Alexander Logvinenko
Affiliations: | Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom |
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Logvinenko AD. (2015) The Achromatic Object-Colour Manifold is Three-Dimensional. Perception. 44: 243-268 |
Logvinenko AD, Tokunaga R. (2011) Lightness constancy and illumination discounting. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 73: 1886-902 |
Tokunaga R, Logvinenko AD. (2010) Material and lighting hues of object colour. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics : the Journal of the British College of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists). 30: 611-7 |
Tokunaga R, Logvinenko A. (2010) Yellow papers under blue light vs. blue papers under yellow light: Same or different? Journal of Vision. 9: 356-356 |
Logvinenko A, Tokunaga R. (2010) Lightness constancy and illumination contrast discounting Journal of Vision. 9: 344-344 |
Schirillo JA, Logvinenko AD. (2010) Lightness judgments made in shadow and highlight Journal of Vision. 6: 710-710 |
Petrini K, Logvinenko A. (2010) Multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis of achromatic transparency Journal of Vision. 6: 394-394 |
Beattie LL, Logvinenko A. (2010) Hue scaling without hue naming Journal of Vision. 6: 243-243 |
Schirillo J, Riddle M, Tokunaga R, et al. (2010) Can luminance contrast be estimated with real light? Journal of Vision. 10: 422-422 |
Logvinenko AD, Petrini K, Maloney LT. (2008) A scaling analysis of the snake lightness illusion. Perception & Psychophysics. 70: 828-40 |