Feng Zhou

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
Vision, Brain imaging
"Feng Zhou"
Mean distance: 14.62 (cluster 23)


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Robert Sekuler grad student 2000-2005 Brandeis
 (Information processing and selective attention in short -term visual memory: Psychophysics and models.)
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Dubé C, Zhou F, Kahana MJ, et al. (2014) Similarity-based distortion of visual short-term memory is due to perceptual averaging. Vision Research. 96: 8-16
Walsh M, Montojo CA, Sheu YS, et al. (2011) Object working memory performance depends on microstructure of the frontal-occipital fasciculus. Brain Connectivity. 1: 317-29
Agam Y, Hyun JS, Danker JF, et al. (2009) Early neural signatures of visual short-term memory. Neuroimage. 44: 531-6
Kahana MJ, Zhou F, Geller AS, et al. (2007) Lure similarity affects visual episodic recognition: detailed tests of a noisy exemplar model. Memory & Cognition. 35: 1222-32
Zhou F, Wong V, Sekuler R. (2007) Multi-sensory integration of spatio-temporal segmentation cues: one plus one does not always equal two. Experimental Brain Research. 180: 641-54
Zhou F, Kahana MJ, Sekuler R. (2004) Short-term episodic memory for visual textures: a roving probe gathers some memory. Psychological Science. 15: 112-8
Zhou F, Kahana MJ, Sekuler R. (2003) Episodic short-term memory for spatial frequency: Is a series of stimuli remembered as a single prototype or as distinct exemplars? Journal of Vision. 3: 679a
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