University of Florida, Gainesville

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Lise AbramsAging
Stefanie AcevedoMusic Theory, Music Perception Music Music20072008 Paul Richards (research assistant), Paul Koonce (research assistant), Arthur C. Jennings (research assistant), Samuel J. Hamm (research assistant), Matthew L. McCabe (research assistant), Smith A. Reed (research assistant), Laura Ellis (grad student)
Barry AcheOlfaction, electrophysiology Robert M. Greenberg (collaborator)
Peter Adhihetty
Sanchayeeta AdhikariGeography, Remote Sensing, Natural Resource Management2011 Jane Southworth (grad student)
DeAnna L. Adkinsbrain plasticity and recovery of function20062008 Jeffrey A. Kleim (post-doc)
Andy Adkins
William Adrams19791980 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Nikita Agarwal Biomedical Engineering Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Joslyn K. AhlgrenPhysiology Biology, General, Recreation2009 Linda F. Hayward (grad student)
Sarah Tahira Ahmed2000 Linda Lombardino (grad student)
Kimberley Jean J. Aiken Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20132014 Harry S. Nick (post-doc), Harry S. Nick (grad student)
David O. AkomboMusic, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Physiological Psychology2006 Timothy S. Brophy (grad student)
Eisa Al NashmiJournalism, Mass Communications, Middle Eastern History2011 Johanna Cleary (grad student)
Nicolas A Alba20052006 Justin Cort Sanchez (grad student), Thomas A. Eskin (grad student)
Jose D Alcantaraneuroengineering, medical devices, signal processing, electronics20162020 Aysegul Gunduz (grad student)
Eva C. Alden
Nicole L. AleaDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2004 Susan Bluck (grad student)
Kara E. AlkerEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Teacher Training Education2004 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
R. Donald Allison Daniel L. Purich (grad student)
Muhammad AlmatarGeography, Remote Sensing, Urban and Regional Planning, Geodesy2011 Jane Southworth (grad student)
Stephanie A. AmiciNeuroscience Biology2006 Lucia N. Fletcher (grad student)
Randa Amin
Arash Andalib
Wesley R Anderson1988 James W. Simpkins (post-doc)
Ethan Andersonaddiction research20092012 Robert M. Caudle (grad student)
Douglas K. AndersonSpinal cord injury
Kristopher L. AndersonCognitive Neuroscience20062011 Mingzhou Ding (grad student)
Leonardo AndradeBehavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology2010 Timothy D. Hackenberg (grad student)
Alan AnticevicEmotion, Working Memory Peter J. Lang (research assistant), Margaret M. Bradley (research assistant)
Tarek Anwar
Victor Araya Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19921994 Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Megan L. ArmstrongPsychoneuroimmunology, psycho-oncology Clinical & Health Psychology20072012 Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
John D. Ashgp130/STAT3, neuroprotection
Ana Tari AshizawaAging & Memory Loss,Neurodegeneration,Lipid Nanoparticles, Liposome Formulations, Small Molecule Delivery,Oligonucleotide Delivery
Aditya Asokan Brandi Kirshane Ormerod (grad student)
Kalina Atanasova20172019 Leah R. Reznikov (research scientist)
Ratanaporn AwiphanPharmacy2000 Earlene E. Lipowski (grad student)
Jacob AyersAging & Memory Loss,Neurodegeneration
Ennis Backus19801981 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Lokenga BadingaAnimal Physiology Biology, Animal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture, Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology, Veterinary Science Biology
Jihye Bae Electrical and Computer Engineering20092013 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Adrienne S. BaggsCounseling Psychology, Women's Studies2012 Silvia E. Doan (grad student)
Aminda Bailes19991999 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Rachel Bailey Neuroscience20082013 Jada Lewis (grad student)
Brittany A. BaileyDisruptive behavior disorders, executive functioning, socioeconomic status Clinical & Health Psychology Shelley C. Heaton (grad student)
Jessica O. Baker Psychology19962000 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Chitralakshmi K. Balasubramanian2008 Steven A. Kautz (grad student)
Amanda J. BallentinePsychometrics Psychology, Marketing Business Administration2006 Earlene E. Lipowski (grad student)
Caitlin L BanksMotor Physiology, Neuromechanics, Stroke
Cristina BanuelosNeuroscience Biology, Aging Neuroscience2014 Jennifer L. Bizou (grad student)
Tamatha R. BarbeauAnimal Physiology Biology, Zoology Biology2004 Louis J. Guillette (grad student)
Champ Barber19951997 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Sarah Barilovits Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2013 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Angelos BarmpoutisInformation Science, Biomedical Engineering2009 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Lynne M. BaroletGuidance and Counseling Education, Social Psychology, Women's Studies2002 Silvia E. Doan (grad student)
Jacqueline M. BaronAging2011 Lise Abrams (grad student)
James J. Barrell
Walter Sebastian Barrutia2019 Daniel P. Ferris (grad student)
Timothy J. Bartnessneuroendocrinology, obesity, SNS, thermogenesis, adipose tissue19771981 Robert J. Waldbillig (grad student)
Linda M. BartoshukTaste Psychophysics
Felix BartschVisual System, Computation, Oscillatory Brain Activity Biomedical Engineering20122015 Mingzhou Ding (research assistant)
Michelle L. BarzClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2001 Paul G. Schauble (grad student)
Kyle D. BassettEducational Psychology Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2004 Thomas D. Oakland (grad student)
Jordan Bateman Pharmacology20172022 Erica S. Levitt (grad student)
Barbara Battelle
Russell M. BauerNeuropsychology, Epilepsy, Memory, Dementia20112016 William Ray (grad student), Bruce Crosson (collaborator), Eileen B. Fennell (collaborator), Joseph M. Gullett (collaborator), Taylor P. Kuhn (collaborator)
Caitlin M Baumer-Harrisonsodium intake, blood pressure regulation
Ramon E. BautistaEpilepsy19941995 Thomas Reid Henry (post-doc)
Harsimran S. Baweja Evangelos A. Christou (grad student)
Chris BaylisAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Sofia BeasAging Jennifer L. Bizon (grad student), Barry Setlow (grad student)
Gracie Beavers Brian Iwata (grad student)
Ray D. BeckNeuroscience Biology, Immunology2004 John M. Petitto (grad student)
Patricia Jane Beck Mutch2001 Linda Lombardino (grad student)
Daniel Becker Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Purvis H. BedenbaughNeuroscience Biology, Audiology, Animal Physiology Biology
Andrea L. BehrmanLocomotor training spinal cord injury stroke James H. Cauraugh (grad student), Floyd J. Thompson (collaborator)
Rafael BejaranoBehavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology2001 Timothy D. Hackenberg (grad student)
Cynthia D. BelarClinical Psychology
Gary Belcaster Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19941995 Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Patricia D. Belchior Occupational Therapy20082010 Michael Marsiske (post-doc)
Lindsay BellNeuroscience Biology, Behavioral Psychology2011 Thomas D. Oakland (grad student)
Julia BelyavskySocial Psychology, Business Education2008 Chris A. Janiszewski (grad student)
Hope A. BenefieldClinical Psychology, Medicine and Surgery, Neuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology2007 Duane Dede (grad student)
Michelle L. BenjaminClinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2011 Bruce Crosson (grad student)
Shonnie M. BennettBehavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology2002 Frans van Haaren (grad student)
Benjamin A. BensadonCounseling Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Aging2010 Robin L. West (grad student)
Sara A. BerensNeuroscience Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology2006 Robert P. Yezierski (grad student)
W. Keith Bergpsychophysiology, infant development, executive functions20112014 Adrian Paneto (collaborator)
Bruce G. Berg Psychology David Marvin Green (post-doc)
Kathleen A. BergerRehabilitation and Therapy, Psychometrics Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Rehabilitation Science2013 Craig Velozo (grad student)
Lee Ann Berglund1990 James W. Simpkins (grad student)
Gudrun A. BerminghamMusic Education, Music2006 Russell L. Robinson (grad student)
Vipa BernhardtPhysiology Biology, Neurobiology Biology2010 Paul W. Davenport (grad student)
Leslie (Les) R. BernsteinPsychoacoustics, binaural hearing Psychology19861988 David Marvin Green (research scientist)
Preetha BhatSpecial Education, Reading Education, Secondary Education2000 Cynthia C. Griffin (grad student)
Chinki BhatiaNeuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology, Cell Biology2009 Charles Jason Frazier (grad student)
Sashidhar Bhikkaji
Candace Bichsel
Justin Bickford Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2014 Harry S. Nick (grad student), Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Baler BilginMarketing Business Administration2007 Chris A. Janiszewski (grad student)
Jean Bishop-Sparks1993 James W. Simpkins (grad student)
Jennifer L. BizonAging & Memory Loss Aging, Memory, Executive Function, Plasticity
Jennifer L. BizouNeuroscience Biology, Aging
Stephen J. BlackbandNMR, MR, microscopy, imaging
Stephen J. BlackbendNeuroscience Biology, Medical Biophysics, Cell Biology
Jason K. Blackburn
Jason K. Blackburn
Janet Blackmere19921993 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Andrew Blairhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2000 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Tana M. BleserPediatric Autism Keith D. White (grad student)
David Bliss
Jeffrey R. BloomquistEntomology Biology, Toxicology, Neuroscience Biology
Susan BluckDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Adele E. BlumNeurobiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2010 Dena Howland (grad student)
Ke BoEmotion, EEG and fMRI Biomedical Engineering20152020 Mingzhou Ding (grad student)
Lynn Kay Boatwright Robin L. West (grad student)
Karthik BodhinathanNeurodegeneration, Memory, Neurophysiology, Synaptic Plasticity, Ion channels20052010 Thomas C. Foster (grad student)
Michaela BodnarovaNeurobiology, nitric oxide signaling Leonid L. Moroz (grad student)
Eric Bodor19941995 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Philipp Boersch-Supan Geography Sadie Jane Ryan (post-doc)
Stephen BoggsClinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Marc A. BoillotElectronics and Electrical Engineering2002 John G Harris (grad student)
Jeffrey BoissoneaultNeuroscience Biology, Mental Health, Aging Neuroscience2012 Sara J. Nixon (grad student)
Anil Bollimunta2008 Mingzhou Ding (grad student)
Donald C. BolserNeuroscience Biology, Veterinary Science Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Susan R. BongiolattiEpilepsy 2008 Paul Richard Carney (grad student), Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
David R. BorcheltMouse models of neurodegenerative disease
Rena R. BorkhatariaWildlife Conservation Agriculture, Ecology Biology, Conservation Biology2009 Peter C. Frederick (grad student)
John C. BorreroGeneral Psychology, Developmental Psychology2004 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Prodip Bose Neurology1998 Floyd J. Thompson (collaborator), Floyd J. Thompson (research scientist)
Lester J. BouchardCognitive Psychology, Recreation2000 Milledge Murphey (grad student)
Raoul K. Boughton
Jason C. BourretBehavioral Psychology, Special Education2005 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Jessica M BoveTBI; neurodegeneration; FTLD Clinical and Health Psychology2020 Russell M. Bauer (grad student)
Mark G. Bowden20032009 Chetan Purushottam Phadke (collaborator), Steven A. Kautz (grad student)
Helen F. BowdenClinical Psychology, Mental Health2005 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Dawn BowersNeuropsychology CHP19751979 Paul Satz (grad student), Molly Harrower (grad student), Kenneth M. Heilman (post-doc), Edith Kaplan (post-doc), Thomas R. Van Den Abell (collaborator), Adam J. Woods (collaborator)
Jeffery A. Boychuk2009 Jeffrey A. Kleim (grad student)
Lori P. BoyerMass Communications, Journalism, Social Psychology2002 Michael F. Weigold (grad student)
Marie T. BraccialeGuidance and Counseling Education, Individual and Family Studies2004 Silvia E. Doan (grad student)
Yvonne Brackbill
Margaret M. BradleyEmotion, Attention, Psychophysiology Peter J. Lang (post-doc)
Rom BrafmanClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology2005 Franz Epting (grad student)
Randy W Braith
Laura Bravo2019 Leah R. Reznikov (research assistant)
Chris Bray19992000 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Mark F. BrechtelClinical Psychology, Higher Education, Social Psychology2003 Franz Epting (grad student)
Victor L. BrennanElectronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Dean Brenner
Melanie BrewsterCounseling Psychology, GLBT Studies, Clinical Psychology Psychology2011 Bonnie Moradi (grad student)
Barbara F. BricePharmacy, Health Care Management, Public Health2000 Earlene E. Lipowski (grad student)
Brittany L. BridgesCounseling Psychology Psychology20202025 Della V. Mosley (grad student)
Mark K BrittonHIV, aging, GABA, neuropsychology, neuroepidemiology Clinical and Health Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology2019 Ronald A. Cohen (grad student), Eric C Porges (grad student)
Garnett (Jack) Ryland Brooks1963 Coleman Jett Goin (grad student)
Geoffrey Brooks
Timothy S. BrophyMusic, Cognitive Psychology, Music Education, Gerontology
Samuel Browd
Lincoln P. Brower
Jaumeiko Jhaunette Brown2002 Linda Lombardino (grad student)
Rashida W. BrownSocial Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies2007 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
Tyson Brown
William E. BrownellAuditory Physiology
Angelica Brozynahealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2010 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
David BrushwoodPharmacy, Cognitive Psychology
Ayanna S. Bryan
Dirk M. BucherLobster Stomatogastric Nervous System
Jennifer A. BugosMusic, Cognitive Psychology, Music Education, Gerontology2004 Timothy S. Brophy (grad student)
Jonathan D. BuiMR, imaging, NMR2000 Stephen J. Blackband (grad student), M. Ian Phillips (grad student)
Erin Bunting Jane Southworth (grad student)
Rebekah W. BurchamMusic Education, Special Education, Music2011 Timothy S. Brophy (grad student)
Dustin BurgessMusic Education, Music Music2013 Russell L. Robinson (grad student)
Sara N. BurkeAging
Lori M. BurkheadRehabilitation and Therapy, Speech Pathology2005 John C. Rosenbek (grad student)
Ravi K. BurlaMechanical Engineering2008 Ashok Kumar (grad student)
Jullett Burry19921993 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Ryan Burt
Thomas Butynskiwildlife conservation Thomas T. Struhsaker (post-doc)
Katherine L. ByersRehabilitation and Therapy2004 Craig Velozo (grad student)
Charles E. Byrdhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2004 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Alex J. CadotteNeural Engineering, Epilepsy, Biomedical Engineering2007 Thomas DeMarse (grad student)
Herman Calabria
Cristina Caldari-TorresAnimal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture2009 Lokenga Badinga (grad student)
Tammy Calloway19992000 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Carmelo M. CalluengEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education2012 Thomas D. Oakland (grad student)
