Andrew L. Egel
Affiliations: | University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD |
Special Education, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral PsychologyGoogle:
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Kouo JL, Egel AL. (2016) The Effectiveness of Interventions in Teaching Emotion Recognition to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 3: 254-265 |
Reiss AL, Egel AL, Feinstein C, et al. (1989) Effects of fenfluramine on social behavior in autistic children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 18: 617-25 |
Secan KE, Egel AL, Tilley CS. (1989) Acquisition, Generalization, And Maintenance Of Question‐Answering Skills In Autistic Children Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 22: 181-196 |
Swenson-Pierce A, Kohl FL, Egel AL. (1987) Siblings as Home Trainers: A Strategy for Teaching Domestic Skills to Children The Journal of the Association For Persons With Severe Handicaps. 12: 53-60 |
Parrish JM, Cataldo MF, Kolko DJ, et al. (1986) Experimental analysis of response covariation among compliant and inappropriate behaviors. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 19: 241-54 |
James SD, Egel AL. (1986) A direct prompting strategy for increasing reciprocal interactions between handicapped and nonhandicapped siblings Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 19: 173-186 |
Shafer MS, Egel AL, Neef NA. (1984) Training mildly handicapped peers to facilitate changes in the social interaction skills of autistic children Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 17: 461-476 |
Neef NA, Walters J, Egel AL. (1984) Establishing generative yes/no responses in developmentally disabled children Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 17: 453-460 |
Egel AL, Shafer MS, Neef NA. (1984) Receptive acquisition and generalization of prepositional responding in autistic children: A comparison of two procedures Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disablities. 4: 285-298 |
Neef NA, Shafer MS, Egel AL, et al. (1983) The class specific effects of compliance training with "do" and "don't" requests: analogue analysis and classroom application. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 16: 81-99 |