)
Roy Seo Psychology20132019 Chantel S. Prat (grad student)
Sandra SerafiniSpeech, child development2002 Patricia K. Kuhl (grad student)
Oliver Serangmodeling biological processes at the molecular level2011 William Stafford Noble (grad student)
Timothy J. SextonCircadian Photoreception Neurobiology and Behavior20072013 John F. Neumaier (research scientist), Russell Van Gelder (grad student)
William ShainTissue histology, Reactive tissue response, Hydrocephalus
Jordan Robert Shakeranesthesiology Biological Structure2020 Nicholas A. Steinmetz (grad student)
Katherine Eileen Shannon2010 Theodore P. Beauchaine (grad student)
Alyson F. ShapiroMarital Stability, Relationships2004 John M. Gottman (grad student)
Cheng-mei Shaw
Eric Shea-Browncomputational neuroscience Frederick M. Rieke (collaborator)
Laura B. SheardStructure/function of membrane proteins
Laird C. Sheldahl2002 Randall Moon (grad student)
Danny D. ShenPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Lifu Sheng
Pradeep Shenoydecision making, computation2008 Rajesh P. Rao (grad student)
Iain T. Shepherd19982002 David W. Raible (post-doc)
Helen Sherk
Feng-Shiun ShieNeuroscience Biology, Nutrition, Pathology2000 Renee C. LeBoeuf (grad student)
Art Shimamuramemory Geoffrey R. Loftus (grad student)
Eli Shlizerman
Barry M. Shmavonianpsychophysiology, behavioral neuroscience Roger Brown Loucks (grad student)
Liza Shoenfeld Physiology & Biophysics20122014 Marc D. Binder (grad student)
Aaron P. ShonComputation & theory2007 Rajesh P. Rao (grad student)
Noah Gregory ShuartCryoEM, membrane proteins2009 Tamir Gonen (grad student), William N. Zagotta (grad student)
Paul J. Shughrueestrogen19911995 Daniel M. Dorsa (post-doc)
S ShushruthVisual system, Decision making2011 Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Phillip R. SIlva Psychiatry2017 John F. Neumaier (grad student)
Robert S. Silverstein20002006 Bruce Tempel (grad student), Bruce Tempel (grad student)
Donna M. SimmonsChemical Neuroanatomy, Hypothalamic Paraventricular nucleus19671982 Orville A. Smith (research assistant)
Rhiana C. SimonNeuroscience
Jane M. SimoniPsychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Carlos Sindreulearning and memory
Joshua H. SingerRetina, Amacrine Cells19931998 Albert J. Berger (grad student)
Christopher G. Sip Bioengineering2013 Albert Folch (grad student)
Joseph A. Sisnerosneuroethology, sensory biology, behavioral neurobiology Andrew D. Brown (collaborator)
Dominic Sivitilli Psychology David Henry Gire (grad student)
Max T. SizemoreSynaptic Physiology2010 David Perkel (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Skewgar2009 P. Dee Boersma (grad student)
Sean J. SleeAuditory Neuroscience2007 William J. Spain (grad student)
Jefferson SlimpNeuroanatomy Arnold L. Towe (post-doc)
Diane C. SlusarskiCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Human Development Randall Moon (post-doc)
Benjamin L. Smarr Neurobiology and Behavior2012 Horacio O. de la Iglesia (grad student)
Orville A. SmithCardiovascular Physiology, Neuroanatomy, Primatology
Jeremy T Smith Robert Steiner (post-doc)
Ron Smith
Catherine E. Smith2003 Sievert A. Rohwer (grad student)
Stephen EP Smithautism
Stevenson Smith
Stephen J SmithPlasticity, Visual System, Zebrafish, Imaging, Synapse19751977 Charles F. Stevens (grad student), Wolfhard Almers (grad student)
G. Troy Smith Eliot A. Brenowitz (grad student), John C. Wingfield (collaborator)
Anne SmithNeurophysiological Bases of Speech Production Erich S. Luschei (post-doc)
Corey D. SnelsonDorsal root ganglion20092011 David W. Raible (post-doc)
Laura SnowSpeech Pathology, Developmental Psychology2007 Truman E. Coggins (grad student)
Laura R. Snyder2010 Thomas J. Montine (grad student)
Thomas SoderlingCalcium-dependent protein kinases19661970 Edwin G. Krebs (grad student)
Robijanto SoetedjoOculomotor system2002 Albert F. Fuchs (grad student)
Abhijeet Sohni