Arturo CamachoComputer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2007 John G Harris (grad student)
Erin Camp Brian Iwata (grad student)
Irma D. Campos Psychology20112015 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Eduardo Candelario-JalilNeurodegeneration,Traumatic Injury,Ischemic Stroke, Neuroinflammation, Blood-Brain Barrier,Matrix Metalloproteinases, Cerebral Ischemia, Neurovascular Injury
Frank M Candocia
Hillary Cansler Pharmacology & Therapeutics2018 Daniel W. Wesson (post-doc)
Zheng Cao
Paul Richard CarneyEpilepsy
Deborah B. CaronEducational Psychology Education, General Language2005 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
Joseph E. CarpentinoNeural stem cell therapy
Kirsten L. Carrawayhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2003 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Gabriel Cartagena Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Christy S. CarterAging and Cognition
Kimberly H. CaseDevelopmental, Neuropsychology, Executive functions20042010 W. Keith Berg (grad student)
Ryan J. CasertaRecreation, Cognitive Psychology, Gerontology2007 Christopher Janelle (grad student)
Margaret A. CatoClinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology2002 Bruce Crosson (grad student)
Robert M. Caudlepain, NMDA receptors, opioids19831988 Lawrence Isaac (grad student)
James H. Cauraugh
David I. CavalleriMental Health, Behavioral Psychology2012 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
Romy L. Cawood Psychology19921997 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Samel Celebi
Subit Chakrabarti
Paramita ChakrabartyAging & Memory Loss,Neurodegeneration Neuroinflammation, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Amyloid β,APP
Amitav ChakravartiMarketing Business Administration2002 Christopher A. Janiszewski (grad student)
Rakesh Chalasani
Pei-Ying S. ChanVeterinary Science Biology2008 Paul W. Davenport (grad student)
L. Judson Chandler Fulton T. Crews (post-doc)
Elise I. ChandonMarketing Business Administration2006 Chris A. Janiszewski (grad student)
Randal Chang
Christina M. CharriezPharmacy, Molecular Biology19971999 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Anjan ChatterjeeCognitive neuroscience, Spatial Cognition, Neuroaesthetics Kenneth M. Heilman (post-doc)
Anuj ChauhanOphthalmic Drug Delivery
Joseph Laton CheatwoodNeuroanatomy, Regeneration, Recovery20002004 Roger Lyons Reep (grad student)
Gin-Fu ChenPhysiology Biology2009 Chris Baylis (grad student)
Kwang-Lu A. ChenNeuroscience Biology2008 Dennis A. Steindler (grad student)
Guang ChengComputer Engineering, Radiology, General Engineering2012 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Sonam Chheda Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Evelyn S. ChiangEducational Psychology Education, Reading Education2007 Bridget A. Franks (grad student)
George CY ChiouPharmacology
Nickles I. ChittesterRecreation, General Psychology2007 Heather A. Hausenblas (grad student)
Yi-Po ChiuRehabilitation and Therapy, Physiology Biology2007 Kathye E. Light (grad student)
Jeongho ChoElectronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Haan Go Choi
Haan-Go Choi
Bongsam ChoiGeneral, Behavioral Sciences Psychology2010 Craig Velozo (grad student)
Ann Chokas2004 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Yang-Ling ChouAnimal Physiology Biology2005 Paul W. Davenport (grad student)
Virginia Chow Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19971999 Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Heather ChristianEducational Psychology Education, Administration Education, Elementary Education2007 Thomas D. Oakland (grad student)
Jeff Chung
Jae Woo ChungMovement Disorders, Neuroimaging, Motor Neuroscience Applied Physiology and Kinesiology20132018 David E. Vaillancourt (grad student)
Marissa C. CieslaNeuroplasticity, Respiratory Physiology Physical Therapy Elisa J. Gonzalez-Rothi (research scientist)
Grzegorz Cieslewski
Cynthia R. CiminoClinical Psychology Kenneth M. Heilman (grad student), Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Goktug T CinarDynamical Systems, Music Information Retrieval Electrical and Computer Engineering20092015 Jose Carlos Principe (research assistant)
Mathew Citarella Leonid L. Moroz (grad student)
Marsha G. ClarksonDevelopmental Psychology Psychology19741979 W. Keith Berg (grad student)
Michael J. ClaytonMarketing Business Administration, Mass Communications2009 Michael F. Weigold (grad student)
Johanna ClearyMultimedia Communications, Information Technology, Technology of Education, Higher Education, Educational Psychology Education
Roger M. ClemmonsVeterinary Science Biology, Animal Pathology Agriculture, Animal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Kari B. Clifton2005 Roger Lyons Reep (grad student)
James T. CobbElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Marine and Ocean Engineering2011 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Helder Cochofel
Maurizio CodispotiPerception, Attention, emotion, Memory Psychology Peter J. Lang (post-doc)
Rufus Cofer III
Nicole H. Cohen19981999 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Matthew Lawrence Cohenintraindividual variability, neurocognitive aging, attention/intention, creativity2009 Kenneth M. Heilman (grad student), Bruce Crosson (grad student), Keith M. McGregor (collaborator)
Michael A. Cole2005 Bruce Crosson (grad student)
Emily Collins2016 Leah R. Reznikov (research assistant)
Elayne P. ColonReading Education, Educational Psychology Education2005 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
Luis M Colon-PerezMRI, connectomics, addiction, tractography Psychiatry Physics20132018 Marcelo Febo (post-doc), Thomas H. Mareci (grad student)
Jason A. ColquittManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Speech Communication
Jessica R. CondeNeuroscience Biology2005 Wolfgang Streit (grad student)
Sarah E. Conlin Psychology20142018 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Karen Conner Psychology19911996 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Juliet Conners Brian Iwata (grad student)
William L. Conteneuroanatomy, epilepsy, neural progenitors20082009 Roger Lyons Reep (research assistant), Steven N. Roper (research assistant)
Timothy W. ConwayClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2003 Bruce Crosson (grad student)
Sarah E CookNeuropsychology Clinical and Health Psychology20022008 Russell M. Bauer (grad student), Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Frederick L. Coolidge19751976 Paul Satz (post-doc)
Steven A Coombes
Stephen A. CoombesClinical Psychology2006 Christopher Janelle (grad student)
Brian Y. Cooper
Franklin Cooper
Cynthia W. Core2004 Linda Lombardino (grad student)
Lawrence K. CormackVisual system Keith D. White (research assistant)
Lisa D. CornellMass Communications, Women's Studies, Clinical Psychology
Branch CoslettNeurology, aphasia, neglect Kenneth M. Heilman (post-doc)
Vincent D. CostaAmygdala, Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, Neurophysiology, Neuropsychopharmacology, Psychophysiology20072011 Peter J. Lang (grad student), Margaret M. Bradley (grad student), Andreas Keil (grad student), Lisa M. McTeague (collaborator), Bethany C. Wangelin (collaborator), Francesco Versace (collaborator)
Jessica A. CouchNeuroscience, Toxicology20042006 Alan C. Spector (research assistant), Mark H. Lewis (research scientist)
David Cox
David J Coxbehavior analysis, behavioral economics, quantitative analyses of behavior, machine learning, behavioral pharmacology, choice Psychology20142018 Jesse Dallery (grad student)
Stefan Craciun
Susan A. CraftCognitive Psychology, Policy Education, General Education2012 Nancy Wadron (grad student)
Jason G. CraggsPain, fMRI, windup, placebo, sleep Keith M. McGregor (collaborator)
Stuart Cramer19971997 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Eean R. CrawfordManagement Business Administration2011 Jeffery A. LePine (grad student)
Yashica J. CrawfordEducational Psychology Education, Black Studies, African American Studies, Middle School Education, Secondary Education2009 Bridget A. Franks (grad student)
Emily C. Crews2004 Neil E. Rowland (grad student)
Natalie J. CrossClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2009 Christina Smith McCrae (grad student)
Bruce CrossonLanguage, Neuropsychology Keith D. White (collaborator)
Samuel Crowley Clinical and Health Psychology2015 Catherine Elizabeth Price (grad student)
Rodnie Cruz19951996 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Yenisel Cruz-AlmeidaPain, Neuroscience20112011 Roger B. Fillingim (post-doc), Jacqueline Sagen (grad student)
Seth CurrlinNeuroprosthetics Neuroscience Psychology20152011 Kevin John Otto (grad student), David W. Smith (research assistant)
Paula Cushing19901996 Jon Reiskind (grad student)
Jason Cutright19992000 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Simon D'Alton Neuroscienc20092015 Jada Lewis (post-doc)
Davide D'Amico Brandi Kirshane Ormerod (grad student)
Marcus V. da CunhaMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2003 Chris A. Janiszewski (grad student)
Joshua Dadural2016 Leah R. Reznikov (research assistant)
Huanping DaiPsychoacoustics David Marvin Green (post-doc)
Lauren P. DaleyGuidance and Counseling Education2006 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
Andrea C. DallasLinguistics Language2008 Edith Kaan (grad student)
Sonja DamnjanovicCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2009 Ira S. Fischler (grad student)
Harry DanielsGuidance and Counseling Education, Dance, Physical Education, Educational Psychology Education
Erin A. DanneckerBehavioral Psychology, General2000 Heather A. Hausenblas (grad student)
Alissa Dark-FreudemanDevelopmental Psychology2009 Robin L. West (grad student)
Shalom DarmanjianElectronics and Electrical Engineering2009 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Lindsey Kirsch Darrow Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Houda DarwicheMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2009 Bryon E. Petersen (grad student)
Nelly Daurneurobiology, neuroethology, stomatogastric nervous system, sensorimotor Dirk M. Bucher (post-doc)
Natalie D. DautovichCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Aging, Physiological Psychology2010 Christina Smith McCrae (grad student)
Paul W. DavenportNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Christopher Davis2001 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Katelyn Davis20162017 Leah R. Reznikov (research assistant)
Tom Davis
William W. DawsonVisual System
Kristin V. Day Andrea L. Behrman (grad student)
Arthur Day
Gloria Montes de Psychology2005 Bonnie Moradi (grad student)
Bert de Vriessignal processing Electrical Engineering19871991 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Els De WildeMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2005 Chris A. Janiszewski (grad student)
Duane DedeClinical Psychology, Medicine and Surgery, Neuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology
Brittany L DeFeis
Jason DeFelice Clinical and Health Psychology2020 Eric C Porges (grad student)
Anthony DeFulioBehavior Analysis and Behavior Pharmacology2007 Timothy D. Hackenberg (grad student)
Ronald R. Del MoroGuidance and Counseling Education2012 Silvia E. Doan (grad student)
Dominique D. DelalotClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Mental Health2010 Eileen B. Fennell (grad student)
Iser DeLeonBehavior Analysis
Frank Delgado Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Francisco DelgadoNeural Engineering Biomedical Engineering2016 Kevin John Otto (post-doc)
Meredith A. DelkGuidance and Counseling Education, Social Work, Clinical Psychology2002 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
Teri L. DeluccaDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2010 Bridget A. Franks (grad student)
Terry DeLucca Psychology20042010 W. Keith Berg (grad student)
Arseima Y. Delvalle-Pineropain, visceral20042009 Robert M. Caudle (grad student)
Thomas DeMarseLearning and Memory, Neural Engineering, Cognitive Systems20052009 Il Memming Park (collaborator)
Jason A. DemeryClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2004 William M. Perlstein (grad student)
Meryem DemirNeurobiology Biology, Toxicology2010 Eric D. Laywell (grad student)
Burcu DemirayDevelopmental Psychology2010 Susan Bluck (grad student)
Allison G. DempseyEducational Psychology Education, Middle School Education, Clinical Psychology2009 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
Liping DengElectronics and Electrical Engineering2002 John G Harris (grad student)
Heather Briana Denson2016 Daniel W. Wesson (research assistant), David M. Baekey (research assistant)
Frederic F. Desmondhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2001 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Wayne Van Deusen19801983 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Darragh P. DevineStress, Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Donald DeVitoMusic Education, Special Education2006 Timothy S. Brophy (grad student)
Bert deVries
Lauren Savannah Dewberry Biomedical Engineering2017 Kevin John Otto (grad student)
Menton McGinnis Deweeseemotion, distraction, ssVEP, ERP, nicotine addiction Andreas Keil (grad student)
Donald A. DewsburyAnimal behavior
Mukesh DhamalaNeurophysics, Neuroimaging, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Nonlinear Dynamics Biomedical Engineering Mingzhou Ding (research scientist)
Harveen DhillonNeuroscience Biology2000 Pushpa S. Kalra (grad student)
Gianna N. Di Francesco20102015 Leslie J. Murray (grad student)
Luca Di NotoNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2002 Daniel L. Purich (grad student)
Nicholas M DiColaAging; Hippocampus; LFP
Jenna DietzNeuropsychology Margaret M. Bradley (grad student), Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Jack DiGiovannaBrain machine interface Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
John F. DigiovannaBiomedical Engineering2008 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Ann S. DillonTeacher Training Education, Higher Education2000 Cynthia C. Griffin (grad student)
Mingzhou Ding
Catherine Dion Clinical and Health Psychology20172023 Catherine Elizabeth Price (grad student)
Elliott W. Dirr Department of Biomedical Engineering2017 Kevin John Otto (grad student)
Upuli A. DissanayakeMRSA abscess wounds, antibiotic treatments, CHG solutions
Neha K. DixitClinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2008 William M. Perlstein (grad student)
Silvia E. DoanGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology
Stacy M. Dodd Clinical & Health Psychology20052010 Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Lavanya Dodlatyvenkata
Maureen Dolan Biochemistry and Molecular Biology1996 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Neila J. DonovanSpeech Pathology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Psychometrics Psychology2005 John C. Rosenbek (grad student)
Richard E. DoolinNeuroscience Biology2002 Barry Ache (grad student)
Amanda M. Dossat Mohamed Kabbaj (grad student)
Vonetta M. Dotsonaging, depression, fMRI Clinical and Health Psychology20002006 Bruce Crosson (grad student), William M. Perlstein (grad student), Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Cedrick Dotson2006 Alan C. Spector (grad student)
