Warner Burke

Columbia University, New York, NY 
Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology
"Warner Burke"
Mean distance: 4452.75


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melvin L. Snyder grad student 1981-1989 Columbia
Michael Nicholas Bazigos grad student 1991-1999 Teachers College, Columbia University (IOTree)
Fusako Matsui grad student 2000 Columbia
William E. Siegal grad student 2000 Columbia
Vera M. Vitels grad student 2000 Columbia
Michel A. Buffet grad student 2001 Columbia
Ta-Fu Yang grad student 2002 Columbia
Yuval D. Alexander grad student 2003 Columbia
Aaron L. De Smet grad student 2003 Columbia
Bruce A. Echtenkamp grad student 2004 Columbia
Svetlana Shmulyian grad student 2004 Columbia
Gina Buontempo grad student 2005 Columbia
Cynthia T. Matthew grad student 2005 Columbia
Frederic P. Delmhorst grad student 2006 Columbia
Nkemuka O. Nwuneli grad student 2006 Columbia
Deanna S. Senior grad student 2006 Columbia
Michael R. Crespo grad student 2007 Columbia
Patrick K. Hyland grad student 2007 Columbia
Heather Golm grad student 2009 Columbia
Jill W. Paine grad student 2009 Columbia
Amanda C. Shull grad student 2010 Columbia
Alice M. Cahill grad student 2011 Columbia
Patricia A. Carey grad student 2011 Columbia
Alice Mann grad student 2011 Columbia
Bernard B. Banks grad student 2012 Columbia
William Morris Bernstein post-doc 1981-1983 Columbia
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