Deepak Kumaran Nair, Ph.D

Centre for Neuroscience Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India 
PSD, Tranmembrane receptors, scaffolding molecules, presynapse, CAZ
"Deepak Nair"
Mean distance: 16.18 (cluster 32)
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Kedia S, Nair D. (2020) Nanoscale rearrangement of APP organization as a therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease. Medical Hypotheses. 143: 110143
Marathe P, H S MS, Nair D, et al. (2020) mEosBrite Are Bright Variants of mEos3.2 Developed by Semirational Protein Engineering. Journal of Fluorescence
Kedia S, Ramakrishna P, Netrakanti PR, et al. (2020) Real-time nanoscale organization of amyloid precursor protein. Nanoscale
Koltun B, Ironi S, Gershoni-Emek N, et al. (2020) Measuring mRNA translation in neuronal processes and somata by tRNA-FRET. Nucleic Acids Research
Venkatachalapathy M, Belapurkar V, Jose M, et al. (2019) Live cell super resolution imaging by radial fluctuations using fluorogen binding tags. Nanoscale
Widera D, Klenke C, Nair D, et al. (2016) Single-particle tracking uncovers dynamics of glutamate-induced retrograde transport of NF-κB p65 in living neurons. Neurophotonics. 3: 041804
Harper CB, Papadopulos A, Martin S, et al. (2016) Botulinum neurotoxin type-A enters a non-recycling pool of synaptic vesicles. Scientific Reports. 6: 19654
Jose M, Tollis S, Nair D, et al. (2015) A quantitative imaging-based screen reveals the exocyst as a network hub connecting endocytosis and exocytosis. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 26: 2519-34
Chazeau A, Mehidi A, Nair D, et al. (2014) Nanoscale segregation of actin nucleation and elongation factors determines dendritic spine protrusion. The Embo Journal. 33: 2745-64
Fraisier V, Kasri A, Miserey-Lenkei S, et al. (2013) C11ORF24 is a novel type I membrane protein that cycles between the Golgi apparatus and the plasma membrane in Rab6-positive vesicles. Plos One. 8: e82223
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