Katherine L. Byers, Ph.D.

2004 University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
Rehabilitation and Therapy
"Katherine Byers"
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Craig Velozo grad student 2004 UF Gainesville
 (Testing the accuracy of linking healthcare data across the continuum of care.)
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Andresen EM, Byers K, Friary J, et al. (2013) Performance of the 10-item Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale for caregiving research. Sage Open Medicine. 1: 2050312113514576
Wang YC, Byers KL, Velozo CA. (2008) Rasch analysis of Minimum Data Set mandated in skilled nursing facilities. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 45: 1385-99
Wang YC, Byers KL, Velozo CA. (2008) Validation of FIM-MDS crosswalk conversion algorithm. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 45: 1065-76
Pomeranz JL, Byers KL, Moorhouse MD, et al. (2008) Rasch analysis as a technique to examine the psychometric properties of a career ability placement survey subtest Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin. 51: 251-259
Velozo CA, Byers KL, Wang YC, et al. (2007) Translating measures across the continuum of care: using Rasch analysis to create a crosswalk between the Functional Independence Measure and the Minimum Data Set. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 44: 467-78
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