C. Shawn DotsonAddiction,Genetic Basis of Gustation, Eating Behaviors and Obesity, Animal Psychophysics, Transduction Processes, Taste Preferences and Aversions
William Dougall Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19851990 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Brendan J. Doughertyspinal chord, hypoxia Neuroscience2011 David D. Fuller (grad student)
Nicholas Dowhaniuk Geography2016 Sadie Jane Ryan (grad student)
Danielle S. DownsRecreation, Social Psychology2002 Heather A. Hausenblas (grad student)
Sara Drew Psychology19891995 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Michael Dubesleep, circadian rhythms
Aaron R. DuleyCognitive Psychology2005 Christopher Janelle (grad student)
Callie Beck DunnMemory, MRI20092015 Russell M. Bauer (grad student)
Rebecca Dyle19801982 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Joseph DzierzewskiSleep, aging Clinical and Health Psychology20042012 Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Nicole Earnhardt Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19982001 Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Sina Eatemadi
Sonja Ebron
David Eddins David Marvin Green (grad student)
David C. EdmundMusic Education, Secondary Education, Music2009 Timothy S. Brophy (grad student)
Oliver W. EdwardsCognitive Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2003 Thomas D. Oakland (grad student)
David G. Edwards Randy W Braith (grad student)
Antioxidant Enzymes, Eicosanoid Metabolism
Sue Ann Eidson2010 Linda Lombardino (grad student)
Philip S. EisenbergClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology2005 Stephen Boggs (grad student)
Robert Stephen Eisingerparkinson's disease, neural engineering Neuroscience Neuroscience20162020 Aysegul Gunduz (grad student), Michael S. Okun (grad student)
Eda Eken2019 Leah R. Reznikov (research assistant)
Thomas Leon Ellis
Rebecca Ellis GardnerSocial Psychology, Public Health, Women's Studies, Behavioral Psychology2003 Heather A. Hausenblas (grad student)
Susan V. EllorMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Pathology2009 Bryon E. Petersen (grad student)
Amber Emanuel John A. Updegraff (grad student)
Matthew Emigh
Franz EptingClinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education
Amir ErezManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Jason L. EriksenAlzheimer's disease20002003 Todd Golde (post-doc)
David M. Ermert20122016 Leslie J. Murray (grad student)
Thomas A. Eskin
Diego Esparza-Duran Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Dan EstepAnimal Behavior Donald A. Dewsbury (grad student)
Kerry Estes1982 James W. Simpkins (grad student)
Neil Euliano
Jenafer EvansNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Pharmacology2001 Craig H. Gelband (grad student)
Fonda Eyler Psychology1979 W. Keith Berg (grad student)
Katherine S. FabrizioClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2005 Bruce Crosson (grad student)
Bilal H. FadlallahBiomedical Engineering, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Psychobiology Psychology2013 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Debra Ann FadoolOlfaction, electrophysiology Barry Ache (grad student)
Tara A. FahmieBehavior analysis Psychology20072012 Brian Iwata (grad student)
Marissa S. FallonChemical Engineering2005 Anuj Chauhan (grad student)
Elizabeth A. FallonPhysiological Psychology, Women's Studies, Mass Communications2004 Heather A. Hausenblas (grad student)
Tao Fan2000 James W. Simpkins (post-doc)
Craig Fancourt
Meagan T. FarrellAging2012 Lise Abrams (grad student)
Marcelo Febo
Sarah E. FendrickNeuroscience Biology2006 Wolfgang Streit (grad student)
Eileen B. Fennell1978 Paul Satz (grad student)
Ellen B. FennellClinical Psychology
Toby A. FergusonNeuroscience Biology2001 David Muir (grad student)
Melissa Ferguson20062008 Brandi Kirshane Ormerod (grad student)
Antonio FernandezAttention, Visual perception, Visual Neuroscience CSEA Andreas Keil (research assistant)
Vera FerrariAttention, Emotion, Habituation, EEG20062007 Margaret M. Bradley (grad student)
Ricardo B. Ferreira20132018 Leslie J. Murray (grad student)
Jacob A FialaAging; Disorders of Aging; Clinical Neuropsychology; Assessment; Psychometrics Clinical and Health Psychology2020 Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Stephen C. FigleyCounseling Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Clinical Psychology2010 Harry Daniels (grad student)
Roger B. Fillingimpain, sex differences, genetics
Catherine Fiola19992000 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Sonya Fischer Brian Iwata (grad student)
Jeffrey Fischer Psychology19911996 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Ira S. FischlerCognitive Psychology
John W. Fisher
Hiram E. Fitzgerald Psychology Yvonne Brackbill (grad student)
Barry E. FlanaryMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2005 Wolfgang Streit (grad student)
Melissa A. FleegalAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2002 Colin Sumners (grad student)
Lucia N. FletcherNeuroscience Biology
Jack McFarlin FletcherNeuropsychology, Learning Disabilities, spina bifida Paul Satz (grad student)
Jeremy FlintAging & Memory Loss,Neuroimaging, MR Imaging, MR Microscopy, High Magnetic Fields,Cellular MR Imaging
Erin R. FlueggeManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2008 Amir Erez (grad student)
Sheryl Flynn Andrea L. Behrman (grad student)
Anastasia FordDiffusion imaging Keith M. McGregor (collaborator), Keith D. White (grad student)
Donelson R. ForsythGroup Dynamics, Leadership Barry R. Schlenker (grad student)
Jenny FortunNeuroscience Biology, Pathology2005 Lucia Notterpek (grad student)
Theresa A. FosterBehavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology2004 Timothy D. Hackenberg (grad student)
Thomas C. Foster Brandi Kirshane Ormerod (collaborator)
Paul FosterNeuropsychology
Tom FosterMemory, aging, synaptic plasticity
Anne L. Foundasstuttering, brain morphometry Kenneth M. Heilman (post-doc)
Emily J. Fox
Bridget A. FranksDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
Kyle J. FrantzDopamine, reward & motivation, addiction, behavioral pharmacology, neurochemistry19981999 Mark H. Lewis (post-doc), Carol Van Hartesveldt (grad student)
Stefano Re Fraschini Biomedical Engineering Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Charles Jason Frazier Roger L. Papke (grad student), Stephen W. Jones (grad student)
Peter C. Frederickbiodiversity conservation
Steven Friedl
William Friedman
Tiffany N. FrimelRehabilitation and Therapy2004 Krista Vandenborne (grad student)
David Fritz19801981 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Sobha P. FritzClinical Psychology2003 Robert L. Glueckauf (grad student)
Stacy L. FritzRehabilitation and Therapy2004 Kathye E. Light (grad student)
Dennis O. FrohlichMass Communications, Web Studies Mass Communications2014 Kim Walsh-Childers (grad student)
Karen Bronk FromingNeuropsychology of trauma, Emotion processing Psychology Psychology Psychology1988 Eileen B. Fennell (grad student), Edward Valenstein (grad student), Roger K. Blashfield (grad student)
Nancy E. FryeSocial Psychology2002 Benjamin R. Karney (grad student)
David D. Fuller
Carl Fulp19971999 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Wayne Fuquabehavior therapy, behavioral medicine, behavioral research methodology, developmental disabilities Henry S. Pennypacker (grad student), Edward F. Malagodi (grad student)
Ryan E. FussellClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, General Psychology2012 Shelley C. Heaton (grad student)
Joel Fuster ECE19982004 Karl Gugel (grad student)
Steven Gabriel1984 James W. Simpkins (grad student)
JOY Lucile GABRIELLIChild maltreatment, adolescent substance use, media parenting
Andrea Gabrielli
Megan E. GaiefskyClinical Psychology, Rehabilitation and Therapy Clinical and Health Psychology2007 Bruce Crosson (grad student)
Louis F. GaineyMarine Biology, Physiology Michael J. Greenberg (grad student)
Stephen D. GalyenMusic Education, Music2006 Russell L. Robinson (grad student)
Kelly M. GambleRecreation, General Psychology2010 Christopher Janelle (grad student)
Rama Ganesan1990 James W. Simpkins (post-doc)
Fangfang GaoJournalism, Mass Communications, Web Studies2011 Kim Walsh-Childers (grad student)
Shayan Garani
Paul A. GarciaInhibitory Networks, GABA(A) receptors19941996 Janet E. Zengel (research assistant)
Veronica J. GarciaCrab stomatogastric nervous system Dirk M. Bucher (grad student)
Rolando Garcia-MilianInformation/ bioinformatics
Glenn R. GarridoMusic Education, Music2000 Russell L. Robinson (grad student)
Nichole S. Gebhartzebrafish and development
James H. GeerAttractiveness, Gender differences in cognitive factors in human sexuality Peter J. Lang (grad student)
Craig H. GelbandNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Pharmacology
Marco GemignaniClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, General Psychology2005 Greg J. Neimeyer (grad student)
Laura Claire Geran2003 Alan C. Spector (grad student)
Jesse L. GermainGeneral2004 Heather A. Hausenblas (grad student)
Benoit I. GiassonNeurodegeneration ,Parkinson’s disease, Neuronal Damage, Protein Aggregation,Kinases, Alpha-synuclein, Tau
Cerian GibbesGeography, Climate Change, Sub Saharan Africa Studies2011 Jane Southworth (grad student)
Sallyann Giess2005 Linda Lombardino (grad student)
Gerianne Muldoon Gilligan2004 Linda Lombardino (grad student)
Deborah E. GippleMental Health, Clinical Psychology2002 Joe Wittmer (grad student)
Jill C. GittenClinical Psychology2001 Ellen B. Fennell (grad student)
Melissa S. Gluck Psychology20152019 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Robert L. GlueckaufClinical Psychology
William Goh ECE20042008 Karl Gugel (grad student)
Han Leong Goh Brian Iwata (grad student)
Erhan GokcayComputer Science2000 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Didem Gokcayaffective neuroscience, fMRI, fNIRS, computational neuroanatomy, Artificial Intelligence19982001 John G Harris (grad student)
Dilek GokturkMusic Education, Teacher Training Education2008 Timothy S. Brophy (grad student)
Rebecca M. GoldbergGuidance and Counseling Education, Women's Studies, Mass Communications2009 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
Todd GoldeAlzheimer's disease
Catherine Golden Biochemistry and Molecular Biology1996 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Francis J. GolderNeuroscience Biology, Veterinary Science Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2002 Donald C. Bolser (grad student)
Julieth GomezNeuroscience, DSP Biomedical Engineering20182020 Aysegul Gunduz (grad student)
Xiaoxiang GongElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 John G Harris (grad student)
Rueben A. Gonzales Fulton T. Crews (post-doc)
Leslie J. Gonzalez RothiSpeech Pathology, Neuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology
Rachel C Gonzalez-louisPediatric Psychology David M. Janicke (grad student)
Leslie J. Gonzalez-Rothiaphasia, apraxia, neuropsychology Kenneth M. Heilman (grad student)
Elisa J. Gonzalez-Rothineurorehabilitation, gait, motor control Physical Therapy Physical Therapy Physical Therapy20152017 David D. Fuller (grad student), David D. Fuller (post-doc), Gordon S. Mitchell (research scientist)
Rachael D. GoodmanGuidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education, Elementary Education2009 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
Katie A Gordon
Jason T. GravanoTraumatic Brain Injury2010 William M. Perlstein (grad student)
Christina L Gravessynthetic biology, immunology, neuroimmunology, epithelial cell biology Oral Biology20112016 Shannon Wallet (grad student)
David Gray
Wendy N. GrayClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2010 David M. Janicke (grad student)
Patricia E. Grebensteinaddiction; ingestive behaviors 20072012 Neil E. Rowland (grad student)
Edward J. Green Robert L. Isaacson (research assistant)
Nicholas GreenSedentary behavior, behavior analysis
Pattie Green1999 James W. Simpkins (grad student)
David Marvin GreenSignal Detection Theory, Auditory psychophysics
Michael J. Greenbergmolluscan physiology19881991 Maurice R. Elphick (collaborator)
David Greenwald1996 James W. Simpkins (post-doc)
Gordon E. GreenwoodEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education, Cognitive Psychology
Cynthia C. GriffinSpecial Education, Higher Education, Developmental Psychology
Wayne GriffinGuidance and Counseling Education, Counseling Psychology
Richard A. GriggsCognitive Psychology
John N. GrimesBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology2011 Thomas DeMarse (grad student)
Connie Lynn Grobe2006 Alan C. Spector (grad student)
L. Forest GrussBehavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience, Emotion, Attention, EEG, visual system20122017 Andreas Keil (grad student)
Sarah M. GuadianaNeural Development2009 Matthew R. Sarkisian (grad student)
Guan Wei Guan1998 James W. Simpkins (post-doc)
Maria Guevara20172019 Leah R. Reznikov (research assistant)
Karl Gugel
Louis J. GuilletteReproductive physiology, reproductive behavior, evolution of viviparity, environmental endocrine disruptors
Joseph M. GullettNeuropsychology, Traumatic Brain Injury Clinical and Health Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology20112017 Russell M. Bauer (grad student), Catherine Elizabeth Price (collaborator)
Derya GulsenChemical Engineering, Ophthalmology, Pharmacy2004 Anuj Chauhan (grad student)
Aysegul GunduzECoG, neurological disorders, neuroprosthesis2008 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Charles W. Gunnelsanimal behavior2006 Helen Jane Brockmann (grad student)
Chhavi GuptaChemical Engineering, Pharmacology2010 Anuj Chauhan (grad student)
Anibal GutierrezBehavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology2004 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Wilfried Gwinner Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19901992 Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Thomas HaNeurobiology Leonid L. Moroz (grad student)
Jonghyun T. HaNeuroscience Biology2006 Leonid L. Moroz (grad student)
George HackCurriculum and Instruction Education, Technology of Education, Health Education2004 Lee J. Mullally (grad student)
Rhonda L. Hackshawhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2005 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Paul Haerichcognitive neuroscience, cognitive psychophysiology, emotion19841989 W. Keith Berg (grad student)
Chad L. HagansClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology2002 Franz Epting (grad student)
Todd Hager
Shannon E. HaireNeuroscience Biology, Pathology2006 Susan L. Semple-Rowland (grad student)
Jaclyn M. HallGeography, Remote Sensing, Ecology Biology, Environmental Sciences2009 Jane Southworth (grad student)
Kent C. HalversonManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2005 Amir Erez (grad student)
Jennifer L. Hammond Psychology Brian Iwata (grad student)
Dongho HanElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Seungju HanElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Deborah Han Hyungbae Kwon (grad student)
Hunter Handley Psychology Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Gregory P. HanleyBehavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology2001 Brian Iwata (grad student)
Moriah Hanson
Grace Hanvey Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Scott W. Harden Charles Jason Frazier (grad student)
John G HarrisSignals and Systems
Molly Harrowerpsychodiagnostics
Joel N. HartterGeography, Environmental Sciences2007 Jane Southworth (grad student)