Joell L. Solan2002 Paul D. Lampe (grad student)
Matthew SoleimanNeural circuitry Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Michele M. Solis David Perkel (post-doc)
Kiran K. Somaneuroscience, endocrinology19942000 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Michelle Braun Sommargren2002 Henk Roelink (grad student)
Jessica A. SommervilleCognitive development
Frederick S. SooRetina20032007 Frederick M. Rieke (post-doc)
Larry B. SorensenBrain Physics2009 Jeff G. Ojemann (research scientist)
Staci A. Sorensendendrites, activity-dependent plasticity19992006 Edwin W. Rubel (grad student)
Noah SorscherNeuronal Apoptosis and stem cell biology Neurobiology and Behavior2012 Zhengui Xia (grad student)
William J. Spainauditory system
Alexander M. SpenceNeurooncology
Todd S. Sperry John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Katie Spink Katherine T. Foster (grad student)
Simon N. SponbergNeuromechanics, Motor Control Thomas L. Daniel (post-doc), Adrienne Fairhall (post-doc)
Jordanna DH SprayberryInsect visual system, sensory processing, animal behavior2005 David Charles O'Carroll (grad student), Thomas L. Daniel (grad student)
Akshayalakshmi Sridhar
Laura A. StambaughMusic Education, Music, Cognitive Psychology2009 Steven M. Demorest (grad student)
Mark T. Stanbackavian behavioral ecology19911994 John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Elizabeth M. StarbuckPhysiological Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2001 Douglas A. Fitts (grad student)
Mark G. StatonMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology2010 Richard Yalch (grad student)
Tamara M. StawickiMolecular Neuroscience, Genetics2011 David W. Raible (post-doc), Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Linda Ste. Marieneuroendocrinology, neuropeptide signaling2003 Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
G Christopher SteckerSpatial Hearing, Auditory cortex
Katherine M. Steele
Michelle S. Steensynapse formation, neuromuscular synapse2008 Stanley C. Froehner (grad student)
Roger W. Steevespeech phsyiology, speech production, speech development2004 Christopher A. Moore (grad student)
Alexander T. SteinTRP channels2006 Sharona E. Gordon (grad student)
Leslie Steinsensory development19781984 Stephen C. Woods (grad student)
Rachael E Steinvoltage-gated ion channels, Dravet syndrome Pharmacology20152020 William A. Catterall (grad student)
Robert SteinerNeuroendocrinology, Reproductive physiology, Regulation of neuropeptide gene expression Biology Richard DeForest Palmiter (collaborator), Charles Chavkin (collaborator), G. Stanley McKnight (collaborator), Horacio O. de la Iglesia (collaborator), William J Bremner (collaborator), Susan Reed (collaborator), Genevieve Neal-Perry (collaborator), Eliot A. Brenowitz (collaborator), Samuel Wasser (collaborator), Donald K Clifton (collaborator)
Gyla M. SteinerSpecial Education, Guidance and Counseling Education2001 Owen White (grad student)
Nicholas A. Steinmetzsystems and computation, vision and attention
Nephi StellaCannabinoid signaling and neuroinflammation
Nephi StelliPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Matthew Stephensgenetics, statistics
Cara E. SteppSpeech Motor Control, Rehabilitation Engineering, Voice Disorders20092011 Yoky Matsuoka (post-doc)
Lindsey SterlingClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2010 Geraldine Dawson (grad student)
Kathryn Steshina Kathleen Millen (post-doc)
Anne M. StevensPediatric Rheumatology Helen Emery (collaborator)
Tessandra StewartNeuroscience Biology2011 Raimondo D'Ambrosio (grad student)
David Gage StewartAddiction, Adolescent Psychopathology, Implementation, Juvenile Justice
Cristi L. StoickWnt signaling2007 Randall Moon (grad student)
Elizabeth StollAging, Tumorgenesis, Adult Neural Stem Cell Neurobiology & Behavior20042010 Philip John Horner (grad student)
