Brian Martens

Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States 
"Brian Martens"


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Sandra Chafouleas grad student Syracuse (Neurotree)
Derek D. Reed grad student Syracuse
William E Sullivan grad student Syracuse
Scott P. Ardoin grad student 2001 Syracuse
Merrill J. Berkowitz grad student 2003 Syracuse
Alexandra M. Hilt grad student 2004 Syracuse
John C. Begeny grad student 2005 Syracuse
Carlos J. Panahon grad student 2005 Syracuse
Florence D. DiGennaro Reed grad student 2006 Syracuse
Amanda L. Lannie grad student 2006 Syracuse
Staci A. Montarello grad student 2007 Syracuse
Lynne E. Gertz grad student 2011 Syracuse
Candace S. Werder grad student 2012 Syracuse
Tonya Lambert grad student 2014 Syracuse
BETA: Related publications


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Martens BK, Baxter EL. (2020) Pediatric Prevention: Academic Behavior. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 67: 469-479
Martens BK, Young ND, Mullane MP, et al. (2019) Effects of word overlap on generalized gains from a repeated readings intervention. Journal of School Psychology. 74: 1-9
Martens BK, Lambert TL, Sullivan WE, et al. (2016) Choice in transition: Replication and extension to preschool children in a naturalistic setting. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 105: 307-21
Martens BK, Gertz LE, Werder CS, et al. (2014) Measures of association in contingency space analysis Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 59: 114-119
Martens BK, Werder CS, Hier BO, et al. (2013) Fluency Training in Phoneme Blending: A Preliminary Study of Generalized Effects Journal of Behavioral Education. 22: 16-36
Panahon CJ, Martens BK. (2013) A Comparison of Noncontingent Plus Contingent Reinforcement to Contingent Reinforcement Alone on Students' Academic Performance Journal of Behavioral Education. 22: 37-49
Reed DD, Martens BK. (2011) Temporal discounting predicts student responsiveness to exchange delays in a classroom token system. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 44: 1-18
Martens BK, Gertz LE, de Lacy Werder CS, et al. (2010) Agreement Between Descriptive and Experimental Analyses of Behavior under Naturalistic Test Conditions Journal of Behavioral Education. 19: 205-221
Martens BK, Gertz LE. (2009) Brief experimental analysis: A decision tool for bridging the gap between research and practice Journal of Behavioral Education. 18: 92-99
Martens BK, Digennaro FD, Reed DD, et al. (2008) Contingency space analysis: an alternative method for identifying contingent relations from observational data. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 41: 69-81
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