Erion HasanbelliuComputer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering2012 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Daraius Hathriam
Heather A. HausenblasRecreation, Social Psychology
Toni Hawks19961998 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Linda F. HaywardPhysiology Biology, Neurobiology Biology
Zhen He2000 James W. Simpkins (post-doc)
Amy Hearn Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20012004 Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Julie A. HeathAnimal Physiology Biology, Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology2002 Peter C. Frederick (grad student)
Shelley C. HeatonPediatric Neuropsychology, Attention & Memory Functions Eileen B. Fennell (grad student), Julia Hannay (collaborator), Brett A. Clementz (grad student), Julia Kuck (grad student)
Marieta B. HeatonAddiction,Developmental Neurobiology, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Apoptosis,Ethanol Neurotoxicity
Martin HeesackerCounseling Psychology, Mental Health, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology
Marc Heftpain, aging
Anant HegdeElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2006 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Kenneth M. Heilmanattention, apraxia, language Bruce Crosson (collaborator), Paul Satz (collaborator), Edward Valenstein (collaborator), Christopher W. Hess (collaborator)
Andy Hemmings Anthropology S. David Webb (grad student)
Robert R. Henderson Peter J. Lang (grad student), Margaret M. Bradley (grad student)
Meagan Henry Psychology20192024 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Jennifer A. HeretickEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education2012 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
John-David Herlihy2006 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Ruth Herman-Dunn Psychology19891993 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Linda Hermer
Abbi R. Hernandez Sara N. Burke (grad student)
David R. HerringSocial Neuroscience Peter J. Lang (research scientist)
Christopher W. HessMovement Disorders Neurology
Andreas HeylandDevelopmental Biology, larval development and metamorphosis Leonid L. Moroz (post-doc)
Aidan B Higgs
Brian P. Higleyhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2006 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Kenneth E. Hild II
David Edwin Hill19741978 Jon Reiskind (grad student)
Alexandra Himelhoch Clinical and Health Psychology Kimberly A. Driscoll (grad student)
Loren Hizel Clinical and Health Psychology Catherine Elizabeth Price (grad student)
Kwo Wei David HoPain
Brian Duy Holifestyle factors, physical exercise, metabolism, cognition Clinical and Health Psychology20202025 Ronald A. Cohen (grad student)
Lan Hoang-Minh Brandi Kirshane Ormerod (grad student)
Candace C. HodgkinsGuidance and Counseling Education, Health Education, Clinical Psychology2003 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
Mackenzie E. HofmannNeuroscience Neuroscience20062010 Charles Jason Frazier (grad student)
Alena V. HolmesMusic Education2009 Timothy S. Brophy (grad student)
Korey K. Hood Clinical and Health Psychology Suzanne Bennett Johnson (grad student)
Kenneth R. Horlick Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19851990 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Todd Hornquist
Marilyn Hortaaging, decision-making, social cognition, pain, substance use Psychology20202022 Natalie C. Ebner (grad student), Roger B. Fillingim (post-doc)
Kathryn Horton Brian Iwata (grad student)
Mandy Hosford19941997 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Christopher D. HouckClinical Psychology2002 James R. Rodrigue (grad student)
John D. HouleSpinal Cord Injury, Regeneration, Transplantation, Activity -Dependent Plasticity Paul Reier (post-doc)
Elissa M. HowardSpecial Education, Health Education2001 Barbara A. Rienzo (grad student)
Brett A. HowellChemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Pharmacy2010 Anuj Chauhan (grad student)
Dena Howland
Brian G. HowlandCognitive Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology2005 Ira S. Fischler (grad student)
Jan Ling Hsu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology1993 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Jan-Ling Hsu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19931996 Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Ming Huaddiction19941999 Joanna Peris (grad student)
Fredrick Huang19921993 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Yuanhong Huang Psychology20162021 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Mei-Kuei HuangGuidance and Counseling Education, Individual and Family Studies2001 Silvia E. Doan (grad student)
Tracy C. HunsakerMusic Education2007 Russell L. Robinson (grad student)
Bruce E. Hunter
Jeffrey A. HurtCurriculum and Instruction Education, Technology of Education, Educational Psychology Education
Gabriel Hurt19911992 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Barry Elliot Hurwitz1984 W. Keith Berg (grad student)
Adrianne Huxtable Physical Therapy Gordon S. Mitchell (post-doc)
Dong-uk HwangTheoretical physics, theoretical neuroscience, computational neuroscience
Estelle in 't Zandt
Ben A. InglisNMR19922000 Thomas H. Mareci (post-doc)
Mohamed Ismail
Kavita Isvarananimal behavior2003 Helen Jane Brockmann (grad student)
Jesse ItzkowitzCognitive Psychology, Social Psychology2005 Ira S. Fischler (grad student)
Phyllis D. Iveryhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2009 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Brian IwataBehavior Analysis
Alan D. J. CookeMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Travis Corey JacksonNeuroscience, Aging, Diabetes, Cell death
Erin S. Jacksonhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2008 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Ralph Jacobi
Jay N. JacobsMusic Education, Music2007 Timothy S. Brophy (grad student)
Noelle Jacobsen Biomedical Engineering20182023 Daniel P. Ferris (grad student)
Lyn B. Jakeman Paul Reier (grad student)
Edward Jakob
Christopher JanelleExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Recreation
David M. JanickeClinical Psychology
Daniel Janies1995 Larry R. McEdward (grad student)
Chris A. JaniszewskiMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology
Christopher A. JaniszewskiMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology
Kathryn Jann Brian Iwata (grad student)
Christopher G. JanusAging & Memory Loss,Neurodegeneration,Dementia in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Alzheimer’s disease,Mouse Models of Neurodegenerative diseases, Learning and Memory,Spatial navigation, Behavioral plasticity, Amyloid beta, Tau
Arun JayaramanComputational, Movement & Rehabilitation2008 Krista Vandenborne (grad student)
Pearis Jean Psychology20172022 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Sally E. Jensen Clinical & Health Psychology20032008 Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Kyu-Hwa JeongElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Sami H. Jezziniinvertebrate neurobiology2006 Leonid L. Moroz (grad student)
Bing JianComputer Science, Biomedical Engineering2009 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Michael Ray Johnson2003 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Richard D. JohnsonNeurophysiology
Sarah A. JohnsonHippocampus, Physiology, Memory, Aging2014 Sara N. Burke (post-doc)
Harrison N. JonesSpeech Pathology, Rehabilitation and Therapy2007 John C. Rosenbek (grad student)
Kimberly D. Jones2012 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Douglas G. Jones
Lizabeth JordanNeuropsychology20102010 Dawn Bowers (grad student), Shelley C. Heaton (grad student)
Caren B. JordanClinical Psychology2002 Cynthia D. Belar (grad student)
Diana K. JoycePersonality Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2000 Thomas D. Oakland (grad student)
Jeffrey N. JoyceNeuroscience Biology19781983 Carol Van Hartesveldt (grad student)
Jui-Kuo Juan
Melanie K. JudgeAging, Physiology Biology, Pharmacology2009 Philip J. Scarpace (grad student)
Bruce J. Jung19942000 Joanna Peris (grad student)
Michael D. JustissRehabilitation and Therapy, Gerontology2005 Craig Velozo (grad student)
Edith KaanCognitive Neuroscience: Language
Elizabeth Kacel Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Audrey N. Kalehua1992 Bruce E. Hunter (grad student)
Pushpa S. KalraNeuroscience Biology
Satya Kalrabehavioral neuroendocrinology
Perry Kaly Psychology19951999 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Hiroaki KamishinaVeterinary Science Biology, Animal Pathology Agriculture, Animal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2007 Roger M. Clemmons (grad student)
Kittipat KampaInformation Science, Artificial Intelligence2011 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
William F. KanaskyClinical Psychology, Recreation, Behavioral Psychology2003 James R. Rodrigue (grad student)
Bharath B. KannanElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 John G Harris (grad student)
Svetlana KantorovichEpilepsy 2012 Paul Richard Carney (grad student), Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Christy Karabetian Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Celeste M. Karch20052009 David R. Borchelt (grad student)
Benjamin R. KarneySocial Psychology
Cynthia E. KaschubCognitive Psychology2008 Ira S. Fischler (grad student)
James M. KasperPharmacy, Neuroscience Biology2012 Joanna Peris (grad student)
David A. S. KaufmanNeuropsychology, Psychophysiology20032009 William M. Perlstein (grad student)
Donald H. Kausler Wilse B. Webb (grad student)
Daniel B. KaySleep, Neurodegenerative Disease, Temperament
Sean M. KearnsNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2006 Dennis A. Steindler (grad student)
Larry KeenCardiovascular Psychophysiology Deidre B. Pereira (post-doc)
Andreas Keil
Ida Kellison Clinical and Health Psychology William M. Perlstein (grad student)
Kyle B. KellyAging, Electrophysiology Charles Jason Frazier (grad student)
Anita E. KellySocial Psychology, Clinical Psychology1991 Greg J. Neimeyer (grad student)
Mia N. KellyNeural Plasticity, Respiratory Physiology Physical Therapy20162020 Gordon S. Mitchell (grad student)
Willaim R. KemNeuroscience Biology
Jack P. Kennedy Neuroscience20172022 Andrew P. Maurer (grad student)
Lauren E KenneyParkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, aging
Kristen M. Kent Psychology20172022 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Brian Kersten19941994 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Catherine M. Ketcham Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19851988 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Sarah E. Key-DelyriaSpeech Pathology, Neuroscience Biology2011 Lori J. P. Altmann (grad student)
Habibeh KhoshboueiDopamine Transporter
Thomas S. Kilduffsleep, circadian rhythms, hibernation, hypocretin, orexin19731974 Wilse B. Webb (research assistant)
Kelcey R. KillingsworthGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology2012 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
Sunjung Kim2012 Linda Lombardino (grad student)
Sung-Phil KimElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2005 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Sang-Bum KimExperimental Psychology2002 James H. Cauraugh (grad student)
Changki KimNeuromuscular Physiology Applied Physiology and Kinesiology20092017 Evangelos A. Christou (grad student)
Munchurl Kim
Cara I. KimbergClinical Psychology2009 Shelley C. Heaton (grad student)
Tricia Z. KingClinical Neuropsychology, Emotion and Memory2000 Eileen B. Fennell (grad student)
Christopher KingStress, DNIC, endogenous opioids2008 Robert M. Caudle (post-doc)
Janae Kirsch Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Joshua William KirtonMRI: Late life Depression, Cognitive Aging20102015 Vonetta M. Dotson (grad student)
Jeffrey A. Kleim
Richard A. KleinReplication, Reproducibility, Open Science, Implicit Associations Psychology20122017 Kate A. Ratliff (grad student)
Ann M. KnightSpeech Pathology, Neuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology2005 Leslie J. Gonzalez Rothi (grad student)
Jacqueline K. KnowlesMental Health2011 Silvia E. Doan (grad student)
Man-soo KoRehabilitation and Therapy2006 Andrea L. Behrman (grad student)
Siriporn KobnithikulwongDesign and Decorative Arts, Educational Psychology Education, Asian American Studies2010 Margaret Portillo (grad student)
Santhosh KodipakaComputer Science2009 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Cynthia S. KoenigCognitive Psychology2002 Richard A. Griggs (grad student)
Emily J. KollerNeuroscience Neuroscience20162020 Paramita Chakrabarty (grad student)
Tanya L. KortEducational Psychology Education, Reading Education, Tests and Measurements Education2008 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
Raymond Thomas, Kozikowski2012 Brandi Kirshane Ormerod (grad student)
John Howell KrantzVisual System, Postural Stability, Visual Human FActors Keith D. White (grad student)
Carolyn R. KrekelerElectronics and Electrical Engineering2012 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Evan Kriminger
Karen Krzanowski19891990 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Shin Ping Kuan20172019 Leah R. Reznikov (research assistant)
Taylor P. KuhnNeuropsychology, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy
Thomas KukarNeurodegeneration Todd Golde (post-doc)
Ashok KumarAging & Memory Loss,Aging, Calcium, Hippocampus, Learning, Memory, Synaptic Plasticity,Cell excitability, Exercise, Environmental enrichment
Rajesh Kumar
Loius-Ann Kuntz Keith D. White (grad student)
Shiuh-Yang Kuo Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19982001 Harry S. Nick (grad student), Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Jhy-Ming Kuo
Dawn M. KutzaEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education, Cognitive Psychology2000 Gordon E. Greenwood (grad student)
MinHyuk KwonMotor control, Neuromuscular Physiology, biomechanics, EMG Applied Physiology and Kinesiology20092015 Evangelos A. Christou (grad student)
Clive D. L. WynneBehavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Magdala P. LabreMass Communications2004 Kim Walsh-Childers (grad student)
John P. LaCognataMusic, Music Education, Tests and Measurements Education2010 Timothy S. Brophy (grad student)
Jacob Lafo Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Sarah K. LagemanClinical Psychology2006 Eileen B. Fennell (grad student)
Ching-an LaiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2002 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Damon G. Lamb2013 Kenneth M. Heilman (research scientist)
Jing LanElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Kristine L. Landry-BoozerEducational Psychology Education, Sciences Education, Developmental Psychology2003 Bridget A. Franks (grad student)
Angela B. LaneClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology2001 Eileen B. Fennell (grad student)
Peter J. LangPsychophysiology, Motivation, Attention, Emotion Margaret M. Bradley (collaborator)
Juliano LaranMarketing Business Administration, Experimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2008 Chris A. Janiszewski (grad student)
Patrick LarkinNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2000 Susan L. Semple-Rowland (grad student)
Anne Larmore BruehlEducational Psychology Education, Counseling Psychology, Developmental Psychology2009 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