Wendy StoneClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Jenny S. StoneAuditory system Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Granville P. StoreySynaptic physiology Physiology & Biophysics2011 Andrés Barria (grad student)
Daniel R. StormMemory, Olfactory System
Anastasiia Stratiievska Sharona E. Gordon (grad student)
Andrew D. Strawneurobiology, visual system19972004 David Charles O'Carroll (grad student)
Jörg StriessnigCalcium Channels William A. Catterall (post-doc)
Ingunn M. StromnesImmunology2007 Joan M. Goverman (grad student), Philip D Greenberg (post-doc)
Melissa K. StrongExcitotoxicity, critical period, spinal cord injury2012 Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Charles R. Strother
Garret D. Stuberneural circuits that underlies neuropsychiatric disorders Dianne Lattemann (research assistant)
Takashi SugawaraEpilepsy, synaptic plasticity William A. Catterall (post-doc)
Arminda Sulineurobehavior20082013 David W. Raible (post-doc)
Katherine SullivanClinical Psychology Clinical Psychology2012 Wendy Stone (grad student)
Jane M. Sullivan Sandra M. Bajjalieh (collaborator), Andrés Barria (collaborator)
Dale K L SummersAdult cognitive-linguistic disorders Speech and Hearing Sciences2019 Kristie A. Spencer (grad student)
Michael SunSomatotopy, Pain, Pain Regulation, Emotion Regulation, Emotion Recognition, Culture, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Suicide Psychology Marsha M. Linehan (research assistant)
Emily Y. SunewClinical Psychology2004 Geraldine Dawson (grad student)
Michael Daniel Sunshine Rehabilitation Medicine20102016 Chet T. Moritz (research scientist)
Nathaniel B. SutterCancer2001 Mark T. Groudine (grad student)
Sachihiro C. Suzuki2007 Rachel Wong (post-doc)
Liselotte SvenssonSpeech Pathology, Special Education, Behavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology2006 Lesley B. Olswang (grad student)
Jane E. Swanson2001 Anthony Greenwald (grad student)
Avery Angell Swearer Molecular and Cellular Biology Program2020 Andrea E. Wills (grad student)
Eric Szelenyi Biological Structure2019 Sam A. Golden (post-doc)
Amber A. TabaresMarital Stability, Relationships2007 John M. Gottman (grad student)
Kathryn M. Tabor Neurobiology and Behavior2012 Rachel Wong (grad student)
Dennis R. Tabuena20162021 William Moody (grad student)
Paul H. TaghertCircadian rhythms, Drosophila, Neurobiology, Neuropeptide, GPCR, 2nd messenger signaling James W. Truman (grad student)
Michael M. TamkunIon Channels William A. Catterall (grad student)
Kohtaro Tanaka2006 James W. Truman (grad student)
Bert Tanner Biology Thomas L. Daniel (grad student)
Kari J. TantaSpecial Education, Early Childhood Education2002 Owen White (grad student)
Wucheng TaoNeurophysiology, ligand gated ion channels Physiology and Biophysics2014 William J. Spain (grad student)
Justin W. TaraskaImaging, Fluorescence, Exocytosis, Ion Channels William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Mohammad F. Tariq Neuroscience2017 David Henry Gire (grad student)
Tammy Q. TaskerEducational Psychology Education, Art Education, Design and Decorative Arts2011 Leslie R. Herrenkohl (grad student)
Jeffrey S. TaubeHead Direction Cells Phillip A. Schwartzkroin (grad student)
Michael R. TaylorZebrafish genetics, blood-brain barrier20032003 Susan E. Brockerhoff (post-doc), James Bryant Hurley (grad student)
Barbara TaylorNeurogenetics James W. Truman (post-doc)
Davida Tellervision, development John Palmer (collaborator)
Bruce TempelGenetics of disease
Jia-Ling TeoNeuroscience Biology2003 Renee C. LeBoeuf (grad student)
Gregory W. Terman
Nivretta Thatra20092014 Eliot A. Brenowitz (research assistant), Tracy A. Larson (research assistant)
Jamie C. Theobaldinsect motion vision20072011 Mark A. Frye (post-doc), Thomas L. Daniel (grad student)
Todd E. Thiele19951998 Ilene Bernstein (post-doc)
Anne Thissen-RoeCognition, Individual Differences2005 Earl B. Hunt (grad student)
