Maureen E. Kendrick, Ph.D.

2001 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 
Elementary Education, General Language, Developmental Psychology
"Maureen Kendrick"
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Ruth Hayden grad student 2001 University of Alberta
 (Play: A "sideways" glance at literacy.)
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Kendrick M, Namazzi E, Becker-Zayas A, et al. (2020) Closing the HIV and AIDS “Information Gap” Between Children and Parents: An Exploration of Makerspaces in a Ugandan Primary School Education Sciences. 10: 193
Early M, Kendrick M. (2020) Inquiry-Based Pedagogies, Multimodalities, and Multilingualism: Opportunities and Challenges in Supporting English Learner Success Canadian Modern Language Review-Revue Canadienne Des Langues Vivantes. 76: 139-154
Kendrick M, Early M, Chemjor W. (2019) Designing multimodal texts in a girls’ afterschool journalism club in rural Kenya Language and Education. 33: 123-140
Anderson J, Horton L, Kendrick M, et al. (2017) Children’s Funds of Knowledge in a Rural Northern Canadian Community: A Telling Case Language and Literacy. 19: 20-32
Johnson L, Kendrick M. (2017) “Impossible Is Nothing”: Expressing Difficult Knowledge Through Digital Storytelling Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 60: 667-675
Collier DR, Kendrick M. (2016) I wish I was a lion a puppy: a multimodal view of writing process assessment Pedagogies. 1-22
Namazzi E, Kendrick ME. (2014) Multilingual cultural resources in child-headed families in Uganda Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 35: 724-737
Andema S, Kendrick M, Norton B. (2013) Digital literacy in Ugandan teacher education: Insights from a case study Reading and Writing. 4: 1-8
Kendrick M, Rowsell J, Collier D. (2013) Special Issue: New Literacies in Canadian Classrooms Language and Literacy. 15: 1-5
Abiria DM, Early M, Kendrick M. (2013) Plurilingual pedagogical practices in a policy-constrained context: A Northern Ugandan case study Tesol Quarterly. 47: 567-590
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