Michael J. Larson20022008 William M. Perlstein (grad student)
Dylan M. Larson-Konar Psychology20152021 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Edward M. Latorre-NavarroComputer Engineering, Computer Science, Technology of Education, Guidance and Counseling Education Electrical and Computer Engineering2014 John G Harris (grad student)
Alvin W. LawrenceSocial Psychology2001 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Eric D. LaywellNeurobiology Biology, Toxicology
Janel E. Le BelleStem cell biology, Autism, Brain repair19911995 Douglas K. Anderson (research assistant), Thomas H. Mareci (research assistant)
Colleen Le Prellhearing loss
Lesley LeBaronGuidance and Counseling Education, Adult and Continuing Education, Individual and Family Studies, Criminology and Penology2001 Harry Daniels (grad student)
Jae-Min LeeElectronics and Electrical Engineering2005 Keith D. White (grad student)
Yousoon Lee20102015 Leslie J. Murray (grad student)
Jeong ah Lee20122015 Leslie J. Murray (grad student)
JinGeol Lee
Kun-Ze LeeRespiratory neurophysiology, Spinal cord injury20082011 David D. Fuller (post-doc)
Wesley C. LefebvreElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering2000 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Curt Lefebvre
Lee A. LehmanEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education2012 Thomas D. Oakland (grad student)
Leigh A. LehmanRehabilitation and Therapy2008 Craig Velozo (grad student)
Susan A. LeonSpeech Pathology2010 Leslie J. Gonzalez Rothi (grad student)
Jeffery A. LePineManagement Business Administration, Personality Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Jeffrey LePineManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Carolyn R. LepreMass Communications, Journalism, Higher Education2000 Kim Walsh-Childers (grad student)
Vincent Levee
Vincent Leveque Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2000 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Howard Levin
Yona LevitesAging & Memory Loss,Neurodegeneration,Immunotherapy, Adeno-associated virus, Amyloid,Alzheimer’s disease, Spinal cord neurodegeneration, Neuronal death
Robert A. Levitt
Lindsay H. LevkoffMolecular Biology, Oncology2008 Eric D. Laywell (grad student)
Shellie-Anne Levy Clinical and Health Psychology20142017 Catherine Elizabeth Price (post-doc)
Mark H. LewisPsychiatry, Autism, Restricted repetitive behavior
Jada LewisAging & Memory Loss,Neurodegeneration,Modeling & Therapeutic Trials for Neurodegenerative Diseases,Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases, Frontotemporal Dementia,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Johanna M. Lewis EsquerreClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2001 James R. Rodrigue (grad student)
Zhimin Lialcohol neurochemistry20032008 Joanna Peris (grad student)
Albert Li2022 Nancy Padilla-Coreano (research assistant)
Ruijiang LiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2008 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Chi-Chung LiChemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2007 Anuj Chauhan (grad student)
Kan LiSignal Processing, Machine Learning, Brain Machine Interface Electrical and Computer Engineering Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Lin Li
Yuan Liam19992000 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Yan-Shin Liao2016 Leah R. Reznikov (research assistant)
James (Jimmy) Chienan Liaolocomotion, lateral line
Kathye E. LightRehabilitation and Therapy, Neuroscience Biology
Nancy H. LincolnCognitive Psychology2001 Ira S. Fischler (grad student)
Sacha E. LindekensSocial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2001 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Earlene E. LipowskiPharmacy, Social Psychology
Catherine Lippi Geography2016 Sadie Jane Ryan (grad student)
Jundong LiuComputer Science, Biomedical Engineering2002 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Meizhu LiuComputer Science2011 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Yuelu LiuVisual Attention, Top-down Control, Affective Processing Biomedical Engineering20082013 Mingzhou Ding (grad student)
Jiang Liu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20042006 Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Weifeng Liu
Hui Liu
Pei-Chen LoDigital Signal Processing, Deep learning Electrical & Computer Engineering19851990 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Edward LobarinasAuditory Neurophysiology
Neha LodhaRehabilitation and Therapy, Recreation2011 James H. Cauraugh (grad student)
Linda Lombardino
Manuel T. Lopezhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes Psychology2013 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Francesca V. Lopez CHP Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Nicholas A. LordComputer Science2007 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Peter Lovell Leonid L. Moroz (post-doc)
Carlos A LozaSignal processing, Neuroengineering, Robust estimation Electrical and Computer Engineering20132017 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Shuang LuLinguistics Language Linguistics2013 Edith Kaan (grad student)
Shenghua LuanExperimental Psychology2004 Robert Sorkin (grad student)
Jeffrey Lucasanimal behavior Helen Jane Brockmann (grad student)
Elias Taylor Lunsfordsensory systems, hair cells, lateral line, motor neurons, zebrafish Biology2016 James (Jimmy) Chienan Liao (grad student)
Nicole C. LutherMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Pathology2009 Bryon E. Petersen (grad student)
William Luttge
John MacCardle
Christopher E. Mackhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2008 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Danielle D. MaderaPublic and Social Welfare, Criminology and Penology2007 Tina Smith-Bonahue (grad student)
David R MaguireBehavioral Pharmacology Psychology20062011 Marc N. Branch (grad student)
Edward F. Malagodi
Ian G Malone2017 Kevin John Otto (grad student)
Twyla L. MancilCognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, General Psychology2012 Tina Smith-Bonahue (grad student)
Ron Mandel Parkinson, aging
Ronald J. MandelAging & Memory,Loss Gene Therapy, Neurological Disorders, Parkinson’s Disease,Huntington’s Disease, Dystonia
Paul Mangal Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Hannah Manis Clinical and Health Psychology Kimberly A. Driscoll (grad student)
Paul B. ManisAuditory System, Ion channels, synaptic transmission, cochlear nucleus, auditory cortex19761982 William E. Brownell (grad student)
Adrian T. ManleyGuidance and Counseling Education, Clergy Religion, Black Studies2006 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
Derek T. MannCognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology2006 Christopher Janelle (grad student)
Carol Mannings19971997 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Alexandria Beverly MarcianteRespiratory Physiology Physical Therapy2019 Gordon S. Mitchell (post-doc)
Catherine Marcinkiewcz20072010 Darragh P. Devine (grad student)
Thomas H. Marecicellular structure and biochemical processes in nervous tissue using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques
Sara J. MargolinAging2007 Lise Abrams (grad student)
Stephanie L. MarhefkaClinical Psychology, Medicine and Surgery, Public Health2002 James R. Rodrigue (grad student)
Victor W. MarkNeurology Kenneth M. Heilman (post-doc)
Stacy MarkisonBehavioral Pharmacology & Toxicology Psychobiology19931998 Alan C. Spector (grad student)
Leeza Maron2003 Bruce Crosson (grad student)
Dorothee Marossero
Christopher Marshall Roger Lyons Reep (grad student)
Michael MarsiskeCognitive aging, cognitive interventions, everyday problem solving, health disparities, longitudinal methodology Clinical and Health Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology Institute on Aging Psychology Adam J. Woods (collaborator), Dawn Bowers (collaborator), Ronald A. Cohen (collaborator), Todd Manini (collaborator), Carolyn M. Tucker (collaborator)
Jeffrey R. MartensCardiovascular, Olfaction
Tamara Martin Psychology19901993 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Clare Mathes Psychology2008 Neil E. Rowland (grad student)
Gary R. MatloffSocial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Elementary Education2001 Thomas D. Oakland (grad student)
Amber M. MatrePsychobiology Psychology2011 Darragh P. Devine (grad student)
Alicia Matteson Psychology2008 Bonnie Moradi (grad student)
Andre P. MauderliNeuroscience Biology
Andrew P. MaurerAging & Memory Loss,Aging, Entorhinal Cortex, Hippocampus, Memory, Neurophysiology, Perirhinal Cortex
Jacqueline E. Mayeaging, cognition, mindfulness, neuropsychology Clinical and Health Psychology20122019 Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Jodi Mazaleski Brian Iwata (grad student)
Matthew L. McCabeMusic Neuroscience, Synaesthesia20062010 Jamie Reilly (grad student), Linda Hermer (grad student)
Sarah J. McCannClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2010 Shelley C. Heaton (grad student)
Jill S. McClungAging, Cognitive Psychology, Gerontology2010 John C. Rosenbek (grad student)
Carol P. McCoyMusic Education, Music, Higher Education2011 Russell L. Robinson (grad student)
Karin J. McCoy Clinical and Health Psychology20002004 Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Christina Smith McCrae
Russell G. McCutcheonMusic Education, Music, Social Psychology2005 Russell L. Robinson (grad student)
Melanie L. McEwenPhysiological Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2000 Donald J. Stehouwer (grad student)
Donna M. McGinleyGuidance and Counseling Education, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2009 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
Keith M. McGregorInterhemispheric Inhibition, Aging, fMRI, TMS20032010 Xiao Zhou (collaborator), Keith D. White (grad student)
James McGuiness Brandi Kirshane Ormerod (grad student)
Jeremy C. McIntyreOlfaction, Ciliopathy2009 Jeffrey R. Martens (post-doc)
Elizabeth L. McKenneyEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology, Special Education2010 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
Elizabeth B. McKinneyhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2004 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Molly McLaren2013 Vonetta M. Dotson (grad student)
Joseph P. H. McNamaraOCD, Tower of London, Pediatric Anxiety20032008 W. Keith Berg (grad student)
Daniel McNeil Peter J. Lang (post-doc)
Lisa M. McTeagueAnxiety, Emotion, Psychophysiology20002007 Bethany C. Wangelin (collaborator), Peter J. Lang (grad student)
Sarah Mead Brian Iwata (grad student)
Cristina M. Mejia-MillanSocial Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2000 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Michael MeldrumPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Narasaiah MenaNMDA receptors20002001 Robert M. Caudle (post-doc)
Mark S. MennemeierCognitive Neuroscience Kenneth M. Heilman (post-doc)
Danielle M. MeolaNeuroscience Biology, Medicine and Surgery Medical Sciences2012 John M. Petitto (grad student)
Lisa H. MerckNeurological Emergencies, TBI, hydrocephalus, critical care, intensive care, clinical trials, epidemiology, medical ethics Dean Leon Haley (research scientist)
Steven E. Meredith20052012 Jesse Dallery (grad student), Jesse Dallery (grad student)
Jessica R. MethotManagement Business Administration2010 Jeffery A. LePine (grad student)
Merle MeyerPhysiological Psychology, Pharmacology
Ania MikosNeuropsychology Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Beatriz L. MilehamGuidance and Counseling Education, Speech Communication2003 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
William J. MillardAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Nutrition
Sarah Miller2007 Paul W. Davenport (grad student)
Jonathan "Jonny" MillerPediatric neuropsychology, head injury Eileen B. Fennell (grad student)
Melissa M Miller Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center2017 Craig Guyer (grad student)
Shauna MillerSchool Psychology
Michelle L. Miller2004 Marc N. Branch (grad student)
Emily Miller19801982 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Douglas R Miller Neuroscience20152021 Habibeh Khoshbouei (grad student)
Anca Mirsu-Paunhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2007 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Bibhu Prasad Mishra
Vladimir Miskovic Psychology Andreas Keil (post-doc)
Gordon S. Mitchell
Alyssa D. Mitchell20132016 Leslie J. Murray (grad student)
Marci R. Mitchelladdiction, decision-making
Sandra Marie MitchellParkinson's disease, dementia, white matter disease20052011 Catherine Elizabeth Price (grad student)
Terri D. MitchellPublic Health, Health Education2004 Barbara A. Rienzo (grad student)
Anaya MitraPhysiological Psychology, Physiology Biology, Nutrition2008 Neil E. Rowland (grad student)
Jeremiah D. MitzelfeltNeuroscience Biology, Aging2011 Drake Morgan (grad student)
Jue Mo2012 Mingzhou Ding (grad student)
Eric D. ModelPsychobiology Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2005 John R. Todorovich (grad student)
Rene A Molina20132018 Aysegul Gunduz (grad student)
Christina Moloney Neuroscience Jada Lewis (grad student)
Pinki MondalGeography, Geodesy, Environmental Sciences, South Asian Studies, Natural Resource Management, Land Use Planning2011 Jane Southworth (grad student)
Sarah Mondello2012 Philip John Horner (grad student)
Stefania MondelloBiomarkers, Neurotrauma, TBI, Neurolgical DIsorders, Statistical Methods Anesthesiology, Division of Anesthesia Critical Care Medicine20082012 Andrea Gabrielli (research scientist)
Natasha C. MoningkaPhysiology Biology, Aging2011 Chris Baylis (grad student)
Karienn A. MontgomeryNeuroscience Biology2012 Jennifer L. Bizon (grad student)
Terry Moore19811982 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Jacques Morcos
Rodney A. MorejonElectronics and Electrical Engineering2003 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Claudia A. MorelliSpeech Pathology2006 Lori J. P. Altmann (grad student)
Leslie C. Moreypsychometrics, assessment19771981 Roger K. Blashfield (grad student)
Adrienne T. Morgan Clinical and Health Psychology20022008 Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Drake MorganNeuroscience Biology, Aging
Leonid L. MorozGenomics, neural circuits, Aplysia, Lymnaea, Pleurobranchaea, Tritonia, neuropeptides, NMDA, behavior, evolution, invertebrate, mollusca19851989 Dmitry A. Sakharov (grad student), Robert M. Greenberg (collaborator)
Robin D. Morrisdevelopmental neuropsychology, dyslexia/LD, ADHD, acquired brain injury, brain tumors, oxphos disease, laterality19761982 Paul Satz (grad student), Kenneth M. Heilman (grad student)
Scott Morrison
Dennis R. MosierSynaptic transmission, ALS, myasthenia gravis
Della V. Mosley
Kirk D. MossMusic Education, Music2006 Timothy S. Brophy (grad student)
Mark A. Motter
Melanie B. MousseauSocial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2009 Christopher Janelle (grad student)
Amber Muehlmann Psychiatry20032011 Darragh P. Devine (grad student)
David MuirNeuroscience Biology
Kumar MukherjeePharmacy, Health Care Management, General Economics2008 Richard Segal (grad student)
Lee J. MullallyCurriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education
Amrita Mullick20122015 Leslie J. Murray (grad student)
Jocelyn MullinsGeography, Public Health Geography2013 Jason K. Blackburn (grad student)