Ayanna K. Thomas2001 Elizabeth F. Loftus (grad student)
Steven A. Thomas Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
Jessica M. ThomasNeuroscience20112011 Ellen Covey (grad student), Ione Fine (grad student), Geoffrey Boynton (grad student)
James H. Thomas
Christopher K. ThompsonSong control system, neuroethology, programmed cell death, neurogenesis20012008 Eliot A. Brenowitz (grad student)
Hilaire J. Thompson
Stuart H. Thompsoncellular physiology, ion channels, Ca imaging, neurostem cells1976 A. O. Dennis Willows (grad student), Wolfhard Almers (grad student), Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Lisa Thomsoncytokines
John C. ThorneSpeech Pathology, Special Education2010 Truman E. Coggins (grad student)
Jennifer L. Thornton Bruce Tempel (post-doc)
Victoria C. TibbsCalcium channels2001 William A. Catterall (grad student)
Geralyn R. TimlerSpeech Pathology, Social Psychology, Human Development2000 Lesley B. Olswang (grad student)
Jonathan T. TingSynaptic transmission, Neuropsychiatric disorders, circuitry genetics, optogenetics20022007 Jane M. Sullivan (grad student)
Doug TIscher Orion D. Weiner (grad student)
Milla Titova
David M. Tobin Microbiology Lalita Ramakrishnan (post-doc)
Lige TongguIon channel Biological Structure Pharmacology20182018 Liguo Wang (grad student), William A. Catterall (post-doc)
Karen TothClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2007 Geraldine Dawson (grad student)
Tamara S. ToubDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2012 Betty M. Repacholi (grad student)
Arnold L. Towe
Anthony D. Tramontin Eliot A. Brenowitz (grad student), John C. Wingfield (collaborator)
Leonard J. Trejophysiological models of mental states, human brain electrophysiology, machine learning19821983 Anita E. Hendrickson (post-doc)
Kelly TremblayElectrophysiologic Measurement of Central Auditory, Neural Representation of Speech Plasticity of the Central Auditory System, Aging and the Auditory system
Sean Gregory TrettelMedial entorhinal cortex, Grid cells, oscillations, learning and memory, computational models20092011 Adrienne Fairhall (research assistant)
Zac Trevorrow
Alan C. Trimble2001 Thomas L. Daniel (grad student)
Kien A. TrinhMemory, Olfactory System2003 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Matt Trudeau William N. Zagotta (grad student)
Armando R. TrujilloColor Vision
Valerie S Tsai Sam A. Golden (research assistant)
Amy C. Tsaieyewitness memory2000 Elizabeth F. Loftus (grad student)
Jeffrey J. Tsaiepilepsy
Feng-Ming TsaoSpeech, child development2001 Patricia K. Kuhl (grad student)
Chris Tschumi Pharmacology Larry Zweifel (post-doc)
Xinming tu
Michael TuNeuroethology Thomas L. Daniel (post-doc)
Robert S. TurnerMotor control, basal ganglia, motor cortex, neurophysiology, Parkinson's disease19831991 Marjorie E. Anderson (grad student)
Dennis A. Turner George A. Ojemann (post-doc)
Max H TurnerVisual system, Drosophila20122017 Frederick M. Rieke (grad student)
Eric Turner
John C. Tuthillbrains and trains
Carmen Ufret-VincentyTRP channels, Ca2+ signalling2004 Sharona E. Gordon (post-doc)
Jashvant D. UnadkatPharmacy, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Josette M. Ungos19962002 David W. Raible (grad student)
Dellanira Valencia-GarciaClinical Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Women's Studies2010 Jane M. Simoni (grad student)
Geoffrey D. ValentineNeurolinguistics, language processing Psychology2013 Lee Osterhout (grad student)
Amy N. Van Buren Biology2012 P. Dee Boersma (grad student)
Heather A. Van Epps2004 James Bryant Hurley (grad student)
Russell Van GelderCircadian Photoreception
Neal S. Van Hoeven19992005 A. Dusty Miller (grad student)
Leihua Van Schoiack2000 Virginia Berninger (grad student)
Mark E. Vande Kamp2002 Anthony Greenwald (grad student)
