E Kevin Kelloway

Saint Mary's University (Canada) 
Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
"E Kelloway"
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Martínez-Íñigo D, Zacharewicz T, Kelloway EK. (2020) The mediating role of shops stewards´ union citizenship behaviour in the relationship between shop stewards and union members’ loyalty: a multilevel analysis European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 1-9
Gilbert S, Kelloway EK. (2018) Self-determined leader motivation and follower perceptions of leadership Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 39: 608-619
Pek S, Turner N, Tucker S, et al. (2017) Injunctive safety norms, young worker risk-taking behaviors, and workplace injuries. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 106: 202-210
Kelloway EK. (2017) Mental health in the workplace: Towards evidence-based practice. Canadian Psychology. 58: 1-6
Mullen J, Kelloway EK, Teed M. (2017) Employer safety obligations, transformational leadership and their interactive effects on employee safety performance Safety Science. 91: 405-412
Zacharewicz T, Martínez-Íñigo D, Kelloway EK. (2016) A Longitudinal Study of Shop Stewards’ Union Commitment and Perceptions of Union Instrumentality and Support Applied Psychology. 65: 160-182
Gilbert S, Horsman P, Kelloway EK. (2016) The motivation for transformational leadership scale Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 37: 158-180
Ford DP, Myrden SE, Kelloway EK. (2016) Workplace aggression targets’ vulnerability factor: job engagement International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 9: 202-220
Wong JH, Kelloway EK. (2015) What Happens at Work Stays at Work? Workplace Supervisory Social Interactions and Blood Pressure Outcomes. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Turner N, Tucker S, Kelloway EK. (2015) Prevalence and demographic differences in microaccidents and safety behaviors among young workers in Canada. Journal of Safety Research. 53: 39-43
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