Steven D. MungerChemosensation Barry Ache (grad student), Robert M. Greenberg (collaborator)
Vikram Munikoti Brandi Kirshane Ormerod (grad student)
Jamie M MurbachPEDOT, conductive polymers, device-tissue interface Materials Science and Engineering2016 Kevin John Otto (grad student)
Milledge MurpheyCognitive Psychology, Recreation
Leslie J. MurraySynthetic Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry
Timothy M. MutschlecnerMusic, Music Education, Tests and Measurements Education2007 Timothy S. Brophy (grad student)
Nicholas Muzyczkzagene therapy
Stephen M. MyersEpilepsy Biomedical Engineering2011 Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Stephen M. Myers Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering20092013 Sachin S. Talathi (grad student), Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Ben NahirNeuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology, Pharmacology2009 Charles Jason Frazier (grad student)
Gabriel Nallathambisignal processing, machine learning, sensor design Electrical and Computer Engineering Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Mark D NambaNeurobiology of drug addiction Psychology Psychology Lori A. Knackstedt (research assistant), Marek Schwendt (research assistant)
Manu Nandan Computer Science20102013 Sachin S. Talathi (grad student)
Nicole NasewiczEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education, Elementary Education2009 Tina Smith-Bonahue (grad student)
Samuel R. Nason-TomaszewskiBrain-computer interfaces Electrical Engineering20132016 Kamran Mohseni (research assistant)
Robert Navarro
Kristina Anne NeelyCognitive motor neuroscience Applied Physiology & Kinesiology20102013 David E. Vaillancourt (post-doc)
Lisa A. NeffSocial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2002 Benjamin R. Karney (grad student)
Robert A. NeimeyerClinical Psychology, Spirituality Psychology1976 James J. Barrell (research assistant)
Dorothy D. NevillClinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Arnold Hastings NevisWater transport
Peter NguyenNeuroimaging/DTI, Parkinson's disease20082015 Catherine Elizabeth Price (grad student)
Harry S. NickTraumatic Injury,Gene Regulation, Inflammatory Response, Free Radicals,
Max Allen Nickerson
Meghan K. NicoliniCurriculum and Instruction Education2003 Tina Smith-Bonahue (grad student)
Chandelyn Nightingale Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Marshall NirenbergBiochemistry1952 Lewis Berner (grad student)
Sara J. NixonNeuroscience Biology, Mental Health, Aging
Emalick G. Njie David R. Borchelt (grad student)
Whitney NoblesCounseling Psychology, Gerontology, Guidance and Counseling Education, Aging2010 Harry Daniels (grad student)
Hayden NoelMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology2002 Christopher A. Janiszewski (grad student)
Bill NoffsingerMachine learning, neural networks
Todd Nolanpain, central sensitization2008 Robert M. Caudle (post-doc)
Wendy M. NormanNeuroscience Biology2002 Douglas K. Anderson (grad student)
Lucia Notterpek
Thomas D. OaklandSocial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Elementary Education
James Vernon OdomVisual System19811982 Keith D. White (collaborator), William W. Dawson (post-doc)
Ron OfriVeterinary ophthalmology, Retinal electrophysiology, Animal models of retinal diseases, Retinal gene therapy, Glaucoma and neuroprotection, Comparative visual optics, aqueous humor dynamics, and tear film properties19891993 William W. Dawson (grad student)
Elizabeth Ogando-Rivas Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa (post-doc)
William Ogle Robert M. Sapolsky (post-doc)
Bernard A. OkechMosquito transmitted diseases
Kaitlynn P. Olczak Biomedical Engineering2015 Kevin John Otto (grad student)
Fumihito Ononeuromuscular junction/ nACh receptors
Alexander G. OphirIntegrative Behavioral Neuroscience Steven M. Phelps (post-doc)
Scott Orangio
Brandi Kirshane Ormerodadult neurogenesis, stem cell biology
Kevin John OttoNeuroengineering
Joshua Henry Owenscognitive aging, health disparities Clinical and Health Psychology2019 Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Evren OzarslanGeneral Physics, Biomedical Engineering2004 Thomas H. Mareci (grad student)
Mustafa Can Ozturk2007 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Lori J. P. AltmannSpeech Pathology, Neuroscience Biology
Sanjeev PadmanabhanMechanical Engineering2006 Ashok Kumar (grad student)
Adaixa Padron Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Terry Page
Antonio Paiva2008 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Malhar Palkar
Billy A. Palmer Psychology20142019 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Adrian PanetoProblem Solving, Working Memory, fMRI, EEG, Learning20112014 Joseph P. H. McNamara (research assistant), Brian Iwata (research assistant), Carolyn M. Tucker (research assistant)
Rebecca K. PapasClinical Psychology, Health Care Management2004 Joseph L. Riley (grad student)
Roger L. Papkeneuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
Konstantinos Pappas
Alicia Pardon Clinical and Health Psychology Kimberly A. Driscoll (grad student)
Mansi B. ParekhNeuroscience Biology, Radiology2010 Thomas H. Mareci (grad student)
Michael Parent Psychology2013 Bonnie Moradi (grad student)
In Jun Park
Seung-Hun Park
Il Memming ParkComputational Neuroscience, spike train, point process, computational methods, decision, olfaction Mathematics20072010 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student), Murali Rao (collaborator)
Jungjun Park2010 Linda Lombardino (grad student)
Robert B. Parkinson2006 Bruce Crosson (grad student)
Brandon A Parksdeep brain stimulation, essential tremor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering2017 Aysegul Gunduz (grad student)
Jeremy Parks
Steven L Pashegoba19981999 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Cathleen C. PasiaEarly Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology School Psychology2013 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
Kathryn M. PatePhysiology Biology, Neurobiology Biology2010 Paul W. Davenport (grad student)
Neeti PathareRehabilitation and Therapy2005 Krista Vandenborne (grad student)
Dipanwita Pati Charles Jason Frazier (grad student)
Dipanwita PatiStress circuits, whole-cell electrophysiology Pharmacodynamics20102015 Charles Jason Frazier (grad student)
Seema Patidar Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Christopher J. Patrickemotion Peter J. Lang (post-doc)
Wilmaison Paul
Yuri G. Pavlovworking memory, consciousness, ERP, learning20222022 Andreas Keil (post-doc)
William M. PearlsteinCognitive Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Tyler R. Pedersenhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2000 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Otto PedrazaNeuropsychology Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Didem PehlivanogluCognitive aging, Emotion Psychology Natalie C. Ebner (grad student)
Sergio M. Pellisplay behaviour Philip Teitelbaum (post-doc)
Milerky C. Perdomo LozadaAnimal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture2011 Lokenga Badinga (grad student)
Deidre B. PereiraPsychoneuroimmunology, psycho-oncology19941999 Michael H. Antoni (grad student)
Joanna Perisalcoholism, addiction
William M. PerlsteinNeurophysiology, EEG, neuroimaging Joshua William Kirton (collaborator)
Paul B. PerrinTheory and Methods, Mental Health, Rehabilitation and Therapy2011 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Preya Persaud19941995 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Suni PetersenClinical Psychology, Genetics, Human Development Psychology19921997 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Bryon E. PetersenCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology
John M. PetittoNeuroscience Biology, Immunology
Jeffrey C. Petruskaneural plasticity, pain, sensory systems, spinal cord, DRG19922000 Richard D. Johnson (grad student)
Chetan Purushottam PhadkeH-reflex, spasticity, EMG20062007 Andrea L. Behrman (grad student), Floyd J. Thompson (post-doc), Prodip Bose (post-doc)
Benjamin R. PhalinClinical Psychology, Recreation, Physical Education, Physiological Psychology2004 Duane Dede (grad student)
Daniel M. PhilipPersonality Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2003 Franz Epting (grad student)
Gavin R PhilipsBrain-computer interfaces, assistive technology, smart wheelchairs, shared control Electrical and Computer Engineering Biomedical Engineering20112015 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student), Aysegul Gunduz (grad student)
Liya PiMolecular Biology2005 Bryon E. Petersen (grad student)
R Morgan PiggHealth Education, Personality Psychology
Dana G. PintilieCell Biology, Molecular Biology2009 Bryon E. Petersen (grad student)
Sharrel PintoPharmacy, Marketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology, Health Care Management2004 Earlene E. Lipowski (grad student)
Peggy J. Planettamovement disorders, neuroimaging, tactile perception2009 David E. Vaillancourt (post-doc)
Danielle M. PloetzConcussion, Epilepsy, TBI, Validity Testing Psychology20122013 Shelley C. Heaton (post-doc)
Emily K. PlowmanSpeech Pathology2005 John C. Rosenbek (grad student)
Nathan P. PodsakoffManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2007 Jeffrey LePine (grad student)
Puskal P. PokharelElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Rosha Pokharel
Elena Polejaeva William M. Perlstein (grad student)
Ludmilla B. PopovaNeurobiology, Clione, Tritonia, Aplysia Leonid L. Moroz (research scientist)
Eric C PorgesAlcohol, HIV, Aging, GABA, Cognition Clinical and Health Psychology Ronald A. Cohen (post-doc)
Dawn M. PorterReading Education, Educational Psychology Education2003 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
Karen PorterPhysiology Biology, Neurobiology Biology2009 Linda F. Hayward (grad student)
Margaret PortilloDesign and Decorative Arts, Educational Psychology Education, Asian American Studies
Rachel Postupack Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Pravinkumar PremakanthanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Applied Mathematics2010 John G Harris (grad student)
Don Pricepain
David A. Priceneuropeptides and neuropeptide receptors19881991 Maurice R. Elphick (collaborator)
Catherine Elizabeth PriceNeuroimaging, Parkinson\'s disease, POCD, dementia
Sean T. Prichard Psychology19921996 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Jose Carlos PrincipeComputational NeuroEngineering Jack R. Smith (grad student)
Mercedes Prudencio20052009 David R. Borchelt (grad student)
Chiang-Jung Pu
Cynthia S. Puranik2006 Linda Lombardino (grad student)
Daniel L. PurichNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Xiaolei Qiu2008 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Suhel Quaderanimal behavior2003 Helen Jane Brockmann (grad student)
Rebecca Quiñones Clinical Health Psychology David M. Janicke (grad student)
Omid Rabbani19951998 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Alexander Rabchevsky Paul Reier (grad student)
Linda-Maritza RadbillEducational Psychology Education, Individual and Family Studies, Behavioral Psychology2009 Tina Smith-Bonahue (grad student)
Rahul Radhakrishnabehaviour Biomedical egineering20182020 Lakiesha N. Williams (grad student)
Alex Radisavljevic
Krestin J. RadonovichClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2001 Eileen B. Fennell (grad student)
Mohamad Rahimy1991 James W. Simpkins (post-doc), James W. Simpkins (grad student)
Katrina RaiaEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education, Behavioral Psychology2009 Tina Smith-Bonahue (grad student)
Bhavana Raja
Rajasimhan RajagovindanSelective Visual Attention, Memory, Functional connectivity, Multivariate Signal Processing20042009 Mingzhou Ding (grad student)
Gopal Rajakumar1998 James W. Simpkins (post-doc)
Frances Ramos-Cabellos19971997 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Yong RanAging & Memory Loss,Neurodegeneration Gamma-secretase, Signal Peptide Peptidase, Intramembrane Proteolysis
Sabhya RanaSpinal Cord Injury, Neurotrauma, Neuroplasticity, Neuromotor control of breathing2019 David D. Fuller (post-doc)
Sunitha RangarajuMedicine and Surgery, Aging, Molecular Biology2010 Lucia Notterpek (grad student)
Marlo E. RansdellDesign and Decorative Arts, Architecture, Technology of Education, Art Education2009 Margaret Portillo (grad student)
Yadunandana N. RaoElectronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Sudhir M. RaoElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence2008 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Manu RastogiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2012 John G Harris (grad student)
Adrianna Ratajska Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Alok Rathie
Kristofer K. Rau2006 Brian Y. Cooper (grad student)
Aniruddh RavindranBrain Machine Interfaces, Computational Neuroscience Biomedical Engineering20152017 Aysegul Gunduz (grad student)
Vishnu RavinuthulaElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 John G Harris (grad student)
Sruti Rayaprolu
Sruti Rayaprolu Neuroscience20142018 Jada Lewis (grad student)
Christopher M. RayeEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education, Community College Education2010 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
Signe A. RedfieldElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2001 John G Harris (grad student)
Roger Lyons ReepEvolutionary Neuroscience
Robert W. RegenhardtMedicine and Surgery, Physiology Biology, Pharmacology2012 Colin Sumners (grad student)
Cary L. ReichardSpecial Education, Higher Education, Developmental Psychology
Alaycia D. Reidhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2000 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Paul ReierNeurodegeneration,Traumatic Injury,Spinal Cord Injury, Respiratory Neuroplasticity, Pharmacological Modulation
Paul J. ReirNeuroscience Biology, Veterinary Science Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Jon Reiskindarachnology, systematics, evolution, ecology, biodiversity
Brent A. ReynoldsNeuroscience Biology, Oncology
Carie R. ReynoldsPhysiology Biology2009 Linda F. Hayward (grad student)
Cheyenne Reynolds Clinical and Heath Psychology Kimberly A. Driscoll (grad student)
Leah R. Reznikovairway disease, stress, nervous system, learning and memory, amygdala, vagus, cystic fibrosis, asthma, depression
Steven Rhodes19801982 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Albert Rhoton
Bruce L. RichManagement Business Administration, Personality Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2006 Jeffery A. LePine (grad student)
James Richards
Virginia M. RichardsAuditory cognition, psychophysics David Marvin Green (post-doc)
Ben D. RichardsonGABAA Receptor, Glycine Receptor, Cerebellum, auditory, glutamate20122014 Habibeh Khoshbouei (post-doc)
Natalie Richer20182020 Daniel P. Ferris (post-doc)
David Richman19731977 Jon Reiskind (grad student)
Sutton B. RichmondNeuromechanics, Biomechanics, & Neuroimaging Applied Physiology and Kinesiology2020 Rachael D. Seidler (post-doc)
Barbara A. RienzoPublic Health, Mental Health, Developmental Psychology
Angela D. RiggsTeacher Training Education, Educational Psychology Education2001 Tina Smith-Bonahue (grad student)
Joseph L. RileyClinical Psychology, Health Care Management
Aaron C. RisingNeurobiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2010 Ron Mandel (grad student)
Louis Ritz
Russell L. RobinsonMusic Education, Music, Social Psychology
