Mia W. Biran

Miami University (Ohio), Oxford, OH 
Clinical Psychology
"Mia Biran"
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Henry HM, Stiles WB, Biran MW, et al. (2009) Immigrants' continuing bonds with their native culture: assimilation analysis of three interviews. Transcultural Psychiatry. 46: 257-84
Henry HM, Stiles WB, Biran MW, et al. (2008) Perceived parental acculturation behaviors and control as predictors of subjective well-being in Arab American college students Family Journal. 16: 28-34
Henry HM, Biran MW, Stiles WB. (2006) Construction of the perceived parental acculturation behaviors scale. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 62: 293-7
Henry HM, Stiles WB, Biran MW. (2005) Loss and mourning in immigration: Using the assimilation model to assess continuing bonds with native culture Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 18: 109-119
Henry HM, Biran MW. (2004) Perceived parental cultural conflict and the psychosocial adjustment of Arab American college students. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. 52: 466-7
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