Kathryn L. VanDeMarkToxicology, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2009 Lucio G. Costa (grad student)
Michael D. VarnumIon Channels William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Andrew E. Vaughan20062011 A. Dusty Miller (grad student)
Michael T. VeemanWnt signaling2003 Randall Moon (grad student)
Francisco VelasquezfMRI, autism, imaging genetics, social perception, social processing, sensory perception, sensory processing, olfaction Radiology2016 Natalia M. Kleinhans (post-doc)
Lakshmi Venkateshspeech phsyiology, speech production, speech development2007 Christopher A. Moore (grad student)
Jared Verner Frank Richardson (grad student)
Brooke J VetterAuditory system2017 Joseph A. Sisneros (post-doc)
Felix Viana Physiology 19921993 Albert J. Berger (grad student), Bertil Hille (grad student)
Jennell C. VickSpeech Physiology20042007 Christopher A. Moore (grad student)
Joris Vincentcolor
Peter P. VitalianoClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology
Michael V. VitielloSleep, Circadian Rhythms, Cognition, Aging, Interventions19731980 Stephen C. Woods (grad student)
Oscar Vivas
Anna Louise VlasitsNeural circuits20092011 Kelly N. Owens (collaborator), Edwin W. Rubel (research assistant), David W. Raible (research assistant)
Coertney VoelkerDevelopment of layer 5 pyramidal neurons, ENT
Breanna S. VollmarcryoEM of membrane proteins Biochemistry2013 Tamir Gonen (grad student)
Laila Volpe Katherine T. Foster (grad student)
Ann C. VoorhiesBehavioral Neuroscience, Psychology, motivation, mesolimbic system, salt appetite19992006 Ilene Bernstein (grad student)
Douglas W. Wacker2007 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Haruka Wada John C. Wingfield (research assistant)
Christian B. Wadeestrogen neuroprotection2002 Daniel M. Dorsa (grad student)
Eric L. Wagner2011 P. Dee Boersma (grad student)
John J. Wagnersynaptic plasticity, addiction Charles Chavkin (grad student)
Anna WaismeyerCognitive Development, Comparative Psychology
Paul Wakenight Kathleen Millen (research scientist)
Brian G. Walker2003 P. Dee Boersma (grad student), John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Edgar Y. Walker
Hollie E. WalshOrnithology2005 Sievert A. Rohwer (grad student)
Lisa A. WalterCannabinoid signaling and neuroinflammation2004 Nephi Stella (grad student)
Mark E. Walton Paul E. M. Phillips (research scientist)
Matthew J. WanatDopamine2007 Paul E. M. Phillips (post-doc)
Tsu-Wei WangNeural development, Neural stem cell20062008 Eliot A. Brenowitz (post-doc)
Hongbing WangLearn&Mem Daniel R. Storm (post-doc)
Yuan Wang
Gang Wang2009 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Jinti WangCalcium channels Pharmacology2012 William A. Catterall (grad student)
Yupeng WangNeuronal Apoptosis and stem cell biology2007 Zhengui Xia (grad student)
Hantao Wang Speech and Hearing Sciences2018 Ludo Max (grad student)
Gang Wangavian endocrinology
David B. Wang,20112015 Richard S. Morrison (grad student)
Sarah M. WardlawMemory, Olfactory System Neurobiology and Behavior2014 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Abigail R. WarkNeuroethology, Behavioral Genetics
Barry Warkretina Frederick M. Rieke (grad student), Adrienne Fairhall (grad student), Ben A. Barres (research assistant)
Timothy L. Warren Michael H. Dickinson (post-doc)
Samuel Wasser
Hirofumi Watariion channels Neurobiology and Behavior2013 Martha Bosma (grad student)
Jack Waters
Claire J. WatsonGenetics of disease Pharmacology2012 Bruce Tempel (grad student)
Jyoti WattersEstrogen/Cross Talk19931997 Daniel M. Dorsa (grad student)
Joshua S. WaxmanWnt signaling2004 Randall Moon (grad student)
Jessica Hill Weatherstone Pharmacology20082014 Bruce Tempel (grad student)
Adam Lee WeaverCentral Pattern Generators, Ion channels, Computer Modeling, Comparative Electrophysiology, Biophysical modeling20052007 David Perkel (post-doc)
Kurt E. WeaverMRI, neurobiology of disease, neurological illness2006 Elizabeth H. Aylward (grad student)