Jessica B. RodellManagement Business Administration2010 Jason A. Colquitt (grad student)
Teresa Rodgers Brian Iwata (grad student)
James R. RodrigueClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Anthony C. RodriguesNeuroscience Biology2005 Andre P. Mauderli (grad student)
Amy D. RodriguezSpeech Pathology, Cognitive Psychology2010 John C. Rosenbek (grad student)
Edgardo RodriguezNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2005 Ron Mandel (grad student)
Carlos J. Rodriguez SallaberryAnimal Physiology Biology, Animal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture, Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology, Veterinary Science Biology2006 Lokenga Badinga (grad student)
Yvonne RogalskiSpeech Pathology, Cognitive Psychology, Aging2010 John C. Rosenbek (grad student)
Richard Rogers2000 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Miles T. RogishClinical Psychology2002 Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Brittany Rohl Clinical and Health Psychology2020 Eric C Porges (grad student)
Robin M. RompreGLBT Studies, Spirituality, Mental Health, Counseling Psychology2010 Silvia E. Doan (grad student)
Julia RoncoroniHealth Disparities Psychology Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Lionel Rood Psychology19962000 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
John C. RosenbekNeuroscience Biology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Speech Pathology
Rachel RosenthalPharmacy, Industrial Psychology Pharmaceutical Sciences2013 Richard Segal (grad student)
Lindsay Jessica RotblattNeuropsychology, aging, memory Clinical and Health Psychology20152020 Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Brad S. RothbergK+ channels1994 Bruce E. Hunter (grad student)
Kyle J. RouxNeuroscience Biology2004 Lucia N. Fletcher (grad student)
Amy L. RouxGeneral Psychology, Special Education2009 Tina Smith-Bonahue (grad student)
Peter Rowell Department of Pharmacology1975 George CY Chiou (grad student)
Neil E. Rowlandingestive behavior David Booth (grad student)
Cathy Rullan19911992 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Sadie Jane RyanMedical Geography, Ecology, Conservation Biology, Disease Ecology, Wildlife Biology, Spatial Ecology, Primatology Geography Geography Jason K. Blackburn (collaborator), Jane Southworth (collaborator)
Dean SabatinelliEmotion, fMRI, Psychophysiology2004 Margaret M. Bradley (grad student), Vincent D. Costa (collaborator)
Kourosh SaberiAuditory System, Neuroscience19931995 David Marvin Green (post-doc)
Joseph R. SadekEveryday Functioning, Stroke, Dementia19942000 Bruce Crosson (grad student)
Todd Sadow19811981 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Todd Sahagian Pharmacodynamics Charles Jason Frazier (grad student)
Tara L. Saia LewisClinical Psychology, Medicine and Surgery2001 James R. Rodrigue (grad student)
Ahmad F. SaleemSpeech Pathology, Recreation2005 John C. Rosenbek (grad student)
Nicola Sambucoaffective neuroscience
David Samson
Richard J. SamulskiNeuroscience Biology, Virology Biology1982 Nicholas Muzyczka (grad student)
Justin Cort SanchezBrain Machine Interfaces20002004 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student), Paul Richard Carney (post-doc)
Rene Sanchez19961997 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Luis G. Sanchez GiraldoElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics Electrical and Computer Engineering2012 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Luis Gonzalo Sanchez GiraldoMachine Learning, Computational Neuroscience Electrical and Computer Engineering20082012 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Milapjit S. Sandhuspinal cord2010 David D. Fuller (grad student)
Timothy Sannes Clinical & Health Psychology Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Eder Santana
Miguel Santos
Matthew R. SarkisianAging & Memory Loss,Neurodevelopment, Cortical Malformation, in utero Gene Transfer,Cilia, Brain Tumors
Diana K. SarkoSomatosensory system, multisensory processing20022006 Roger Lyons Reep (grad student)
Harsha M. SathyendraElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 John G Harris (grad student)
Kathryn A. SaulsgiverBehavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology2008 Clive D. L. Wynne (grad student)
Sandy Saunders Pharmacology20162021 Erica S. Levitt (grad student)
Charlayne Scarlett Clinical and Health Psychology Kimberly A. Driscoll (grad student)
Philip J. ScarpacePharmacology, Genetics, Neuroscience Biology, Public Health
Megan ScharettGuidance and Counseling Education, Counseling Psychology2010 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
Paul G. SchaubleClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education
Rachel (Speisman) ScheinertNeurogenesis and Ageing20092013 Brandi Kirshane Ormerod (grad student)
Philip Schentrup
Pauline SchilpzandOrganizational, Military Studies, Psychometrics Psychology, Management Business Administration2008 Amir Erez (grad student)
Tobias A. SchmidHemispatial neglect20092011 Roger Lyons Reep (research assistant)
Jessica A. SchulmanNutrition, Education, Medicine and Surgery2000 Barbara A. Rienzo (grad student)
Veronica Schurmann2018 Leah R. Reznikov (research assistant)
Nadine A. SchwabNeuroimaging/DTI, Diffusion, Parkinson's disease, dementia, POCD Catherine Elizabeth Price (grad student)
Odelia Schwartz
Lisa Sarah ScottInfant and adult perception, developmental cognitive neuroscience
Bonnie Scott Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Alicia M. ScottEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education2003 Tina Smith-Bonahue (grad student)
Richard Segal
Richard Segal
Gregg J. SelkeClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Physiological Psychology2005 Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Angelenia B. SemegonDevelopmental Psychology, Personality Psychology2006 Robin L. West (grad student)
Susan L. Semple-RowlandNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Ophthalmology
Sue Semple-RowlandNeurodegeneration,Retinal Photoreceptors, Circadian Clock, Light Entrainment,Phototransduction, Gene Expression, Lentiviral Vector, Gene Delivery
Dohyung SeoComputer Science, Computer Engineering2014 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Carol Sepkoski Psychology19751984 W. Keith Berg (grad student)
Anne E. SeraphineAdministration Education, Industrial Psychology
Sohan SethElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering2011 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Barry Setlowlearning and memory, addiction, decision-making
Yasin B SevenRespiratory physiology, neuroprotection Physical Therapy20152019 Gordon S. Mitchell (post-doc)
Lisa E. SeveryGuidance and Counseling Education, Vocational Education, Technology of Education2006 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
Prithvi K. ShahSpinal Cord Injury, Locomotion, CPGs, neurorehabilitation2008 Krista Vandenborne (grad student)
Marnie G. Shanbhag Psychology19941998 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Amanda M. ShawPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology2004 William J. Millard (grad student)
Neil F. Shay Biochemistry and Molecular Biology1990 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Orit ShechtmanRehabilitation and Therapy, Neuroscience Biology
Wanhui Sheng
Peter SherrardGuidance and Counseling Education, Social Work, Clinical Psychology
Jiong ShiDirector, Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology Program1998 James W. Simpkins (post-doc), James W. Simpkins (grad student)
James Shima
Jodi Shir Psychology19911996 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Fume Shiraishi Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19982000 Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Melissa Shirley Brian Iwata (grad student)
Mathew Shore Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Bridget Shore Brian Iwata (grad student)
Destin Shortell Clinical and Health Psychology2018 Eric C Porges (grad student)
Dennis Shuman Keith D. White (grad student)
Jonathan B Shute Biomedical Engineering20122016 Aysegul Gunduz (grad student)
Warren Siciliano19881989 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Timothy G. SilkMarketing Business Administration, Experimental Psychology2004 Chris A. Janiszewski (grad student)
Catia S. Silva Electrical & Computer Engineering2018 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
James W. Simpkins
Savyasachi SinghElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Speech Pathology, Audiology2014 John G Harris (grad student)
Abhishek Singh
Ravinder Singh
Meharvan SinghNeuroscience Biology1994 James W. Simpkins (grad student)
Alexander Singh AlvaradoElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, General Engineering2012 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Sarthak M. Singhal Charles Jason Frazier (grad student)
Laura K. Sirotanimal behavior2004 Helen Jane Brockmann (grad student)
Shannon M. Sisco Clinical and Health Psychology20072012 Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Lacy A. SkinnerEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education2012 Tina Smith-Bonahue (grad student)
Mark D. SkowronskiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence2004 John G Harris (grad student)
Isaac Sledge
Jinnie SloanNeuropeptides, Aplysia
Glenn M. SlomanEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education2010 Tina Smith-Bonahue (grad student)
Mary B. Smith2005 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Chase H. SmithSystematics and Biodiversity, Phylogenetics, Conservation
David W. Smith
Jack R. SmithEEG, sleep
Ronald L. Smith2004 Neil E. Rowland (grad student)
Tina Smith-Bonahue
Damian Smulewicz
Kenneth L. SmylieGuidance and Counseling Education, Religious Education, General Religion2003 Harry Daniels (grad student)
Steven J. Snowden Psychology20132017 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Aliyah R Snydertraumatic brain injury, concussion, autonomic nervous system, neuropsychology Clinical and Health Psychology20112017 Russell M. Bauer (grad student)
I Cheng Song1984 James W. Simpkins (grad student)
Inkyung SongPsychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology2014 Andreas Keil (grad student)
Robert Sorkin
Jane Southworth
Christopher N. Sozda20092012 William M. Perlstein (grad student), Vonetta M. Dotson (grad student)
Christopher Spankovichauditory system, hearing loss Colleen Le Prell (post-doc), Edward Lobarinas (post-doc)
Sara S. Sparrowautism spectrum disorders, mental retardation, assessment of children, gifted and with learning disabilities or emotional disturbance1968 Paul Satz (grad student)
Jeff Spaulding
Linda P. Spear19711975 Robert L. Isaacson (grad student)
Eric SpellmanComputer Science2005 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Mariah SpenglerCounseling Psychology, Public Health2010 Harry Daniels (grad student)
Karen S. SpicerWomen's Studies, Individual and Family Studies, Linguistics Language, Social Work2005 Silvia E. Doan (grad student)
Anne Spieles-EngemannParkinson's disease
George A. SpirouSensory Neuroscience Audition19811986 William E. Brownell (grad student)
Mariana Sponchiado2019 Leah R. Reznikov (post-doc)
Utaka S. SpringermTBI/PTSD, movement disorders, emotion, faces2010 Dawn Bowers (grad student), Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Narayan SrinivasaNeural Networks Mechanical Engineering1994 John C. Ziegert (grad student)
Steven J. St. Johntaste, behavior, electrophysiology Alan C. Spector (grad student)
Nicole StaffordBionics, Robotics, Human Movement Mechanical Engineering2019 Daniel P. Ferris (grad student)
Kevin E. Stanley2007 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Glenn StanleyIngestive behavior Robert J. Waldbillig (research assistant)
David A. StanleyEpilepsy Biomedical Engineering20102013 Paul Richard Carney (grad student), Sachin S. Talathi (grad student), Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Michael A. StaupPsychobiology Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Developmental Psychology2008 Donald J. Stehouwer (grad student)
Donald J. StehouwerDevelopment, motor systems
Dennis A. SteindlerNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Jerry Stephanz Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19881990 Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Crystal L. Stephens20072012 Brandi Kirshane Ormerod (grad student)
Roper N. Steven
David A. Stigge KaufmanCognitive Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Clinical Psychology2009 William M. Pearlstein (grad student)
Chelsea Strawder
Kristi A. Streeter (Strey)Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology Physical Therapy David D. Fuller (post-doc)
Wolfgang Streit
Ashley M. StriplingCounseling Psychology, Gerontology2011 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Keith A. StrudlerMass Communications, Personality Psychology2000 Kim Walsh-Childers (grad student)
LeighAnn Stubley1998 James W. Simpkins (post-doc)
Amanda Studnicki Biomedical Engineering20182023 Daniel P. Ferris (grad student)
Ozlem N. SubakanComputer Science2009 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Shelby K. Suckowpain, visceral, inflammation20052009 Robert M. Caudle (grad student)
Michael L. SulkowskiEducational Psychology Education2011 Thomas D. Oakland (grad student)
Colin SumnersAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Shraddha Sundaram Psychology20122016 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Michael Daniel Sunshine Physical Therapy20162021 David D. Fuller (grad student)
Daniel R. SwaleEntomology Biology, Toxicology, Neuroscience Biology2012 Jeffrey R. Bloomquist (grad student)
Lawton K. Swan Psychology20092013 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Clayton W SwansonMotor Control, Gait, Balance, Turning, TMS, MRI Institute on Aging and Clinical Research2021 David J. Clark (post-doc)
Sarah Szymkowicz20122018 Vonetta M. Dotson (grad student)
You-Lin TainAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2007 Chris Baylis (grad student)
Sachin S. TalathiComputational modeling, dynamics Paul Richard Carney (post-doc)
Lindsay A. TaliaferroPublic Health, Mental Health, Developmental Psychology2009 Barbara A. Rienzo (grad student)
Yoko TanimuraBehavioral Neuroscience2010 Mark H. Lewis (grad student)
Ashwini A. Tankhiwalerodent fear conditioning, behavior analysis, medial temporal lobe, single-unit responses in medial temporal lobe, molecular markers of plasticity (ERK, arc)20042006 Clive Wynne (research assistant)
Cynthia Tannahill Biochemistry and Molecular Biology1997 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Christina TannenSocial Sciences Education, Counseling Psychology2009 Harry Daniels (grad student)
Jared J. TannerNeuroimaging/DTI, Diffusion, Parkinson's disease, dementia, POCD20062015 Catherine Elizabeth Price (grad student)
Steven Tarr19801981 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Jaime L. Tartar20002004 Darragh P. Devine (grad student)
Janice Taube19941994 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Vitor M. TavaresElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology2001 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Brad P. Taylorcognitive aging, neuropsychology Clinical and Health Psychology20172023 Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Elliot Tebbe Psychology2015 Bonnie Moradi (grad student)
Andrew T. Tebbenkampneuroscience, genetics20052010 David R. Borchelt (grad student)
Philip Teitelbaummovement
