Ashutosh Dixit

Monte Ahuja College of Business Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
"Ashutosh Dixit"
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Clouse C, Dixit A, Turken N. (2020) The role of place image for business site selection: a research framework, propositions, and a case study Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. 16: 174-186
Kumar V, Dixit A, Javalgi R(G, et al. (2015) Research framework, strategies, and applications of intelligent agent technologies (IATs) in marketing Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Dixit A, Hall KD, Dutta S. (2014) Psychological influences on customer willingness to pay and choice in automated retail settings: Context effects, attribute framing, and perceptions of fairness American Journal of Business. 29: 237-260
Tukel OI, Dixit A. (2013) Application of customer lifetime value model in make-to-order manufacturing Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. 28: 468-474
Javalgi R(G, Deligonul S, Dixit A, et al. (2011) International Market Reentry: A Review and Research Framework International Business Review. 20: 377-393
Zhang JQ, Dixit A, Friedmann R. (2010) Customer Loyalty and Lifetime Value: An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Packaged Goods The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. 18: 127-140
Javalgi R(G, Dixit A, Scherer RF. (2009) Outsourcing to emerging markets: Theoretical perspectives and policy implications Journal of International Management. 15: 156-168
Dixit A, Whipple TW, Zinkhan GM, et al. (2008) A taxonomy of information technology-enhanced pricing strategies Journal of Business Research. 61: 275-283
Dixit A, Chintagunta PK. (2007) Learning and exit behavior of new entrant discount airlines from city-pair markets Journal of Marketing. 71: 150-168
Dixit A, Gundlach GT, Malhotra NK, et al. (2006) Aggressive and predatory pricing: Insights and empirical examination in the airline industry Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. 25: 172-187
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