Sara Jane Webb
Alison Weber Bingni Wen Brunton (post-doc)
Janis Weeks James W. Truman (post-doc)
Peggy J. WeidmanGolgi transport, ARF1986 Bennett M. Shapiro (grad student)
Richard J. Weinbergneuroanatomy, neurochemistry Arnold L. Towe (grad student)
David WeinshenkerNorepinephrine Genetics19982002 James H. Thomas (grad student), Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
Jonathan Weinstein
Keiko Weir Neurobiology20112013 William Moody (research assistant)
Michael Howard Weisenhaus2009 Stan McKnight (grad student)
Richard Weisinger Robert C. Bolles (grad student)
Stacy S. WelchBorderline Personality Disorder2004 Marsha M. Linehan (grad student)
John Patrick WellerVisual System2010 Gregory D. Horwitz (grad student)
John P. Welshcerebellum, autism, synaptic transmission
Regina Wenderastrocytes, glial cells, oligodendrocytes, optic nerve, white matter, ischemia2000 Bruce R. Ransom (grad student)
Emily B. WernerClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2002 Geraldine Dawson (grad student)
Sarah Westcott Physiology & Biophysics19911993 Marc D. Binder (grad student)
Ruth Westenbroek
Margaret Whedon Speech & Hearing Sciences2024 Patricia K. Kuhl (post-doc)
Jeanna M. Wheeler2005 James H. Thomas (grad student)
Benjamin B. Whiddon Genome Sciences2013 Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Lee W. WhiteBiorobotics Bioengineering2013 Blake Hannaford (grad student)
Bryan D. WhiteWnt signaling2009 Randall Moon (grad student)
Owen WhiteBehavioral Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education, Special Education
Allie J WidmanSpinal Cord Injury, Synaptic Plasticity, NMDA Receptor
Krystyna B. WieczerzakVisual perception, decision making Michele A. Basso (post-doc)
Martin Wikelski19951998 John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Diana L. Williamsbehavioral neuroscience, neuroendocrinology, food intake, body weight, energy balance20032008 Denis G. Baskin (post-doc)
Aaron WilliamsHCN channels Nicholas P. Poolos (grad student)
Loren Dean WilliamsDNA, intercalators, crystallography, RNA, ribosome, evolution1981 Martin Gouterman (research assistant)
Elora Wolf Williamsmotivation Neuroscience20162021 Nick Garber Hollon (research assistant)
Susan J. WilliamsonMusic Education, Music2005 Steven M. Demorest (grad student)
Brandon S. Willisgenetics, PKA2004 Stan McKnight (grad student)
A. O. Dennis Willowsneuroethology
Ingo WilluhnDopamine, Basal Ganglia, Striatum20082013 Paul E. M. Phillips (post-doc)
Beverly J. WilsonClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology19881994 John M. Gottman (grad student), Mark T. Greenberg (grad student), Carolyn Webster-Stratton (grad student)
Wendy Lorel WilsonAlzheimer's Disease- Learning & Memory, Thirst and Sodium Appetite, Behavioral Neuroscience Psychology Douglas A. Fitts (research assistant)
John C. Wingfield Donald S. Farner (post-doc), Arthur Palmer Arnold (collaborator)
Richard Winn
David Winslow
Phyllis M. Wise
Anne Marie Wissman2006 Eliot A. Brenowitz (grad student)
Gabriella H. Wolff
Lonnie Wollmuthglutamate receptors, synaptic transmission Bertil Hille (grad student)
Luke WoloszynVisual object recognition, neurophysiology2011 Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Jong H. Won2010 Jay Rubinstein (grad student)
Carol C. WongClinical Psychology2006 Ana M. Cauce (grad student)
Rachel Wong
Scott T. WongMemory, Olfactory System2000 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
John Walter Woodbury
Stephen C. Woodsingestive behavior19661970 Walter L. Makous (grad student), John C. Wingfield (collaborator)
Owen M. WoodwardCl- channels, epithelial transport19992005 A. O. Dennis Willows (grad student), William Moody (grad student)
Lauren E. Woolvisual system, decision-making, reward, perception, color Department of Biological Structure20142016 Dennis M. Dacey (grad student)
