Ronald Skelton, PhD

University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 
"Ronald Skelton"
Mean distance: 15.09 (cluster 19)
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Ferguson TD, Livingstone-Lee SA, Skelton RW. (2019) Incidental learning of allocentric and egocentric strategies by both men and women in a dual-strategy virtual Morris Water Maze. Behavioural Brain Research. 364: 281-295
Spriggs MJ, Kirk IJ, Skelton RW. (2018) Hex Maze: A new virtual maze able to track acquisition and usage of three navigation strategies. Behavioural Brain Research. 339: 195-206
Livingstone-Lee SA, Zeman PM, Gillingham ST, et al. (2014) Navigational strategy may be more a matter of environment and experience than gender Learning and Motivation. 45: 30-43
Livingstone-Lee SA, Murchison S, Zeman PM, et al. (2011) Simple gaze analysis and special design of a virtual Morris water maze provides a new method for differentiating egocentric and allocentric navigational strategy choice. Behavioural Brain Research. 225: 117-25
Skelton R, Scarth A, Wilkie D, et al. (1987) Long-term increases in dentate granule cell responsivity accompany operant conditioning The Journal of Neuroscience. 7: 3081-3087
Skelton RW, Shizgal P. (1980) Parametric analysis of ON- and OFF- responding for hypothalamic stimulation. Physiology & Behavior. 25: 699-706
Shizgal P, Bielajew C, Corbett D, et al. (1980) Behavioral methods for inferring anatomical linkage between rewarding brain stimulation sites. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 94: 227-37
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