Ione Tessmann Biochemistry and Molecular biology1997 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Nicole J. Tester20062006 Andrea L. Behrman (post-doc), Chetan Purushottam Phadke (collaborator), Dena Howland (grad student)
Nicole J. Tester
Prajwal P. ThakreNeural control of breathing, neurophysiology, synaptic transmission, pharmacology Department of Physical Therapy2019 David D. Fuller (post-doc)
Mary Thigpen Andrea L. Behrman (grad student)
Rajvignesh Thogula
Kelsey R. Thomasaging, mild cognitive impairment, dementia Department of Clinical and Health Psychology20092015 Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Floyd J. ThompsonSpinal cord, Motor control
Rachel H. Thompson2001 Brian Iwata (grad student)
Beverly E. ThornClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Experimental Psychology Clinical Health Psychology Robert A. Levitt (research scientist)
Roxanne M. ThornDevelopmental Psychology, Gerontology2003 Robin L. West (grad student)
Scott B Thourson Biomedical Engineering20182020 Kevin John Otto (post-doc)
Michael Harley ThursbyRF communications, Neural Networks19701974 Arnold Hastings Nevis (grad student)
Tom J. TiegsClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2008 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
John R. TodorovichPsychobiology Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
AnaMaria P. Tome CNEL19861990 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Tracy K. TorodeSpecial Education, Early Childhood Education2005 Cynthia C. Griffin (grad student)
Alessio Tovaglieri Brandi Kirshane Ormerod (grad student)
Stephen D. Towlerhuman neuroimaging Catherine Elizabeth Price (grad student)
James Tracy
Margaret F. Tremwel1993 Bruce E. Hunter (grad student)
Erin Trifilio Dawn Bowers (grad student)
Laura Trinastic Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Dunja L. TrunkAging2007 Lise Abrams (grad student)
Carolyn M. Tuckerhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes
Meggen Tucker SixbeyGuidance and Counseling Education, Psychometrics Psychology2005 Peter Sherrard (grad student)
Ilkay E. TuncerMusic Education, Black Studies, African American Studies2008 Timothy S. Brophy (grad student)
Cortney A. TurnerNeuroscience Biology2003 Mark H. Lewis (grad student)
Larry Turner
Sean Michael TurnerEpilepsy, Aging Neuroscience20132018 Sara N. Burke (research assistant)
Perry T. TwyfordBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology Biomedical Engineering2011 Thomas DeMarse (grad student)
Callie E. TynerClinical neuropsychology, measurement20102010 William M. Perlstein (grad student), Shelley C. Heaton (grad student)
Monique A. UdellBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Zoology Biology2011 Clive D. L. Wynne (grad student)
Kirill Ukhanov Trese Leinders-Zufall (post-doc)
Chantel Ulfig Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Rosaria C. UpchurchIndividual and Family Studies, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health2004 Silvia E. Doan (grad student)
Reinhold Urbschat
Morgan E UrdanetaNeuroprosthetics, Neural implants, Brain Machine Interfaces, Microstimulation Neuroscience2016 Kevin John Otto (grad student)
Ann M. UsitaloClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2002 Stephen Boggs (grad student)
Dennis D. UyMarketing Business Administration2010 Chris A. Janiszewski (grad student)
Ismail UysalElectronics and Electrical Engineering2008 John G Harris (grad student)
Manish VaidyaLearning, Stimulus Equivalence, Behaviorism, Behavior Analysis2000 Timothy D. Hackenberg (grad student)
David E. VaillancourtMotor Physiology, Movement Disorders Christopher W. Hess (collaborator)
Edward Valenstein
John Valentine Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19881991 Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
Thomas R. Van Den AbellLateralization of Function, Traumatic Brain Injury19741978 Paul Satz (grad student)
Jacob J. Van den Berghealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2009 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Frans van Haarenbehavior analysis, behavioral pharmacology
Carol Van HartesveldtNeuroscience
Krista Vandenborne
Adrienn G. Varganeuroethology Pharmacology20172022 Erica S. Levitt (post-doc)
Justin Adam VarholickPhenotypic plasticity, tissue regeneration, social behavior
Archana Vasanthakumar
Tim Vath
Cheryl H. Vaughan2006 Neil E. Rowland (grad student)
Manuel J. Velezanimal behavior2004 Helen Jane Brockmann (grad student)
Brandon L. Velezminority stress, stigma, identity, intersectionality, career, counseling psychology Psychology Bonnie Moradi (grad student)
Craig VelozoRehabilitation and Therapy, Psychometrics Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Baba Vemuri
Suresh Venkumahanti
Louise S. VenneWildlife Conservation Agriculture, Wildlife Management Agriculture, Ecology Biology2012 Peter C. Frederick (grad student)
Jonathan D. VerrierNeurobiology Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology2009 Lucia Notterpek (grad student)
Charles J. Vierck, Jr.Pain
Alberto Villalon
Elizabeth VillaresGuidance and Counseling Education, Secondary Education2004 Harry Daniels (grad student)
David L. Vogel2000 Franz Epting (grad student)
Kevin Vogt20172019 Leah R. Reznikov (research assistant)
Scott VranaClinical Psychology Peter J. Lang (grad student)
Nheing Vu19801981 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Kevin K. W. WangNeuroscience Biology
Matt WachowiakOlfactory coding and synaptic processing, imaging, neurophysiology Barry Ache (grad student)
Nancy WadronCognitive Psychology, Policy Education, General Education
Robert J. Waldbilligingestive behavior Warren W. Roberts (grad student)
Nancy WaldronEarly Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology
Kelly WalkerClinical Psychology2007 David M. Janicke (grad student)
Alyssa C Walkerneurodegenerative disease, protein conformational disease, microbiology, host-pathogen Microbiology and Cell Science20182022 Daniel M. Czyz (grad student)
Stephen Frank WalkerBehavior Analysis Psychology Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Cory E. Wallackhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2007 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Kim Walsh-ChildersMass Communications, Personality Psychology
Todd J. Walterhealth disparities, obesity, diabetes2001 Carolyn M. Tucker (grad student)
Jewell Walters2009 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Duncan M. WambuguMusic, African Studies, Music Education2012 Russell L. Robinson (grad student)
Zhizhou WangComputer Science, Biomedical Engineering2004 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Ying-Chih (Inga) WangRehabilitation and Therapy2007 Craig Velozo (grad student)
Jia-Hwa WangRehabilitation and Therapy2009 Craig Velozo (grad student)
Chao WangCognitive neuroscience, Neural oscillations, Traumatic brain injury, Signal processing, Biomedical Engineering20092014 Mingzhou Ding (grad student)
Yiwen WangElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2008 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Ludong Wang
Chuan Wang
Mo WangIndustrial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Gerontology
Yixiao WangRetina, Proteostasis, Proteasomes, Development MGM20172018 Alfred S. Lewin (research assistant)
Bethany C. Wangelinexposure therapy, PTSD, psychophysiology, emotion, attention, fear & anxiety20042012 Peter J. Lang (grad student)
Marilyn J. WardMusic Education, American Studies2003 Russell L. Robinson (grad student)
Brandon L. WarrenNeuronal ensembles in addiction
Christy Warring BlairGuidance and Counseling Education2003 Joe Wittmer (grad student)
Michael F. Waters Biochemistry and Molecular Biology1999 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Teresa Watts Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19891991 Harry S. Nick (post-doc)
David A. WaybrightMusic Education, Music, Social Psychology
Wilse B. Webbsleep research
S. David Webb
Constance A. Weber-SoriceAdministration Education, Industrial Psychology2002 Anne E. Seraphine (grad student)
Stephanie M. WebsterGuidance and Counseling Education, Health Education, Clinical Psychology, General Religion, Public Health2004 Harry Daniels (grad student)
Dazhi WeiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2005 John G Harris (grad student)
Michael F. WeigoldMass Communications, Journalism, Social Psychology1989 Barry R. Schlenker (grad student)
Jennifer L. WeitzelSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology2000 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Natalie C. Weldon Psychology20132017 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Pey-Shan WenRehabilitation and Therapy, Cognitive Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education2009 Craig Velozo (grad student)
Daniel W. WessonOlfaction, Sensory coding, Olfactory tubercle
Robin L. West
Sara Wetter-Wren Clinical and Health Psychology Kimberly A. Driscoll (grad student)
Keith William Whitakersocial behavior plasticity20042005 Donald J. Stehouwer (research assistant)
Todd E. White Paul Reier (grad student)
Travis G. White Russell M. Bauer (grad student)
Keith D. Whitevisaul perception, fMRI, stroke rehab, movement disorder
Christina E. WierengaClinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, General Language, Developmental Psychology2005 Bruce Crosson (grad student)
Patricia M. Wiessel19971998 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Elle Wiggins Clinical and Health Psychology2016 Catherine Elizabeth Price (grad student)
Dexter Wilborn Psychology19982023 Martin Heesacker (grad student)
Eric WildManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2004 Jason A. Colquitt (grad student)
Kristin M. WildeboerNeuroscience Biology2005 Willaim R. Kem (grad student)
Jenny L. Wilkersonpain, cannabinoids, neuroinflammation
Bradley Wilkesreflexes in autism Keith D. White (grad student)
Bradley J WilkesMovement Disorders, Autism, Parkinson's disease, Dystonia Psychiatry Psychology Applied Physiology and Kinesiology20182022 Mark H. Lewis (grad student), Keith D. White (grad student), David E. Vaillancourt (post-doc)
Courtney Wilkinson Kelly Marie Banna (research assistant)
Bernard Williams
Sharyl A. WilliamsEducational Psychology Education, Cognitive Psychology, Reading Education, Psychobiology Psychology2001 Thomas D. Oakland (grad student)
David J. WilliamsonPNES19931995 Kenneth M. Heilman (post-doc), Bruce Crosson (grad student)
John Williamson
Jared T. WilseyPharmacology, Genetics, Neuroscience Biology, Public Health2003 Philip J. Scarpace (grad student)
Debbie L. WilsonPharmacy, Cognitive Psychology2004 David Brushwood (grad student)
Robert J. WingfieldClinical Psychology, Public Health, Behavioral Psychology2013 Nancy Waldron (grad student)
Sandra M. WinterOccupational Therapy2009 John C. Rosenbek (grad student)
Jason Winters Biomedical Engineering Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Celeste Wirsig-Wiechman
Edward D. WirthNeuroscience Biology Paul Reier (grad student)
Rebecca Maulden Wiseheart2010 Linda Lombardino (grad student)
Rafal P. WitekCell Biology2005 Bryon E. Petersen (grad student)
Joe WittmerMental Health, Clinical Psychology
Maria P. WojtalewiczEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology, Early Childhood Education2004 Tina Smith-Bonahue (grad student)
William Wong Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19851990 Harry S. Nick (grad student)
Shan Wong Deidre B. Pereira (grad student)
Kali L. Woodruff CarrExperience-dependent plasticity of the auditory brainstem Jamie Reilly (research assistant), David W. Smith (research assistant)
Charles Barrie Woods Keith D. White (grad student)
Adam J. WoodsCognitive neuroscience of aging
Beverly A. WrightPsychoacoustics David Marvin Green (grad student)
Katherine N. Wright Daniel W. Wesson (post-doc)
Clive Wynnebehavior of animals, including dogs and other canids, behavior analysis, operant conditioning, timing
Yuchen XieComputer Engineering, Computer Science, Radiology2012 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Patricia M. Xirau-ProbertGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology2007 Silvia E. Doan (grad student)
Guilian Xutransgenic mice, Alzheimer's disease, ALS,
Dongming XuElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2005 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Jianwu XuElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Dongxin Xu
Anthony T. Yachnis
Avin Z. YaldoPharmacy2002 Richard Segal (grad student)
Anna Yam Clinical and Health Psychology20082014 Michael Marsiske (grad student)
Yuzo Yanagitsuru Biology2015 James (Jimmy) Chienan Liao (grad student)
Shao Hau Yang2000 James W. Simpkins (post-doc)
Rachelle L. YankelevitzBehavioral Psychology2009 Timothy D. Hackenberg (grad student)
Bill J. YatesVestibular system, Autonomic control,19821986 Floyd J. Thompson (grad student)
Wenxing YeComputer Engineering, Radiology2012 Baba Vemuri (grad student)
Sheng-Feng (. YenElectronics and Electrical Engineering2011 John G Harris (grad student)
Li-Kang Yen
David C. YeomansPain1989 Charles J. Vierck, Jr. (grad student)
Robert P. YezierskiNeuroscience Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology
David N. YonutasCurriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education2001 Lee J. Mullally (grad student)
Taewhan Yoon
Lise M. YoungbladeDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Fahong YuZoology Biology, Genetics2002 Charles Barrie Woods (grad student)
Xi YuMulti-Modal LLM, Information theory Electrical and Computer Engineering20192022 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Lichao YuMechanical Engineering, Computer Science2000 Ashok Kumar (grad student)
Shujian Yu
Fang-S Yu
Chun J Yu1996 James W. Simpkins (post-doc)
Xiaomeng Yuanvisual system, EEG, anxiety Psychology Andreas Keil (grad student)
Hon K. YuenTests and Measurements Education2000 Anne E. Seraphine (grad student)
Rabia ZafarEpilepsy 2010 Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Abir Zahalka
Laura B. Zahodne2006 Dawn Bowers (grad student), Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz (research assistant)
Shannon L. ZandyNeuropharmacology Pharmacodynamics Joanna Peris (research assistant)
Juan Zapata
Jennifer Zarcone Brian Iwata (grad student)
Larissa Zaulyanov19951998 James W. Simpkins (research assistant)
Tricia M. ZawackiClinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology2000 Eileen B. Fennell (grad student)
Sung-Uk ZhangMechanical Engineering2010 Ashok Kumar (grad student)
Yu-Qi Zhang1997 James W. Simpkins (post-doc)
Yan ZhangfMRI, EEG/ERP, emotional processing, sensory perception20032008 Mingzhou Ding (grad student)
Fangliang ZhangMolecular Biology2005 Daniel L. Purich (grad student)
Jiejin ZhangPharmacology, Physiology Biology2009 Philip J. Scarpace (grad student)
Weirong ZhangNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2004 Paul W. Davenport (grad student)
Songlin ZhaoElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, General Engineering2012 Jose Carlos Principe (grad student)
Donghang ZhengCell Biology2006 Bryon E. Petersen (grad student)
Xiao Zhoumotor adaptation, brain-computer interface Keith D. White (grad student)
Pingping ZhuSignal Processing, Machine Learning, Intelligent Control
Maria Zildani Paul Richard Carney (grad student)
Zvinka Z. ZlatarNeurocognitive Aging2008 Bruce Crosson (grad student), Keith M. McGregor (collaborator)
Alyssa N. ZuckerSocial Psychology, Women's Studies, Clinical Psychology,
Paula Zuffante
David Zweidinger