Sarah M. WoolleyBirdsong19992001 Edwin W. Rubel (grad student), John H. Casseday (post-doc)
Cheryl Wotus John C. Wingfield (post-doc)
Qi WuFeeding20062012 Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
Amanda M. Wunsch20112016 Susan M. Ferguson (grad student)
Peggilee WuppermanClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology Marsha M. Linehan (post-doc)
Russell C. Wyethinvertebrate neuroethology, gastropod neurobiology19982004 A. O. Dennis Willows (grad student)
Zhengui XiaNeuronal Apoptosis and stem cell biology
Tao Xuexocytosis, membrane trafficking, secretory proteins19992000 Bertil Hille (research scientist)
Libin Xu
Richard YalchMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
Jian YangChannel Physiology Bertil Hille (post-doc)
Tianming YangDecision making, Visual system, Learning & Memory20032008 Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Melana Yanos Psychology2014 Sheri Mizumori (grad student)
Steven YantisAttention, Cognitive Control, fMRI19781980 Earl B. Hunt (research assistant), Geoffrey R. Loftus (research assistant)
Azadeh Yazdan-ShahmoradCortical Stimulation, Brain Machine interface, Optogenetics
Zhiwen Ye Biological Structure2020 Nicholas A. Steinmetz (post-doc)
Sherry A. YearyEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education, Sciences Education2006 Leslie R. Herrenkohl (grad student)
Joyce P. YiClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology2006 Peter P. Vitaliano (grad student)
Serap Yigit ElliottVisual attention Psychology2012 John Palmer (grad student)
Charles T. YokoyamaCalcium channels2002 William A. Catterall (grad student)
Taejib Yoon Jeansok J. Kim (post-doc)
Takeshi Yoshimatsu2007 Rachel Wong (post-doc)
Cody YoungbullPhysics Physics2007 Larry B. Sorensen (grad student)
Jenn-Yah YuNeural development20062008 Hannele Ruohola-Baker (post-doc)
Wan-Qing Yu2015 Rachel Wong (post-doc)
Richy YunCortical Plasticity Bioengineering Bioengineering20172022 Eberhard E. Fetz (grad student), Steve Perlmutter (grad student)
Cyrus P. Zabetian
Elizabeth A. Zack
William N. Zagottaion channels
Margaret A. ZahoNeurophysiological Bases of Speech Production2000 Anne Smith (grad student)
Stavros Zanosmotor cortex, cortical plasticity, closed-loop stimulation, neuromodulation20082010 Eberhard E. Fetz (grad student), Jeff G. Ojemann (grad student), George A. Ojemann (grad student), Andrew Garmory Richardson (collaborator)
Hatim A ZariwalaSensory and reward systems2012 Wyeth Bair (post-doc)
Philipl Zeitler Robert Steiner (post-doc)
Margarita ZeitlinCognitive Neurolinguistics
Yong ZhangMaterials Science20112014 Alex K. Y. Jen (post-doc), Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Jing ZhangNeurodegeneration
Zhongli ZhangCalcium channels2011 William A. Catterall (grad student)
Yang Zhangauditory neuroscience, speech perception, language development2002 Patricia K. Kuhl (grad student)
Huixia ZhangPharmacology2009 Jashvant D. Unadkat (grad student)
Xinyu ZhaoTranscriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms regulating neural stem cells and brain development Pharmacology1997 Krzysztof Palczewski (grad student)
Yiran Zhao
Jinsong Zheng Physiology & Biophysics20002003 Marc D. Binder (post-doc)
Jie ZhengBiophysics William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Hongjin ZhengStructural Biology2009 Tamir Gonen (grad student)
Baohua Zhoudevelopment, entomology19952000 Lynn M. Riddiford (grad student)
Peiyun ZhouLanguage processing, Bilingualism, Auditory imagery, Psycholinguistics, Neuroscience, Computational modeling Psycholoy20172018 Andrea Stocco (post-doc)
Dadong Zhou
Lori A. ZoellnerGeneral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Larry Zweifel20052010 Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
Theresa A. ZwingmanCerebellum, Transgenics2010 Kathleen Millen (research scientist)
Joel Zylberberg20122015 Eric Shea-Brown (post-doc)