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Tom Maniatis, Phd

Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 Columbia University, New York, NY 
Regulation of RNA Transcription and Splicing, The Role of Neuroinflammation in ALS, Neurobiology of Disease, Synapses and Circuits, Stem Cell Biology, ALS Disease Mechanisms, Genetic Basis of Neurological Diseases
"Tom Maniatis"

Mean distance: 13.09 (cluster 11)
Cross-listing: FlyTree - Cell Biology Tree - Chemistry Tree


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Leonard S. Lerman grad student 1971 Vanderbilt (Chemistry Tree)
 (The structure of DNA after phase separation from aqueous polymer solutions)
Mark Ptashne post-doc Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
Frederick Sanger post-doc MRC-LMB (Chemistry Tree)


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Michelle C. Siao research assistant 2005-2010 Harvard
Christopher J. Griffey research assistant 2014-2016
Victoria Lynn Corbin grad student (FlyTree)
Adrian R. Krainer grad student Harvard
Kristen Lynch grad student Penn
Robin Reed grad student Harvard
Kai Zinn grad student
Brian Seed grad student 1981 Caltech (Chemistry Tree)
Ted Abel grad student 1987-1993 Harvard
Bing Ren grad student 1998 Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
Christopher P. Sears grad student 2001 Harvard (FlyTree)
Zhaolan Zhou grad student 2001 Harvard (FlyTree)
Chih-Hsuan Lin grad student 2002 Harvard (FlyTree)
Tae Hoon Kim grad student 1996-2002 Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
Rui Zhou grad student 2003 Harvard (FlyTree)
Shuning Liao grad student 2004 Harvard (Cell Biology Tree)
Bosiljka Tasic grad student 2004 Harvard
Scott A. Ribich grad student 2005 Harvard (FlyTree)
Sean M. Buchanan grad student 2009 Harvard (FlyTree)
Sze-Ling Ng grad student 2010 Harvard (FlyTree)
Kevin G. Monahan grad student 2011 Harvard (FlyTree)
Emiko T. Morimoto grad student 2012 Harvard (FlyTree)
GEORGE MOUNTOUFARIS grad student 2009-2016 Columbia
Hubert Amrein post-doc
Patrick Charnay post-doc Harvard
Cansu Karabiyik post-doc Columbia
Alan Michelson post-doc Harvard (FlyTree)
James W. Posakony post-doc Harvard (FlyTree)
Nicholas Proudfoot post-doc CSHL (Chemistry Tree)
Gary Struhl post-doc Harvard University, Columbia University (FlyTree)
Weisheng Victor Chen post-doc 2009- Columbia
Lydia Villa-Komaroff post-doc 1976 Harvard (Cell Biology Tree)
Ross C. Hardison post-doc 1977-1980 Caltech (Cell Biology Tree)
Daniel C. DiMaio post-doc 1981-1983 Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
Micheal R. Green post-doc 1984 Harvard
Richard Morris Myers post-doc 1982-1985 Harvard
Xiang-Dong Fu post-doc 1990-1992 Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
Jane Ying Wu post-doc 1992-1997 Harvard
Brenton R. Graveley post-doc 1996-1999 Harvard (FlyTree)
Qiang Wu post-doc 1998-2001
Isaac Chiu post-doc 2009-2010 MCB Harvard University
Hemali P. Phatnani post-doc 2006-2013 Columbia (Chemistry Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Flaherty E, Maniatis T. (2020) The role of clustered protocadherins in neurodevelopment and neuropsychiatric diseases. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 65: 144-150
Gerbino V, Kaunga E, Ye J, et al. (2020) The Loss of TBK1 Kinase Activity in Motor Neurons or in All Cell Types Differentially Impacts ALS Disease Progression in SOD1 Mice. Neuron
Ye J, Cheung J, Gerbino V, et al. (2019) Effects of ALS-associated TANK binding kinase 1 mutations on protein-protein interactions and kinase activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Canzio D, Maniatis T. (2019) The generation of a protocadherin cell-surface recognition code for neural circuit assembly. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 59: 213-220
Canzio D, Nwakeze CL, Horta A, et al. (2019) Antisense lncRNA Transcription Mediates DNA Demethylation to Drive Stochastic Protocadherin α Promoter Choice. Cell
Gelfman S, Dugger SA, Araujo Martins Moreno C, et al. (2019) A new approach for rare variation collapsing on functional protein domains implicates specific genic regions in ALS. Genome Research
Mountoufaris G, Canzio D, Nwakeze CL, et al. (2018) Writing, Reading, and Translating the Clustered Protocadherin Cell Surface Recognition Code for Neural Circuit Assembly. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. 34: 471-493
Yuan Y, Xie S, Darnell JC, et al. (2018) Cell type-specific CLIP reveals that NOVA regulates cytoskeleton interactions in motoneurons. Genome Biology. 19: 117
Rudnick ND, Griffey CJ, Guarnieri P, et al. (2017) Distinct roles for motor neuron autophagy early and late in the SOD1(G93A) mouse model of ALS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Rizvi AH, Camara PG, Kandror EK, et al. (2017) Single-cell topological RNA-seq analysis reveals insights into cellular differentiation and development. Nature Biotechnology
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