Debra Steele-Johnson

Wright State University, Fairborn, OH, United States 
Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration
"Debra Steele-Johnson"
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Steele-Johnson D, Kalinoski ZT. (2014) Error framing effects on performance: cognitive, motivational, and affective pathways. The Journal of Psychology. 148: 93-111
Steele-Johnson D, Leas K. (2013) Importance of race, gender, and personality in predicting academic performance Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 43: 1736-1744
Steele-Johnson D, Narayan A, Steinke J. (2013) Academic attitudes and their antecedents Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 43: 498-506
Narayan A, Steele-Johnson D. (2012) Individual and relational self-concepts in a team context: Effects on task perceptions, trust, intrinsic motivation, and satisfaction Team Performance Management. 18: 236-255
Steele-Johnson D, Narayan A, Delgado KM, et al. (2010) Pretraining influences and readiness to change dimensions: A focus on static versus dynamic issues Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 46: 245-274
Mangos PM, Steele-Johnson D. (2001) The Role of Subjective Task Complexity in Goal Orientation, Self-Efficacy, and Performance Relations Human Performance. 14: 169-185
Steele-Johnson D, Beauregard RS, Hoover PB, et al. (2000) Goal orientation and task demand effects on motivation, affect, and performance. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 85: 724-38
Steele-Johnson D, Osburn HG, Pieper KF. (2000) A Review and Extension of Current Models of Dynamic Criteria International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 8: 110-136
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