John Yuille

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
"John Yuille"
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Keith K Niall research assistant 1977-1978 UBC
Barry S. Cooper grad student 2005 UBC
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Hervé HF, Cooper BS, Yuille JC. (2014) Biopsychosocial perspectives on memory variability in eyewitnesses Applied Issues in Investigative Interviewing, Eyewitness Memory, and Credibility Assessment. 99-142
Griesel D, Ternes M, Schraml D, et al. (2014) The ABC's of CBCA: Verbal credibility assessment in practice Applied Issues in Investigative Interviewing, Eyewitness Memory, and Credibility Assessment. 293-323
Yuille JC, Ternes M, Cooper BS. (2010) Expert testimony on laboratory witnesses Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice. 10: 238-251
Williams KM, Cooper BS, Howell TM, et al. (2009) Inferring sexually deviant behavior from corresponding fantasies: The role of personality and pornography consumption Criminal Justice and Behavior. 36: 198-222
Cooper BS, Hervé H, Yuille JC. (2009) Evaluating Truthfulness: Detecting Truths and Lies in Forensic Contexts Handbook of Psychology of Investigative Interviewing: Current Developments and Future Directions. 301-328
Cooper BS, Griesel D, Yuille JC. (2008) Clinical-Forensic Risk Assessment: The Past and Current State of Affairs Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice. 7: 1-63
Kennedy MA, Klein C, Bristowe JT, et al. (2007) Routes of Recruitment Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 15: 1-19
Cooper BS, Hervé H, Yuille JC. (2007) Psychopathy and Memory for Violence International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 6: 123-135
Cooper BS, Kennedy MA, Yuille JC. (2004) Traumatic Stress in Prostitutes Journal of Trauma Practice. 3: 51-70
Cooper BS, Kennedy MA, Hervé HF, et al. (2002) Weapon focus in sexual assault memories of prostitutes. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 25: 181-91
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