Roberta Corrigan

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 
Educational Psychology Education
"Roberta Corrigan"
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Corrigan R. (2011) Effects of pre-service teachers' receptive vocabulary knowledge on their interactive read-alouds with elementary school students Reading and Writing. 24: 749-771
Corrigan R, Surber JR. (2010) The reading level paradox: Why children's picture books are less cohesive than adult books Discourse Processes. 47: 32-54
Corrigan R. (2008) Conveying information about adjective meanings in spoken discourse. Journal of Child Language. 35: 159-84
Corrigan R. (2008) Beyond the Obvious: Constructing Meaning From Subtle Patterns in the Language Environment Communication Disorders Quarterly. 29: 109-124
Corrigan R. (2007) An Experimental Analysis of the Affective Dimensions of Deep Vocabulary Knowledge Used in Inferring the Meaning of Words in Context Applied Linguistics. 28: 211-240
Corrigan R. (2004) The acquisition of word connotations: asking 'what happened?'. Journal of Child Language. 31: 381-98
Corrigan R. (2003) Preschoolers' and adults' attributions of who causes interpersonal events Infant and Child Development. 12: 305-328
Corrigan R. (2002) The influence of evaluation and potency on perceivers' causal attributions European Journal of Social Psychology. 32: 363-382
Corrigan R, Denton P. (1996) Causal Understanding as a Developmental Primitive. Developmental Review. 16: 162-202
Lima SD, Corrigan R, Iverson GK. (1994) The reality of linguistic rules Language. 72: 874
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