Michael G. Luchs, Ph.D.

2008 Marketing University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
Marketing Business Administration, Design and Decorative Arts, Behavioral Psychology
"Michael Luchs"
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Vijay Mahajan grad student 2008 UT Austin
 (The unity of form and function: Making sense of product design from a consumer's point of view.)
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Luchs MG, Mick DG. (2018) Consumer Wisdom: A Theoretical Framework of Five Integrated Facets Journal of Consumer Psychology. 28: 365-392
Catlin JR, Luchs MG, Phipps M. (2017) Consumer Perceptions of the Social Vs. Environmental Dimensions of Sustainability Journal of Consumer Policy. 40: 245-277
Luchs MG, Kumar M. (2017) “Yes, but this Other One Looks Better/Works Better”: How do Consumers Respond to Trade-offs Between Sustainability and Other Valued Attributes? Journal of Business Ethics. 140: 567-584
Ozanne LK, Phipps M, Weaver T, et al. (2016) Managing the Tensions at the Intersection of the Triple Bottom Line: A Paradox Theory Approach to Sustainability Management Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. 35: 249-261
Luchs MG, Swan KS, Creusen MEH. (2016) Perspective: A Review of Marketing Research on Product Design with Directions for Future Research Journal of Product Innovation Management. 33: 320-341
Luchs MG, Phipps M, Hill T. (2015) Exploring consumer responsibility for sustainable consumption Journal of Marketing Management. 31: 1449-1471
Phipps M, Ozanne LK, Luchs MG, et al. (2013) Understanding the inherent complexity of sustainable consumption: A social cognitive framework Journal of Business Research. 66: 1227-1234
Luchs MG, Brower J, Chitturi R. (2012) Product Choice and the Importance of Aesthetic Design Given the Emotion-laden Trade-off between Sustainability and Functional Performance Journal of Product Innovation Management. 29: 903-916
Luchs MG, Mooradian TA. (2012) Sex, Personality, and Sustainable Consumer Behaviour: Elucidating the Gender Effect Journal of Consumer Policy. 35: 127-144
Prothero A, Dobscha S, Freund J, et al. (2011) Sustainable Consumption: Opportunities for Consumer Research and Public Policy: Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. 30: 31-38
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